Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

Postby Radical Dreamer » Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:41 am

There's not really a thread about this yet.

And now there is.

What can I say? I laughed, I cried, I cheered, I got swept away to Hogwarts for the last first time. The finale to the Harry Potter series was nearly perfect, as far as I'm concerned. Not without its flaws, and never better than the books, but I felt like it remained as true to the original story as it could while staying within a reasonable running time. In the end though, I absolutely loved it.

I'll expound on this more later, because it's currently 3:36 in the morning and I really shouldn't be awake right now. XD But I thought I'd go ahead and open this for discussion. XD What did you all think?
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Postby TopazRaven » Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:56 am

I haven't seen it yet, I'm hoping to go tonight with my mother when she gets home from work as I'm going to be busy all weekend and won't be able to see it then. I seriously can't wait, it sounds awesome!
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Postby Princess Kairi » Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:50 am

I really can't wait to see it. I wanted to go to the premiere, but that obviously didn't happen. I'm probably going to go see it Monday with one of my friends. I'm really sad that it's ending. I've been into Harry Potter since I was in 4th or 5th grade and after this movie, it will be over.
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Postby Ante Bellum » Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:30 am

Went to the midnight showing. It was a wonderful movie. Unfortunately, I've only seen the first four movies before. I have yet to see the rest. Some guy was yelling at us because we were wearing glow sticks but we took them off before it started.

One of my friends said he was first in line at the Mall of America and I was like HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:42 pm

Ante Bellum (post: 1490945) wrote:Went to the midnight showing. It was a wonderful movie. Unfortunately, I've only seen the first four movies before. I have yet to see the rest. Some guy was yelling at us because we were wearing glow sticks but we took them off before it started.

One of my friends said he was first in line at the Mall of America and I was like HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!

Oh dude, you've definitely got to check out DH: Part 1. XD And I mean, see the rest too, because all of David Yates's HP movies are pretty great. But Part 2 literally drops you exactly where the first part left off, so I could see it being sort of jarring for someone who hadn't watched the first part. I'd say they're best watched back to back, all in one go. XD

Anyways, now that it's no longer 3 in the morning, I'll go ahead and post my spoilered thoughts here:

I love Professor McGonagall. She was amazing in this movie. XD

The scene at Gringott's was pretty much perfect. XD I loved how they portrayed the multiplying treasure.

The Golden Trio's return to Hogwarts was fabulously done. I loved the scene in the hall with Harry and Snape, and I loved seeing McGonagall fight a little. XD Everything she did in this movie was fabulous. Also, I haven't experienced an emotional, "THIS IS SO EPIC" rush like I did at the start of the Battle of Hogwarts since seeing Return of the King in theaters. XD That scene was just perfect.

Though I felt the scene built up a little too quickly, everybody's favorite Molly Weasley line was incredible, especially when the entire audience applauded Bellatrix's death. XD

I was SO glad they let Neville kill Nagini. XD I was a little worried they wouldn't stay true to the book on that part, but that was one of the greatest scenes. XD

I cried in three separate parts--when Fred Weasley died, during Snape's memory scene, and in the forest when Harry talks to the Marauders and his mother before going to die. akdjladjkljagsdd so many good scenes. XD

I was a little disappointed that they left out the clearly allegorical reasons for why Voldemort's spells on people weren't binding, or why he couldn't touch them. That passage in the book practically shines with Christian messages and sacrificial love, and while the movie did convey that, it wasn't done with the same clarity the books had.[/SPOILER]

I probably have more to say, but this is all for now. XD
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Postby Winry » Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:20 am

Just went and saw it. It was really really good!!! Totally redeemed the last couple of movies which I thought fell kind of flat. And so thankful for no weird/awkward scenes. Lots of great character moments and amazing action scenes.

And can I say...

[SPOILER] Epic Neville moment ftw!! [/SPOILER]

Now I'm just sad it's all over... but at least it was a very strong ending to the movies!
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Postby Ante Bellum » Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:29 am

Winry, did you happen to miss
[spoiler] the scene where Voldemort hugs Draco? That was incredibly awkward. XD [/spoiler]
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Postby ClosetOtaku » Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:35 am

Agree with Radical Dreamer on the highs and lows -- I wasn't as emotionally swept up as many of the other people around me, but still cheered alongside at key scenes.

