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Postby Mister Frodo » Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:15 pm

Not the quickest on the draw, but new LP updates are up! =D First we have part 38 of Passage of the Hollow Moon, in which I manage to overcome my technical problems and find a new mission in life... which leads me to a familiar place.

Passage of the Hollow Moon: PART 38

EDIT: I wasn't paying attention and accidentally posted this before putting the Final Fantasy VII link. XD Awesome. But yes, Part 26 of Final Fantasy VII is also up! In which I wonder whether or not I should fight for the Condor and encounter a mysterious ninja.

Final Fantasy VII: PART 26
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Postby Mister Frodo » Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:31 am

My Passage of the Hollow Moon Let's Play continues! =D I'm entering the final stretch, so it'll be updated more frequently (hopefully). I hope I'll be able to keep this thread's pace consistent with the upload speed. XD We have two parts to update this time around. In Part 39, I play in the snow and experience an odd sequence after getting a Game Over, and in Part 40 I face off with a boss, get mad at a party member, and then get crept out by an old man. Fun times all around!


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Postby Mister Frodo » Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:23 pm

Two more Passage of the Hollow Moon parts are up! The first is very short and involves a boss fight, and the second is very long and involves a boss fight as well! It's like they're opposites, but the same! What magic is this? Tune in to find out!


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Postby Mister Frodo » Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:17 am

And a couple more parts of Passage of the Hollow Moon for the road! In these two parts, we explore the floating city of Methuselan, and then deal with another Oorta member... which leads to another long boss fight. XD Those are always so much fun.



I also uploaded three "new" songs to my music channel (two of them are re-uploads). The first two are original compositions, while the third is a tribute to the song Dearly Beloved, from Kingdom Hearts. (The Dearly Beloved song is pretty old, hence the sound quality.)

Happy Town!

Two Chords, Two Themes

Dearly Beloved - Piano Tribute
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Postby Mister Frodo » Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:32 pm

The march to the end of Passage of the Hollow Moon continues! Two more parts are here for you. In the first, we're sidetracked by a fetch quest, and in the second, we face off with an old friend. Get ready for some drama!


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Postby Mister Frodo » Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:12 pm

And another two-parts-in-a-day update! =D We're almost to the end of Passage of the Hollow Moon, with just one more part to go (which will actually be uploaded later today). In Part 48 we wander our way through the final dungeon (my sense of direction can be quite lacking), and then in Part 49 we face off with the prelude to the final boss fight... Yeah, that fight's going to be fun. XD


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Postby Mister Frodo » Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:17 am

My Let's Play of Passage of the Hollow Moon comes to a close in an possibly-too-long-hour-long finale! We fight the final boss and then I rage at the game for possibly poor reasons. Sounds like fun, right?


I might be going on Let's Playing hiatus during the coming school semester, which means fewer new videos from my channel. I'll post a video/bulletin if that turns out to be the case.
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Postby Mister Frodo » Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:10 pm

Well, with my Passage of the Hollow Moon Let's Play finally completed, my Final Fantasy VII Let's Play reaches the last couple of parts before potentially going on hiatus. The first of these is Part 28, in which I attempt to do the Condor fight before realizing that I don't have enough money and leaving to do other fun stuff. Er... Hope those people do okay. XD

EDIT: Whoops! I didn't realize I had yet to post Part 27 of FFVII here! My bad! Here it is, along with Part 28.


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Postby Mister Frodo » Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:39 pm

My Final Fantasy VII Let's Play continues in what could be my final episode for a while! In this part, we try to welcome Rufus Shinra, and I fail at pressing buttons and the game in general. So the latter's pretty similar to what always happens, but the former is different! =D


NOTE: This may be the last Final Fantasy VII part for a while; I'm at college now, and I think I'll be going on hiatus, as I doubt I'll be able to record (it's still a possibility, but a small one). Regardless of my recording situation, I will be uploading a few other videos I've recorded in the coming weeks, though, so stay tuned!
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Postby Mister Frodo » Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:04 pm

Turns out I will be able to record after all! My Let's Plays will not be going on any further hiatus (they did have a bit of a break there). I'm also planning on starting my next Let's Play, so I've posted a new video letting people vote for what game I'll be playing.

Vote for My Next Let's Play!

The three games I'm considering are Fallout: New Vegas, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, and Star Wars: Republic Commando. I'm not sure if the first two would be appropriate to link to on CAA, though, so I may not be posting links to them here if they get picked. You can vote in the comments if you have a Youtube account, or vote here in this thread; I'll count your vote either way.

