please help!!!
i just installed a linksys network, one comp. is wired to the hub - it works perfectly, but my laptop is connected with a wireless card, it detects the roter but it wont connect to the internet, (onec it suddenly connected, but next the time i put on the comp. it didint work, and hasint worked since)?
i get this message external exception eo6d7363?
I'm having the same problem installing a Linksys wireless-G WPC54G version 2 card. This person does not have Cold Fusion or DreamWeaver software on his computer. Have you found a fix yet? Thanks.
Ok, the above quotes pretty much sum up what is happening to me. My landlord just got highspeed and has a netgear wireless router. I got a linksys wireless-G WPC54G version 2 card and i get nothing now. just the external exception. before that, i could see the router, but not connect, or if i could, not to the internet.
So i'm wondering, is it this card? should i take it back and get a net gear[my land lord has it hardwired to his laptop, but has a netgear card to his wife's laptop, and she can use it fine, no problemo] card? or is there some software thing i need to do. I have installed, uninstalled, countless times...
thanks a lot,