It will be interesting to marathon the whole series once it comes out on DVD.

Go Snape!
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Postby Syreth » Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:44 am

Radical Dreamer (post: 1490965) wrote:[SPOILER]
I love Professor McGonagall. She was amazing in this movie. XD[/SPOILER]

Couldn't agree with you more, actually. From the beginning, I've felt that actor was pretty much perfect for the role, and she did a stellar job.

Overall it was a very satisfying movie experience. Thinking back on it, though, some of the effects seemed like they would be better viewed in 3D. In 2D, some scenes seemed hokey and old-hat, but might have been designed for 3D instead.
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Postby Winry » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:04 am

Ante Bellum (post: 1491178) wrote:Winry, did you happen to miss
[spoiler] the scene where Voldemort hugs Draco? That was incredibly awkward. XD [/spoiler]

Yes, but awkward in a hilarious way! =D Actually come to think of it....
[SPOILER] Voldemort was sort of awkward throughout the movie. He seemed less scary to me and just more... odd? Don't think that is the right word, but he didn't seem like the scary villain I felt he was in the books and other movies. [/SPOILEr]

ClosetOtaku (post: 1491179) wrote:It will be interesting to marathon the whole series once it comes out on DVD.

Go Snape!

That would be one looooong marathon straight through XD
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:30 pm

Saw the movie last night and very happy with it, Voldy was a bit goofy though, that be my one real complaint even though this one finally had his show he had real power outside of being a influence as he was through 1-6
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:12 pm

Syreth (post: 1491180) wrote:Couldn't agree with you more, actually. From the beginning, I've felt that actor was pretty much perfect for the role, and she did a stellar job.

I know! It's really pretty incredible, because Maggie Smith has been battling cancer for the last few years, but she refused to stop filming. So seeing her in this film has an even greater significance when you know what she's been up against in her own life. XD
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:29 pm

It was incredible, save for these things:

1. The flanderization of the goblins. Not that I expected them to portray the complex racial relationships in the movies, but what's left is a bit lacking
[spoiler]2. The deaths of Bellatrix, Nagini, and Voldemort. Not a fan of the disintegrate into ash thing, and it's not made clear that Voldemort died by his own spell.
3. While this is a compound issue from Movie 4 on... PERCY. No percy meant we don't see Fred's Death and that was a bit frustrating.[/spoiler]

I thought some parts were funny, too. [spoiler] Like how they kill Lavender. Maybe I just haven't read the book in a long time, but I don't seem to remember her dying in the book.[/spoiler]

The one thing that made the whole movie worth it was [spoiler]Prince's tale. I always thought Alan Rickman had sort of botched his acting in the movies, but it actually sort of clicked... He's SUPPOSED to be emotionless because that's how Occlumancy works. His VERY emotional in the Prince's Tale, and while I would have liked more of his backstory left in, the way they did it was wonderful, even with adding the scene where he finds James and Lily, and cries over Lily's body. That... That was the most beautiful thing I'd seen in ANY of the movies, and was worth the price of admission alone.[/spoiler]

Man... I'm crying now just thinking of it.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:22 pm

Bobtheduck (post: 1491259) wrote:The one thing that made the whole movie worth it was [spoiler]Prince's tale. I always thought Alan Rickman had sort of botched his acting in the movies, but it actually sort of clicked... He's SUPPOSED to be emotionless because that's how Occlumancy works. His VERY emotional in the Prince's Tale, and while I would have liked more of his backstory left in, the way they did it was wonderful, even with adding the scene where he finds James and Lily, and cries over Lily's body. That... That was the most beautiful thing I'd seen in ANY of the movies, and was worth the price of admission alone.[/spoiler]

[SPOILER]Ugh YES. I loved that scene so much, and Alan Rickman did an absolutely fabulous job in it. It definitely made me cry, especially the scene where Dumbledore finds out what Snape's patronus is. XD

Also, I agree about Percy not being really included in any of the movies. He was a really interesting character in the books, as far as development goes, and I wish they'd included more of his character, especially for the purposes of the 7th/8th movies. I understand why it would be weird to all of the sudden have him in there, but it's sort of like them leaving out the House Elves. XD

Also #2, I don't remember Lavender dying in the books either. XD It's very possible that she did, since it's been at least a year or two since I read the 7th one. I thought it was a good choice for the movie to have her die in the movie and have Hermione chase her killer away, though, given the tension the two of them had in the sixth movie.[/SPOILER]
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Postby Sheenar » Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:50 pm