Also, though I've been neglecting to post it on CAA, I've been doing a Let's Try of the demo to an RPG Maker VX game called Castle Oblivion 3. If you're interested, here's the playlist:

Let's Try Castle Oblivion 3!
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Postby Mister Frodo » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:45 pm

After a long break, Part 30 of my Final Fantasy VII Let's Play is up! In this part, I wander around a boat, talk with my buddies, and then fight off a dangerous intruder... while no one else on the boat seems to care much. Odd, you think there'd be more alarm about that...


Also, the poll for my next Let's Play came to a close, and it looks like I'll be Let's Playing Fallout: New Vegas! Thanks to all who voted!
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Postby Mister Frodo » Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:48 am

Part 31 of Final Fantasy VII Let's Play is here! In this part we visit the scenic town of Costa del Sol, watch Rufus Shinra berate some people, and meet some... interesting people. Where we go next, nobody knows!

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Postby Mister Frodo » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:08 am

Part 32 of my Final Fantasy VII Let's Play is up! Not too much going on in this part, mainly running around the world map and battling. But I actually manage to steal some items! =D Oh happy days.

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Postby Mister Frodo » Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:56 pm

I've begun a new Let's Play! I'm going to be doing a blind Let's Play of Fallout: New Vegas, in conjunction with my Final Fantasy VII LP. I do have some experience in Fallout 3, so I do sort of know a little about what I'm doing, but there'll still be plenty of wacky hijinks of me not knowing what to do involved, so I hope you enjoy! Part 1 involves me creating my character and hopefully not doing too bad a job of it. Of course, I could have created a horrible mutation that will die as soon as he sets foot on the wasteland. We'll just have to see!

CAUTION: Fallout: New Vegas is rated M for Mature (17+) in the U.S. It is also rated 18+ everywhere else in the world except Australia, where it is rated MA15+. According to the ESRB, Fallout: New Vegas contains Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language, and Use of Drugs. Therefore, viewer discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED. If you are bothered by the content of this Let's Play and/or feel it is inappropriate for CAA forums, please let me or a mod know and I'll remove the links.

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Postby Mister Frodo » Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:06 am

Part 33 of my Final Fantasy VII Let's Play is up! In this part, I struggle at pressing buttons, talk about random stuff, and then have an... odd incident happen involving switches and baby chicks. Final Fantasy VII can be a strange game. Who knew, right?

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Postby Mister Frodo » Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:09 pm

Behind on update? Who, me? No, this is... strategic placement of my updates that are being posted late not because I forgot, but because this was planned. Totally. Enough of that, though, new parts of my Final Fantasy VII and Fallout: New Vegas Let's Play are up! First up, Part 34 of Final Fantasy VII, we run across a really long bridge, fight more random battles, and reach a town where Barret seems less than welcome. Cheer up, big guy! You're still the coolest man-with-a-machine-gun I know.

Final Fantasy VII: PART 34

Next up we have Part 2 of Fallout: New Vegas, in which we depart Doc Mitchell's house and venture into the vast Mojave Desert to... talk to people! Because what else are you going to in a post-apocalyptic world, right?

CAUTION: Fallout: New Vegas is rated M for Mature (17+) in the U.S. It is also rated 18+ everywhere else in the world except Australia, where it is rated MA15+. According to the ESRB, Fallout: New Vegas contains Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language, and Use of Drugs. Therefore, viewer discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED. If you are bothered by the content of this Let's Play and/or feel it is inappropriate for CAA forums, please let me or a mod know and I'll remove the links.

Fallout: New Vegas: PART 2
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Postby Mister Frodo » Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:13 am

Blargh, behind on updates again. First up we have Part 35 of my Final Fantasy VII Let's Play, in which we run around fighting random battles and make a ton of progress! And by a ton, I mean pretty much zilch.

Final Fantasy VII: PART 35

We also have Part 3 of my Fallout: New Vegas Let's Play! (I'm a part behind posting these, so my apologies for the delay.) In this part, I learn my way around the wasteland and fight off some varmints! Not necessarily in that order, mind you.

CAUTION: Fallout: New Vegas is rated M for Mature (17+) in the U.S. It is also rated 18+ everywhere else in the world except Australia, where it is rated MA15+. According to the ESRB, Fallout: New Vegas contains Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language, and Use of Drugs. Therefore, viewer discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED. If you are bothered by the content of this Let's Play and/or feel it is inappropriate for CAA forums, please let me or a mod know and I'll remove the links.

Fallout: New Vegas: PART 3
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Postby Mister Frodo » Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:48 pm

My Let's Plays continue! In Final Fantasy VII, we have Part 36, in which I realize the error of my ways and manage to travel to the Gold Saucer... but not before some depressing flashbacks. Way to ruin the mood, Barret.

