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Any runners here?

Postby David » Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:13 pm

I run a lot for our cross country team.I run sometimes for up to eight miles.Running may be painful at first but when you are past the cramps and the soreness it can be very competitive.I was ranked tenth in state last year in a state cross country meet. My favorite thing about Cross country is when you start off there are about seventy people on the line,halfway through the race if you look back and see all the people you pass it makes you feel good and you run faster.It is really all a mental aspect that determines whether or not you do good in the race. Any runners here? I would like to here how your times for the three mile are.
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Postby CDLviking » Thu Mar 03, 2005 7:22 pm

I used to run CC in high school. I was all about running. Sometimes I'd do 15 miles in a day. I don't remember my best 5K (3.2 miles) time, but I think it was somewhere just above 16 minutes. Nothing quite compares with running through the Arizona desert in the summer.
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Postby CobaltAngel » Thu Mar 03, 2005 7:58 pm

Dude you guys rock! I also run CC, and I'm planning to do track this spring. Running is one of the most amazing sports in the work IMO. :3
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Postby VioletEyedCat » Thu Mar 03, 2005 8:07 pm

Well, I am on the track team- whether or not I am a 'runner' is up for debate. I'm not very talented- I run the 4x8 and the 4x1 relays in meets and throw the shot and disc. But, even though running is not something I enjoy- I've been on the team for six years, and I'm now the Girl's Team captain. Probably because I'm the oldest one there. Sigh... You guys remind me of a friend I have who just loves to run, and runs every day, even though she's graduated high school and doesn't have to anymore. She scares me. So do you.

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Postby CDLviking » Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:57 pm

I never enjoyed track much. I can't stand running in circles. I also like to turn right occassionally.
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Postby David » Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:33 am

Yeah I might run track too.My cross country coach is our track coach so he is trying to get me to join the track team,he is very persuasive. ..Ha ha,I even remember one time when I was training on a track I pushed myself to hard I was throwing up and I got sooo sick I almost passed out(I thought I was gonna die!). Come to find out I ran a mile in four minutes and fifty eight seconds,The coach had to drive me home lecturing me about pushing my limits and how I should be careful.Igot home sick.....Good times,good times,boy did that hurt in the morning.xD
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Postby David » Fri Mar 04, 2005 11:36 am

Nothing quite compares with running through the Arizona desert in the summer.

0_o I bet!!
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Postby CDLviking » Fri Mar 04, 2005 3:02 pm

I definitely recommend running track. Even if I did not like it, it made me a better runner. I also think pushing your limits is a good thing, as long as you can still do it come race time.
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Postby Kkun » Fri Mar 04, 2005 3:06 pm

I run...not for school or anything, but just because I like to run. I try to just run for thirty minutes at a time, like five days a week or so. I really want to get better at running a mile, just for myself. My best is like 7 minutes or something. Not impressive but better than I was doing six months ago when I started heh.
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Postby Zedian » Fri Mar 04, 2005 8:49 pm

I am not a professional runner or even track meet for that matter but I attempt at doing my routine 1 mile run every now and then.
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Postby David » Fri Mar 04, 2005 10:04 pm

I run...not for school or anything, but just because I like to run. I try to just run for thirty minutes at a time, like five days a week or so. I really want to get better at running a mile, just for myself. My best is like 7 minutes or something. Not impressive but better than I was doing six months ago when I started heh.

Awesome! When you run for enjoyment you can be such a good runner,you will notice that youre endurance goes up and you start to hurt less and less.

I am not a professional runner or even track meet for that matter but I attempt at doing my routine 1 mile run every now and then.

That is really good for you.Just doing one mile every once in a while can make all the difference in your health.