I saw it today with my roommate and loved it! I'll post more thoughts later when I'm more coherent. lol
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:24 am

I just looked it up and

[spoiler]Lavender's fate is uncertain in the books. The scene where Greyback is chomping on her is in the book, but it doesn't say she died. It says she stirred feebly. She may have just ended up like Bill. As there is no definite answer, and since Rowling likes to incorporate things from the movies (like Hermione punching Malfoy) she will probably said that she, indeed, died. Unless she already said otherwise in her post-book QnA[/spoiler]
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Postby Edward » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:28 pm

Bobtheduck (post: 1491259) wrote:[spoiler]The deaths of Bellatrix, Nagini, and Voldemort. Not a fan of the disintegrate into ash thing, and it's not made clear that Voldemort died by his own spell. [/spoiler]

I actually liked those parts, it looks amazing in 3D.

Bobtheduck (post: 1491259) wrote:The one thing that made the whole movie worth it was [spoiler]Prince's tale. I always thought Alan Rickman had sort of botched his acting in the movies, but it actually sort of clicked... He's SUPPOSED to be emotionless because that's how Occlumancy works. His VERY emotional in the Prince's Tale, and while I would have liked more of his backstory left in, the way they did it was wonderful, even with adding the scene where he finds James and Lily, and cries over Lily's body. That... That was the most beautiful thing I'd seen in ANY of the movies, and was worth the price of admission alone.[/spoiler]

Man... I'm crying now just thinking of it.

That part was great too. I started to cry when I saw Snape's patronus, and him crying over Lily's body.

So I was actually quite satisfied with the movie, and I have no clue why a review I read gave it a low rating. I do think I would have enjoyed it more if I re-read the books, watched the other movies again, or did both.
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Postby Syreth » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:20 pm

Radical Dreamer (post: 1491210) wrote:I know! It's really pretty incredible, because Maggie Smith has been battling cancer for the last few years, but she refused to stop filming. So seeing her in this film has an even greater significance when you know what she's been up against in her own life. XD

Wow! I had no idea. That is pretty incredible. The movies certainly wouldn't have been the same without her -- and it makes me appreciate her contribution all the more.
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Postby Okami » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:22 pm

*stares semi-blankly at thread* Man I need to go see part I so at some point I can go see Part II... o.o;
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Postby Vii » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:30 pm

Bobtheduck (post: 1491259) wrote:The one thing that made the whole movie worth it was [spoiler]Prince's tale. I always thought Alan Rickman had sort of botched his acting in the movies, but it actually sort of clicked... He's SUPPOSED to be emotionless because that's how Occlumancy works. His VERY emotional in the Prince's Tale, and while I would have liked more of his backstory left in, the way they did it was wonderful, even with adding the scene where he finds James and Lily, and cries over Lily's body. That... That was the most beautiful thing I'd seen in ANY of the movies, and was worth the price of admission alone.[/spoiler]

Man... I'm crying now just thinking of it.

[spoiler] I remember closing my eyes a few seconds into the Snape finding Lily's body scene because I just couldn't bring myself to watch it. :sniffle: [/spoiler]
Surprisingly, I didn't cry the entire movie...weird...
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Postby TopazRaven » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:31 pm

I finally saw it! I loved it, but...I feel like I'm the only person here who didn't cry, 0.o
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Postby Winry » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:29 pm

TopazRaven (post: 1491404) wrote:I finally saw it! I loved it, but...I feel like I'm the only person here who didn't cry, 0.o

Don't worry I didn't either. It was really emotional, but I just don't usually cry in movies.
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Postby Sheenar » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:42 am

TopazRaven (post: 1491404) wrote:I finally saw it! I loved it, but...I feel like I'm the only person here who didn't cry, 0.o

I also did not cry.
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Postby TopazRaven » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:50 am

Lol, glad I'm not the only one after all then. xD I might have cried if they had actually shown a certain character's death, but they didn't so it wasn't that bad.
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Postby Princess Kairi » Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:31 pm

I saw it!!! It was so amazing! But now I'm sad because there won't be anymore Harry Potter movies. Lol. Even though I knew what was going to happen, I almost cried on a few places.
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Postby ich1990 » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:48 pm

Awesome ending to a very well made set of movies. I really couldn't have asked for anything better out of the last movie. Heck, they even made Rowling's terrible epilogue cool.