Final Fantasy VII: PART 36

And in Fallout: New Vegas, we complete our epic fetch quest (after a bit of misguided searching) and then learn that not all is well in Goodsprings. Is this trouble that's a-brewin' any of our concern, though? We'll just have to wait and see.

CAUTION: Fallout: New Vegas is rated M for Mature (17+) in the U.S. It is also rated 18+ everywhere else in the world except Australia, where it is rated MA15+. According to the ESRB, Fallout: New Vegas contains Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language, and Use of Drugs. Therefore, viewer discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED. If you are bothered by the content of this Let's Play and/or feel it is inappropriate for CAA forums, please let me or a mod know and I'll remove the links.

Fallout: New Vegas: PART 4
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Postby Mister Frodo » Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:56 pm

What's this? An update that's actually on time? Incredible! But not as incredible as this new part of Final Fantasy VII, in which we explore the many wonders the Gold Saucer has to offer and gain ourselves a new party member! Who I don't like. At all. Okay, maybe a little. But very little.

Final Fantasy VII: PART 37
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Postby Mister Frodo » Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:18 pm

More Let's Playing, from me to you! In Part 38 of Final Fantasy VII, I forget to turn the volume up loud enough and have to insert the game's music myself. Whoops. We do actually get some stuff done in this part, though, as we get thrown in jail (even though we didn't do anything!) and learn more about Barret's past. Flashbacks are fun!

Final Fantasy VII: PART 38

My blind Let's Play of Fallout: New Vegas continues as well! In Part 6, we start getting a gang together to head out and fight the Powder Gangers. Some, however, are more reluctant to help than others...

CAUTION: Fallout: New Vegas is rated M for Mature (17+) in the U.S. It is also rated 18+ everywhere else in the world except Australia, where it is rated MA15+. According to the ESRB, Fallout: New Vegas contains Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language, and Use of Drugs. Therefore, viewer discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED. If you are bothered by the content of this Let's Play and/or feel it is inappropriate for CAA forums, please let me or a mod know and I'll remove the links.

Fallout: New Vegas: PART 6
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Postby Mister Frodo » Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:32 pm

My Let's Play of Fallout: New Vegas continues with Part 7! In this part, the battle for Goodsprings commences! Will we come out on top? Or will the Powder Gangers burn the town to the ground? Only one way to find out...

CAUTION: Fallout: New Vegas is rated M for Mature (17+) in the U.S. It is also rated 18+ everywhere else in the world except Australia, where it is rated MA15+. According to the ESRB, Fallout: New Vegas contains Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language, and Use of Drugs. Therefore, viewer discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED. If you are bothered by the content of this Let's Play and/or feel it is inappropriate for CAA forums, please let me or a mod know and I'll remove the links.

Fallout: New Vegas: PART 7
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Postby Mister Frodo » Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:05 pm

Argh, behind on updates again! My apologies for being late. I've got a couple new parts to update here. First up, in Part 39 of my Final Fantasy VII Let's Play we stumble around in the desert and then meet up with an old friend... who may not be a friend any longer. Time sure changes people.

Final Fantasy VII: PART 39

Secondly, we have Part 8 of my Fallout: New Vegas Let's Play, in which I battle Geckoes and... do little else, to be honest. Perhaps I should try to make some progress next time...

Fallout: New Vegas: PART 8
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Postby Mister Frodo » Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:47 pm

More Let's Playing updates, and... late again, unfortunately. I'll try to get caught up tomorrow. Anyways, today we have Part 40 of my Final Fantasy VII Let's Play, in which we head to the Gold Saucer to fight for our freedom... in Chocobo races! Can we win it all, or will be doomed to prison forever? Tune in to find out!

Final Fantasy VII: PART 40

And then, in Part 9 of my Fallout: New Vegas Let's Play, we head to the town of Primm and find out that some tents are harder to find than others, especially when the person looking for them can't spot the obvious.

CAUTION: Fallout: New Vegas is rated M for Mature (17+) in the U.S. It is also rated 18+ everywhere else in the world except Australia, where it is rated MA15+. According to the ESRB, Fallout: New Vegas contains Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language, and Use of Drugs. Therefore, viewer discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED. If you are bothered by the content of this Let's Play and/or feel it is inappropriate for CAA forums, please let me or a mod know and I'll remove the links.

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Postby Mister Frodo » Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:56 pm

Finally caught up with updates! Here's Part 41 of my Final Fantasy VII Let's Play, in which we run into the Turks again and wonder what the heck they're talking about. Also, random battles! With getting-turned-into-frogs action! You don't see that everyday. At least, I hope you don't.