Oh yeah,CDlviking I might do track my coach says I can help the team win reigionals and that the team needs me.I might not do it because I don't have much time for practices with all I have to do when I get home.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sat Mar 05, 2005 11:30 am

I am so definitely not a runner, even though I'm on the tall side, I come from a family of big boned people and I have slight hip problems. I'm prolly just making excuses though, the fact is, I typically start gasping and collapsing within about three minutes of starting running. Yup, I'm definitely more a jogger or an endurance swimmer. I definitely really respect all of you people who are good at it, you're all seeming quite superhuman to me.
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Postby CDLviking » Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:30 pm

Endurance is easy to build. The people who have always seemed superhuman to me are jumpers. Even though I can't do it, I can see how it is possible to run a 4 minute mile, but I'll never be able to grasp how humans can clear 7'2" poles, or leap over 20' in a single bound. :eh:
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Postby haru_bay_nay » Sat Mar 05, 2005 1:36 pm

I run CC and am starting track right now. I used to absolutely abhor running, but I'm enjoying it more as I do it more frequently. I'm in the top 4 of my class, but that's not saying much since we have like 20 in 8th grade girls athletics... I run long-distance and sprints/relays, but I've always liked track better b/c I loooove sprints and relays. I dunno...I never liked long-distance as much because it seems to take forever.

Yeah, I've never been good at jumping or anything, even though I'm freakishly tall and have super-long legs. I can't long jump, high jump, or polevault. How do they do that?!?!?! I tried to high-jump for sooo long, and it's impossible!!! I was gonna be a hurdler...but in the final tryouts, I sorta clipped my huge foot on a hurdle and rolled when I hit the ground...
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Postby CDLviking » Sat Mar 05, 2005 2:12 pm

I didn't like sprints for the opposite reason. They're so short it hardly seems like a race. For me, real races begin with the 400m, or sprint relays.

I wouldn't give up on hurdles yet. Hurdling is all about technique, and if you really have long legs, you could do quite well at it. You just need a good coach to show you how to move over the hurdles.
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Postby Scribs » Sat Mar 05, 2005 3:44 pm

Running, Ha!

Running is for wimps! The truely noble art is walking. Now, I am not talking the sissy walks that people do around the neiborhood, or at the mall, I am talking about Racewalk. Yes racewalk. Do you think you could walk a mile in less than eight minuts? When I say walk, I mean at no point may your knees be bent on the downward stroke, and at least one foot must be touching the ground at all times. Try that, and then brag about your running. Your calves will 3xpl0d3!

I hold the all time racewalk record for my track team. I doubt any of you can say that.

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Postby olorc » Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:13 pm

Piloswine...I am on your track team...I will restrain myself...
BTW for those of you who don't know about race's real, Piloswine didn't make it up. A lot of states don't have it at the middle or highschool levels, I don't know why but they don't. Our state has it and it is really quite challenging and impressive. Some people can walk at a face jog pace and still keep form.

I myself am a runner. I run all short distances outdoors. 100, 200, 400 4x1 are my events. Also High Jump for fun. Next year I'm going to Talyor University and runnin their track team, hopefully that will work out well. They said they could give me some scholarships money too. Anyway. Running really does seem like a mental strength sport. Usually it comes down to who can force themselves to exert harder longer. More a mental release of inhabitions to use your body to the max.
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Postby CDLviking » Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:30 pm

piloswine wrote:I hold the all time racewalk record for my track team. I doubt any of you can say that.

Actually, I'm also quite good at racewalking as well. It was never anything official mind you, but our track team did it for fun. I'm confident that I could do a mile in under 8.
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Postby olorc » Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:32 pm

impressive. Any sprinters out there? I run the 400 in about 50.5 . It's not the best but it's not too bad.
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Postby haru_bay_nay » Sun Mar 06, 2005 3:54 pm

Yeah...I've never heard of racewalking...That just sounds kind-of weird. I can't picture people walking really quickly and trying to pass someone else...That sounds like a fun spectator sport. :sweat:

I run the 400 as well. It's much more fun than the 100 or 200. The 1600m relay is THE BEST!!! That was definitely my favorite event. All relays are fun, though. Somehow they're more enjoyable than just regular running by yourself.

