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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie trailer *rejoices*

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 11:15 am
by Mangafanatic
It has been a long time since we Potter junkies had something new and Harry related to huggle upon. Now, in these desolate time between last years release of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and the upcoming release of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, I give you a MOVIE TRAILER FOR GOBLET OF FIRE!!! Let all Harry-loving citizens of earth throw confetti and make other outward displays of hapiness.

Go forth. Watch. Discuss.

Low res trailer:

Medium res trailer:

High res trailer:

*goes from complete jubulation to dispair at the thought of having to wait until NOVEMBER to see it! Alas!*

[BTW, I humbly request that everyone respect everyone else's views on Harry Potter. If your express purpose in posting in this thread is purely to stur up trouble, post "U R goign to Hell 4 this movies", or post "All people who don't like harry r stoopid"-- well, please don't. There's enough hatred in this world to go around. The last place we need it is here among brothers and sisters in Christ. Thanks guys!]

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 5:38 pm
by Joshua Christopher
Not a fan. I'd rather see like... a Panzer Dragoon movie. : P

Wait, scratch that.

The only movie I'm looking forward to is Unleashed.

And no, I'm not putting anyone down if they like Harry.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 7:48 pm
by true_noir_chloe
I forgot to record the Harry Potter, Chamber of Secrets movie the other night to try and catch the scenes from this most recent movie coming out. I did catch the last hour. Did you see it, Osaka? They only showed a small excerpt of interviews with the actors who portray Ron and Hermione.

Man, I'm looking forward to the new movie. Thanks for those trailers. This is one movie I am looking forward to. The dragon will be awesome! ^_______^

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 6:01 am
by uc pseudonym
You know, I haven't even bothered to see the third movie yet. Perhaps I should, because it did have Dementors. In any case, this movie appeals to me far less than the fifth (this is just me, but I want to see more real wizard duels). For this movie, it will be interesting to see how they condense the plot into a movie-length feature.

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 6:42 am
by Mangafanatic
uc pseudonym wrote:You know, I haven't even bothered to see the third movie yet. Perhaps I should, because it did have Dementors. In any case, this movie appeals to me far less than the fifth (this is just me, but I want to see more real wizard duels). For this movie, it will be interesting to see how they condense the plot into a movie-length feature.

The third one was the best so far, IMHO. It's worth the time you'd spend watching it.

true_noir_chloe wrote:I forgot to record the Harry Potter, Chamber of Secrets movie the other night to try and catch the scenes from this most recent movie coming out. I did catch the last hour. Did you see it, Osaka? They only showed a small excerpt of interviews with the actors who portray Ron and Hermione.

Yeah, I watched it all and giggled with giddy anticipation during every clip.

Luckily Chloe, if you go to, you can download the clips you missed. They're really funny, and they're enough to make a fan say "NOVEMBER!! DARN IT! NOVEMBER IS A MILLION YEARS AWAY!!!"

As far as my out look on the movie goes, I'm optomistic right now. I probably shouldn't be, but all the dialogue and portrayals of events which we've seen in the trailer haven't disappointed me. The dialogue in particular seems very close to the book. (Yumie was perfectly thrilled when she heard the last line of the trailer, seeing as that's one of the coolest lines in the book. ["The time will come when we must choose between doing what is right and doing what is easy."])

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 6:47 am
by Mangafanatic
Double post. Darn.

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 10:22 am
by true_noir_chloe
Thanks for the link, Osaka. *goes to check it out*

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 10:42 am
by livewire
I agree that the third movie was the best. It was the most accurate towards the books. I adore the books. I've read them all over five times each and am very much looking forward to the release of the next book. J.K Rowling is such a good author....I don't know if anyone has gone back and re-read all the books, but it is amazing to me how much she has forshadowed EVERYTHING so well. Seriously, there are things in the fourth and fifth books that she alluded to in the first!
Anyways, thanx for the link to the trailer of the Goblet of fire. I am excitedely anticipating the release of the movie!...
I can't watch it now because I am in the library at my university, but, I can watch it later....=)


PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 8:00 pm
by Savior_Sora
Awesome I just watched it!!!. This was my favorite book and from the previews I think they will do this movie justice ^.^

I mean come on we get to see... [spoiler] Voldemort Reborn and also see Cedric and Cho ^.^[/spoiler]

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 12:21 am
by Bobtheduck
It looks great, even though my enthusiasm is used up for Narnia right now... Narnia and Potter side by side is going to be a hard one... Of course, I hope Narnia does extended editions and stuff, which Potter didn't... Maybe that will change this time around... I will scream if "Order of the Phoenix" gets released as ONE 2 1/2 HR MOVIE!!!

Um... I'm still looking forward to this one...

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 5:06 am
by uc pseudonym
Bobtheduck wrote:I will scream if "Order of the Phoenix" gets released as ONE 2 1/2 HR MOVIE!!!