Despite its low points (at movies 4 and 7) the series on a whole has really impressed me --to the point where I consider the books to be obsolete. Good work, people, good work.
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Postby Ante Bellum » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:19 pm

Heh...yeah, I didn't cry either. Then again, I don't get emotional during movies.
Now that I am actually able to read the spoilers, I must say I agree with a lot of them. I think one of the things that bothered me the most was [spoiler] the amount of off screen deaths. Especially for some of the really important deaths...Well, it didn't seem to break the movie, so it wasn't too bad. [/spoiler] I think the good parts definitely outweighed the bad, so yay for that.
Bobtheduck (post: 1491259) wrote:The one thing that made the whole movie worth it was [spoiler]Prince's tale. I always thought Alan Rickman had sort of botched his acting in the movies, but it actually sort of clicked... He's SUPPOSED to be emotionless because that's how Occlumancy works. His VERY emotional in the Prince's Tale, and while I would have liked more of his backstory left in, the way they did it was wonderful, even with adding the scene where he finds James and Lily, and cries over Lily's body. That... That was the most beautiful thing I'd seen in ANY of the movies, and was worth the price of admission alone.[/spoiler]

Considering I only read the book once when it first came out, I must say I didn't see this coming. I'm...not sure what to say about it. Maybe I should go reread the book or something. >_>; Regardless, I liked how they did it. A lot.
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Postby airichan623 » Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:11 pm

Ante Bellum (post: 1491178) wrote:Winry, did you happen to miss
[spoiler] [color="White"]the scene where Voldemort hugs Draco? That was incredibly awkward. XD[/color] [/spoiler]

LOL YES- I actually did an awkward turtle while in my seat at that point. xD

Radical Dreamer (post: 1491210) wrote:I know! It's really pretty incredible, because Maggie Smith has been battling cancer for the last few years, but she refused to stop filming. So seeing her in this film has an even greater significance when you know what she's been up against in her own life. XD

Bobtheduck (post: 1491259) wrote:It was incredible, save for these things:

1. The flanderization of the goblins. Not that I expected them to portray the complex racial relationships in the movies, but what's left is a bit lacking
[spoiler]2. The deaths of Bellatrix, Nagini, and Voldemort. Not a fan of the disintegrate into ash thing, and it's not made clear that Voldemort died by his own spell.
3. While this is a compound issue from Movie 4 on... PERCY. No percy meant we don't see Fred's Death and that was a bit frustrating.[/spoiler]

EXACTLY. the Molly Weasley fight needed more screen time. Helena Bonham Carter didn't do her usual awesome Bellatrix for that scene. She seemed...dazed. :shady:

and I missed percy too. he & fred's conversation was one of my fav scenes.

The one thing that made the whole movie worth it was [spoiler]Prince's tale. I always thought Alan Rickman had sort of botched his acting in the movies, but it actually sort of clicked... He's SUPPOSED to be emotionless because that's how Occlumancy works. His VERY emotional in the Prince's Tale, and while I would have liked more of his backstory left in, the way they did it was wonderful, even with adding the scene where he finds James and Lily, and cries over Lily's body. That... That was the most beautiful thing I'd seen in ANY of the movies, and was worth the price of admission alone.[/spoiler]

Man... I'm crying now just thinking of it.

me too man me too.. :waah!::waah!::waah!: During the scene in the Potter's house I was audibly bawling in the theater.

Now I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Ron & Hermione scene in the Chamber of the Secrets. This was off screen in the book, but i'm glad they included it.

And did anybody else laugh when they saw the epilogue?! (Rupert Grint had a pudgy tummy!) rofl :lol:


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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:14 am

I thought they did a good job aging up Dan, but not Emma... She didn't seem to be any older at all. Certainly not as thought 19 years had passed.

Bonnie Wright does look a little aged up (had to check because I couldn't tell in the short time) but not 19 years.
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Postby Okami » Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:11 pm

Glad to hear (see?) that the epilogue was also done in the movies...of course, had that been mentioned in the spoiler boxes previously, I wouldn't have seen that yet because I've been purposely avoiding them until I get to see (all of) the seventh movie. (Meaning Part I and II XD)
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