Final Fantasy VII: PART 41

A Fallout: New Vegas part would be going up, but I wasn't able to get it edited and rendered before I came home for the weekend, so my apologies for that! I'll try to get it uploaded Monday.
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Postby Mister Frodo » Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:20 pm

I'm unfortunately behind on updating my Let's Plays here... again. Sorry for the delay. Here are parts 42 and 43 of Final Fantasy VII, in which we explore the town of Gongaga and then head onto the world map... but not before forgetting something that's kind of important.



Also, we have three new parts of Fallout: New Vegas, in which I arrive at the town of Primm, fight my way through the Bison Steve building (why it's called that, I don't know, but I'm cool with it), and attempt to drive the bandits out of town. Will I succeed? Tune in to find out! (WARNING: In addition to the usual disclaimer, these episodes are the most violent so far, especially Part 11; view with caution.)

CAUTION: Fallout: New Vegas is rated M for Mature (17+) in the U.S. It is also rated 18+ everywhere else in the world except Australia, where it is rated MA15+. According to the ESRB, Fallout: New Vegas contains Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language, and Use of Drugs. Therefore, viewer discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED. If you are bothered by the content of this Let's Play and/or feel it is inappropriate for CAA forums, please let me or a mod know and I'll remove the links.



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Postby Mister Frodo » Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:29 pm

Another Let's Playing update! In Part 44 of Final Fantasy VII, we reach Cosmo Canyon and learn some more about Red XIII... or is Nanaki? Now I'm a bit confused...

Final Fantasy VII: PART 44
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Postby Mister Frodo » Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:28 pm

More Let's Playing, from me to you! This time we have a part each for Final Fantasy VII and Fallout: New Vegas. In Part 45 of the former, we chat with good ol' Bugenhagen, reflect with our friends, and then head down into the depths of... well, I'm not really sure, but I guess we'll find out, won't we?

NOTE: The beginning of this episode delves into the game's Gaia-ish philosophy about life and the universe, so if that offends you, you may not wish to watch this part. Just wanted to give a fair warning.

Final Fantasy VII: PART 45

And Part 13 of Fallout: New Vegas, we continue to debate on who Primm's sheriff should be and then head to a rest stop that has something of a bug problem. They should really call an exterminator about that.

CAUTION: Fallout: New Vegas is rated M for Mature (17+) in the U.S. It is also rated 18+ everywhere else in the world except Australia, where it is rated MA15+. According to the ESRB, Fallout: New Vegas contains Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language, and Use of Drugs. Therefore, viewer discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED. If you are bothered by the content of this Let's Play and/or feel it is inappropriate for CAA forums, please let me or a mod know and I'll remove the links.

Fallout: New Vegas: PART 13
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Postby Mister Frodo » Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:40 pm

Part 14 of my Fallout: New Vegas Let's Play is now here! In this part we head to Mojave Outpost, chat with some people from the NCR, and then debate who should be Primm's sheriff... and since I can't decide, I'm letting you choose! EDIT: Voting is now closed; you'll see the results in Part 15!

CAUTION: Fallout: New Vegas is rated M for Mature (17+) in the U.S. It is also rated 18+ everywhere else in the world except Australia, where it is rated MA15+. According to the ESRB, Fallout: New Vegas contains Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language, and Use of Drugs. Therefore, viewer discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED. If you are bothered by the content of this Let's Play and/or feel it is inappropriate for CAA forums, please let me or a mod know and I'll remove the links.

Fallout: New Vegas: PART 14
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Postby Mister Frodo » Sat Oct 29, 2011 9:22 pm

I'm behind on actually uploading LP parts on Youtube, but that's actually helpful because I haven't posted the last Final Fantasy VII update here yet. So, here it is! In Part 46 we fight some random battles while learning some more about the past from our good friend Bugenhagen... and I have no idea where we are at the moment. Then again, I usually don't know where I am, so I guess not much has changed.

Final Fantasy VII: PART 46
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Postby Mister Frodo » Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:57 pm

More Let's Play updates! First up, in Part 47 of Final Fantasy VII, we descend deeper into the Cave of the Gi (so that's what that place is called) and fight some more random battles before getting to an ominous stopping point. I sense a boss fight ahead...

Final Fantasy VII: PART 47

And in Part 15 of Fallout: New Vegas, we head to the NCRCF to recruit a sheriff for the town of Primm. There's a lot of violence in this episode, so be forewarned, heavy blood and gore follow!

CAUTION: Fallout: New Vegas is rated M for Mature (17+) in the U.S. It is also rated 18+ everywhere else in the world except Australia, where it is rated MA15+. According to the ESRB, Fallout: New Vegas contains Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language, and Use of Drugs. Therefore, viewer discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED. If you are bothered by the content of this Let's Play and/or feel it is inappropriate for CAA forums, please let me or a mod know and I'll remove the links.

Fallout: New Vegas: PART 15
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