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Is it illegal to send the program Microsoft Word to someone?
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 7:21 pm
by Destroyer2000
? Some guy is begging me to send it to him, but I'm refusing.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 7:27 pm
by Nate only question is, WHY?!
Why would your friend want such a substandard word processing program? I hate Microsoft Word with an all-consuming passion.
Okay, maybe I'm just being opinionated...maybe it's SUPPOSED to crash halfway through something I'm writing without backing it up. I dunno.
I use Corel Wordperfect. Always have, always will.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 7:36 pm
by Jasdero
Yeah, legally it's wrong.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 7:51 pm
by Destroyer2000
Well, it didn't work anyway.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:20 pm
by Ashley
A more above the table method for a decent word processor would be a freeware program. I know Linux has some to offer.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 11:23 pm
by Mithrandir
Have him try It's a freeware program whose word processor is effectively the same thing as Word. I like it BETTER, personally. And it does everything word can do and then some. (And faster, too).
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:29 am
by Mr. SmartyPants
beat me to it oldphil
anyway, im sure it couldnt of worked, I tried putting the winword directory in my house from 1 computer to another, and it didnt work
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:33 am
by Mithrandir
On a windows box, it's not a simple drag-and-drop, no. If you send someone a copy of the disc, or an ISO, then it's a different story entirely.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:57 am
by blkmage
AbiWord > all
On Windows, there's also registry keys to be copied. Not CD-keys, registry keys, y'know, that thing that gets cluttered up no matter what you do and you need to format or get special programs to clean it for you. Yeah, that thing.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:55 pm
by Jman
Sending anything over the internet you bought is Illegal.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 3:51 pm
by Kaligraphic
Yeah, what Oldphil said. all the way! And the files are saved with the same information but smaller size, too. (I love the print to pdf option - try getting that standard in Word. (yes, you can install a print to pdf driver, but most of them cost money and are basically repackaging of the free ghostscript program, which is a pain to set up in Windows.)
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:03 pm
by Mithrandir
Jman - not exactly... You buy a license to a piece of software. It's perfectly fine to send it in electronic copy to another place - provided you don't use it where you originally downloaded it.
Kaligraphic - Every program on the Mac (including word) can "print to pdf" by default. It's part of the default OS X install. When I installed Word, it just worked. So your statement applies to Windows, but not any other opperating system...
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:25 pm
by Kaligraphic
Yeah, and I can set up a stock Linux install with a print to pdf filter (might even be the same one) with no trouble at all. Windows is terribly deficient in this regard. I was just assuming he meant for Windows because that's the most common, and most commonly pirated. (I suppose I should have said Word on Windows)
PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 1:33 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
ive also noticed you can save open office documents to like, a baillion different file types, so its really good when im switchign stuff from pc to mac
PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 9:06 pm
by Mithrandir
Actually, MSP, that's a very good point. I've used that trick quite a few times to save my friends some hassle, or get in good with the boss.
"Oh no! This report is due, but I can't open this old document!"
"Here give me a minute."
"Hey! It works, what did you do?!?"
"I'm just magic."
PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 12:29 pm
by peter2