w00t!!! l337nes for FIFA World Cup '06 Germany!!!

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w00t!!! l337nes for FIFA World Cup '06 Germany!!!

Postby HwaRang777 » Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:27 pm

Man, I'm so excited to see soccer again. Living in Michigan with basic cable tv, doesn't really scream "soccer fan" but, after seeing WC '04 Korea/Japan, I'm psyched about it. Plus one of my mom's friend has given me a 06' Korean Team Jersey, and for once it actually fits!!! I hope though that Korea wins the cup this year (they were at the quarterfinals, but got beat by Germany!!! grr..) although I wouldn't be surprised if a european or south american team won. I could definetly see either Brazil, Czech Republic or Germany to get the cup. However, Korea does have some strong advantages, as some play for Manchester United and other top notch soccer teams, they also have competed in every tourney since '86 and last year they only lost to Germany by 1.
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Postby Locke » Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:03 pm

*is lamed that his Brasillian friends would kill him if he rooted for another team*

Actually, replace friends with my entire family and you get the picture of how my ethnicity rules who I root for. I really cant wait for it, I need to order a few jerseys from Brazil again...cant go on wearing last year's jersey.
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