On another note, have you noticed that people who haven't ever run competetively don't know what it's like to push yourself past your limits? They're totally missing out. Once you've finished a race where you did the very best you could and exceeded your own expectations, you feel like you've accomplished something great, you know?
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Postby David » Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:38 pm

I joined track and I am starting practice tommorow. I am excited to do 400s because I can give everything I have for those meters.CDLviking thanks for your opinion,I agree I think track will make me a better runner.
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Postby VioletEyedCat » Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:45 pm

David wrote:Ha ha,I even remember one time when I was training on a track I pushed myself to hard I was throwing up and I got sooo sick I almost passed out(I thought I was gonna die!).

You just threw up once? Sigh... The stories I could tell. Well, I have asthma, so I probably have a crazier reaction than most people, but, for me, throwing up is regular occurance. I've learned not to eat anything more than a granola bar at least three hours before practice. If I have anything in my stomach when I really push myself- I'll get rid of it in quite a hurry. Even if I haven't eaten recently, I usually become dehydrated and starting getting dry heaves. (i.e- having the gag reflex without actually getting sick) It's so sad. :)

I love my coach- she's crazy tough. But the thing is, you get to the point that you want to accomplish what she tells you to 'cause you know it's for your own good. Like if I'm in a race, and I hear coach yelling (and I mean yelling- like, across the stadium) for me to pick it up and pass the girl in front of me, I know I better do it- and I usually do. Hail to Coach Roberts- many Rocky-like smilies for her. :jump: :jump: :jump:

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Postby CDLviking » Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:23 pm

I've only thrown up once myself. I've got a pretty sturdy stomach. We actually had a guy on our team who would eat a bean burrito about 10 minutes before he raced. He never got sick, and he was good.
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Postby glitch1501 » Tue Mar 08, 2005 3:35 am

i like to run, im not on the track team at school though because they practice like every day, and even if i were i would only want to do the long jump.
i also threw up once, i was doing a bridge run and i threw up at the top lol, then i ran as fast as i could and got 2nd place in my age group lol

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Postby agasfas » Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:08 pm

I don't think I could do Cross Country. Not because I can't, but I would probably get too bored. PLus, I'm a short distance runner (by perference). I used to run track and went to state a few times. Though the first time I couldn't go because I had to goto Wisconsin, and the 2nd time I ranked 4th... So I coudn't advance to Nationals. Oh well, so goes it.

Anyways, I ran:
-100 M
-200 M
-400 M
-4x4 relay, mile relay, 800M relay
(of course not all in the same track meet)

I didn't do great in hurdles, I could never keep my speed after jumping.
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Postby enishi » Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:37 pm

ugh. this brings back bad memories from track and field. i ran the mostly the 800. i wasnt much of a sprinter, and i didnt fair that well in the 2m run, so they stuck me with 800s. ah well, it was fun. now i run for the heck of it.

i was doing a few miles every other night, but i got lazy. i live in a fairly safe neighborhood, so i mostly run at night .. like around the 10:30-1sh mark. crazy, probally, but i like it alot more. its peaceful, its nice to look at the stars every so often when ya run, and its not nearly as hot out so you dont really sweat much, if at all. i need to start running again. lousy school draining me of energy, motivation and will power (cheap cop-out .. i know)
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Postby CDLviking » Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:48 pm

agasfas wrote:I didn't do great in hurdles, I could never keep my speed after jumping.

The secret to hurdles (as I understand from my brother, the hurdler in the family) is not to jump over them. It should be more like an exagerated step to clear the hurdle. Jumping wastes energy and momentum.
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Postby olorc » Sat Mar 12, 2005 9:49 am

On the puking topic. I don't have asthema and I usually after my first race at every meet. I don't know why. Also if I run all out at practice I do too. O well I've learned to puke with a smile... :/ Don't know if that's cool or not, but.... whatever.
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Postby David » Sat Mar 12, 2005 10:16 am

On the puking topic. I don't have asthema and I usually after my first race at every meet. I don't know why. Also if I run all out at practice I do too. O well I've learned to puke with a smile... :/ Don't know if that's cool or not, but.... whatever.

Same here except I could never smile while puking,Now that's tallent!
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Postby olorc » Sat Mar 12, 2005 10:19 am

haha, I guess I just get used to it. :/ :thumb: :/
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