Yes; as the books increase in size, it becomes more difficult to condense its content into a single movie. But actually, I've noticed that the books have been increasing the margins and perhaps font size. I suspect if I saw actual word-counts for all the books, they would not increase as much as the physical size appears to indicate.

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 10:58 am
by mechana2015
Eh.. I'm looking forward to is a reeaaallly well done dragon or two especiallay out of this... havn't seen a good 3D dragon in a movie since... reign of fire (twitch twitch)? I'm really looking forward to the whole triwizard bit since it involves some very intrigueing charachters.

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 6:21 pm
by Mangafanatic
uc pseudonym wrote:this is just me, but I want to see more real wizard duels

Well, UC, there will be the

[spoiler=stuff you shouldn't know unless you've read the book. So don't read it if you haven't read the book. And don't think I won't know. . .]duel in the grave yard at the rebirth of Voldemort. Perhaps that can tide us over until Order.[/spoiler]

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2005 1:34 pm
by uc pseudonym
That isn't the same, but yes, it will have to do. That having been said,

[spoiler=The End of Book 4]I wonder how the movie will do the ressurection of Voldemort. This part is the only event of the series that has struck me as having any truly occult elements.[/spoiler]

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2005 7:00 pm
by Bobtheduck
At least he's definately portrayed as evil, though...

Yeah, I consider that a real wizard duel... What is different about that than what takes place in "Order"?

What I worry about are the eccentric sort of characters that may have bad design models... Wormtail in 3 was rather bad, I haven't seen any pics of Madeye yet, and I'm really scared of what they may do with Umbridge in "Order"... I mean, the way rowling described her worked for the book, but I see so much potential for it going wrong... Along those same lines, how are they going to visualize the Veela... "the most beautiful women" is a rather subjective thing... If they end up with bouffant's and overdone makeup, I will throw up... Fleur didn't look too bad, though, so it still may work...


PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 10:50 am
by uc pseudonym
Bobtheduck wrote:At least he's definately portrayed as evil, though...

Yes, that is what prevented the scene from worrying me greatly. But it did mark a move away from purely incantational magic.

Bobtheduck wrote:Yeah, I consider that a real wizard duel... What is different about that than what takes place in "Order"?

Keep in mind that it has been some time since I have read the books, so some of my information may be wrong, but

[spoiler=The End of Book 4]in my mind the key difference is that Harry isn't even close to Voldemort's level. He spends most of his time running away]

Bobtheduck wrote:and I'm really scared of what they may do with Umbridge in "Order"... I mean, the way rowling described her worked for the book, but I see so much potential for it going wrong...

I hadn't considered that yet, but yes, I agree with you.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:46 am
by Mangafanatic
NEW TRAILER!! This one is much longer and is, frankly, freakin' awesome.

Watch and discuss, my Potter loving brethren!! Bwa ha ha!!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 5:07 pm
by christianfriend
I've seen that trailer sooo many times. Just Last night me and My cousin had a Harry Potter Pre-party. Its something we do when a harry potter movie comes out in the theatures. Then when the movie comes out on DVD we watch ALL the movies that night. Its gonna be a loooong night when the 7th movie comes out on DVD.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 6:23 pm
by Zilch
U R goign to Hell 4 this movies!

Sorry, Osaka, you drove me to it.

Consider this a free bump for the Harry Potter fans.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 8:25 pm
by Bobtheduck
The new trailer... Um... Mad Eye moody looks rediculous... Not at all like I imagined him. He's supposed to be threatening, not goofy. I hope Voldemort looks good, but alas... I won't really be able to see that part of it, will I? Well, not if I end up at home... My parents are anti-Potter, so if I go back home, I won't get to see it... I just hope I'm back out of the house (for the last time) by the time Book 7 comes out...

There will be hell to pay if someone spoils book 7 for me...

Oh, and potter fever will be long dead by the time movie 7 hits theaters!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 11:43 am
by uc pseudonym
I have yet to see any of the trailers. Though my original intent was not to see the fourth movie for quite some time, some of my friends are considering watching in in theaters, and I may go for the sake of community.

Bobtheduck wrote:Oh, and potter fever will be long dead by the time movie 7 hits theaters!

We shall see. If the fad does die away, however, I predict that it will do so a few years before the seventh movie, then be revived by it (as it will be the last Harry Potter release, provided that there is no commerical milking of the series).

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 12:10 pm
by Scribs
yeah, Mad Eye looked a bit goofy. but if he is acted correctly, it could be salvaged. I am lookng forward to this movie, but at the same time dreading it. I just know that it is going to be butchered.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:57 am
by Mangafanatic
Bobtheduck wrote:The new trailer... Um... Mad Eye moody looks rediculous...

I completely agree. He does look too humourous, but perhaps the actor playing him will be able to execute the part in such a way that he can overcome the childish facade. I hope. . .

Being the die-hard optimist that I am, I still hold out great hope for this movie. Even if it's not as try to the book as I'd like, I'm going to try to walk into the theater having divorced the film from the book. I always enjoy them more that way.