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Postby Solid Ronin » Wed Mar 17, 2004 12:31 pm

mechana2015 wrote:
Thats the information that I have been going off of. Hayes has written several books on the subject and the training he went through and how the system is used in the outside world (Ninjutsu, and Mystic art of the Ninja).
I asked about the belts, because it was my impression that there wasn't a belt system in the version I learned about. Maybe it's changed?

yeah my frind was that book also Hayes has ben rejected by his master who now calls Hayes " Golden dragon" which kinda means all about the money
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:12 pm

Well... I'm now pretty well informed about ninjitsu. Thanks, I guess.
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Postby btboy500 » Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:33 pm

Unrelated to the recent discussion but relevant to the topic name itself, I used to take karate last year and I really liked it. Unfortunately my mother didn't have enough time to take my brother and I there so I had to drop out. I plan on going back once I'm able to drive there on my own.
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Postby FireStarter2003 » Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:59 pm

Hiya Ronin,

The kyu/dan ranking system was something that Soke Hatsumi set into place. Prior to that, students received certification via densho (scrolls) which certified them as having attained a certain standing. In the old days, the structure that was in place was a military one, with the jonin (head ninja) at the top, chunin (commanders) giving out orders, and the genin (field agents) who did the actual work. Considering that we as civilians live in a peaceful society, such a structure is not needed for us.

The Bujinkan follows a kyu/dan ranking system. The student starts at 9th kyu (white belt), then progresses through 8th kyu down to 1st kyu (green belt; some dojos add more belt colors), at which point he/she is able to test for shodan (1st degree black belt). In the Bujinkan, if one desires to become a certified instructor (5th dan, or godan), one must pass the sakki (killing intention) test. Qualifications for this are 4th dan, and a recommendation from your shihan. The test basically consists of Soke Hatsumi standing behind you, with shinai in hands (in the old days, the test was done with a live blade), and you wait for the moment that you detect his intention, and pretty much at the last moment, roll out of the way of a full-speed downward slash.

The Genbukan, Jinenkan, and other spin-off groups also employ a kyu/dan ranking system. My understanding is that in the Genbukan, after a certain dan grade, one can choose to train for menkyo licensing in a specific ryu (i.e. Togakure-Ryu Ninjutsu, Takagi Yoshin Ryu, Koto Ryu, etc). Some of the early Bujinkan students were able to attain menkyo licensing in individual ryuha, but now Hatsumi Sensei simply offers ranking in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (the umbrella system of the Bujinkan's 9 ryuha).

Again, I must reiterate, for the benefit of those who have wondered, Stephen K. Hayes is still in good standing with Soke Hatsumi and the Bujinkan (click here for an article about Hatsumi and Hayes) Stephen K. Hayes still remains in the Bujinkan, and his students can still receive Bujinkan certification. However, most of his focus now is on building his art of To Shin Do.


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Postby Gypsy » Wed Mar 17, 2004 4:27 pm

Interesting and informative read, Firestarter. I guess I should stop watching the History Channel and listening to my instructor. I probably should have taken a grain of salt with anything he said about ninjitsu - he's not very keen on the form at all. Anyway, sorry I was misinformed about true nijitsu being dead.

And Ronin, I suppose one honorific deserves another, ne?
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Postby Solid Ronin » Wed Mar 17, 2004 5:39 pm

hmmm why is your Master not fond of the art????? does he hate it or just doesnt care for it??? and oh No Gypsy-dono the honor is all mine
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:22 pm

wahts the diff between the "Tsuri komi Goshi" and the "Sode tsuri komi goshi?" i think its a judo, but im not sure. my dojo is special. ihave a belt in both judo AND jujitsu, so the tests or rahter dificult. im going for my purple belt soon.

Belt order for us:

i know that some dojos switch some belts around or have like six ranks of white
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Postby J_Howard » Tue Mar 30, 2004 7:23 am

hmm only tried a bit of tai chi quan, wasn't too intrested cause the movements were too slow, hey any martials arts that are more suited for fast pace combat and reaction of time?
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Fri Apr 16, 2004 9:13 pm

Judo. It's more about using the enemy's power against him. I think I'm starting to prefer it to Jujitsu. Judo is meant to be quick and effeciant. It's a lot of work. Most of the throws reqiure some physical strngth, especaily the hip throws in my case. If you want more combat, find yourself a Dan Zan ryu jujitsu Dojo. Kenpo Karate and Kung fu are part of it. We've been learning striks, kicks, Boken do, Whats that thing calles using the short bamboo sticks? rodanda is one of the things preformed using them.
was that any help to yah?
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Postby Saint » Fri Apr 16, 2004 9:59 pm

I spent time studying a very traditional style of Aikido and later a hybrid style of Ju-Jitsu before loosing all my time to work and college. fun. :)
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Postby samurai1986 » Sat Apr 17, 2004 9:00 am

There is an acacamy near me that teaches both Tai Chi and Praying Mantis Kung Fu. I want to go there but I currently can't afford it. A few years ago I was enrolled in Mashibashi Ru Shorinru Karate (Long name I know and I'm not even sure I spelled it right). For a little clarity it is the type of Karate featured in Karate Kid. Infact the man who played the old master in that movie and my Sensei's Sensei developed the type of Karate I was learning. While there I advanced straight from white belt to orange without the yellow belt inbetween :cool: . But soon after that I had to quit because we moved. :bang:
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Postby AnimePriest » Sat Apr 17, 2004 3:51 pm

Locke wrote:i realise even though i am half brasilian by birth , i know nuthing of my countrys fighting style.

BTW: the fighting style you are refering to, does someone play a instrument ( stick with hollow ball at the end with a metal string) in the background.

when misspellers strike expect UC to the first on the scene

hi i am brazilian and i would like to inform you on our country's fighting style. Capoeira is the true martial art from Brasil, brazilian juijitsu is just a different form of japanese juijitsu. the brazilian fighter gracie just changed it a bit. Capoeira is a form of dance that's why they use the instrument known as the birimbau in the backround when they fight but it is actually known as playing capoeira, if you have any questions please pm me i'll be happy to answer them.
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Postby ice122985 » Tue Apr 20, 2004 10:17 am many martial artists. i know zippity do-da...seems like boxing is all i know concerning the martial arts...

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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Sun May 09, 2004 5:51 pm

i tested for my purple belt friday... i hope i passed
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Postby J_Howard » Wed May 12, 2004 11:10 am

whoa awesome ky gif samurai1986! Ky simply has that cool personality!

well i do want to know more on wushu or chinese martial arts, simply graceful and the way they peform those incredible back breaking gynamastic moves are out of this world +=+
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Postby For_Him » Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:44 pm

I used to wrestle, and I'm currently doing self taught martial arts
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