The (un)official CAA Chat Thread

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Re: The (un)official CAA Chat Thread

Postby SilverToast » Thu May 30, 2013 6:57 pm

Crossfire wrote:BananaLobster 02:34 - Are we weirding you out Cross? XD

thisiskris89 02:36 - im sorry crossy i thought u were a guy
Panda4christ3 02:37 - he is XD right> o.O
Panda4christ3 02:37 - *?
Crossfire 02:37 - I am.
thisiskris89 02:37 - ...
thisiskris89 02:38 - u find hugh jackman attractive...?
thisiskris89 02:38 - *backs away towards door*
Crossfire 02:38 - Who wouldn't?
thisiskris89 02:39 - nice weather we're having
Crossfire 02:39 - A perfect day for a walk on the beach.
Crossfire 02:39 - With Hugh Jackman.

^this. XD
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Re: The (un)official CAA Chat Thread

Postby SilverToast » Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:51 pm

Best time to join chat! lol XD

06:39 - Man I didn't like cheesecake as a kid but now amg
Masaru 06:39 - xD
Ace33Wing 06:39 - haha
Ace33Wing 06:40 - I was born eating cheesecake.
FllMtlNovelist 06:40 - That sounds like a wonderful way to be born.
Ace33Wing 06:41 - Yes. I even had a tuxedo on while eating cheesecake.
FllMtlNovelist 06:42 - Woah.
FllMtlNovelist 06:42 - You're mom is an amazing woman.
FllMtlNovelist 06:42 - *Your
06:42 - A chime sounds at the front door. Crossfire enters the chat.
Crossfire 06:42 - Chat froze, what a surprise.
Ace33Wing 06:42 - haha yes. I thank her everyday that she ate fancy clothing so that I can be born wearing it.
Crossfire 06:43 - Uh....
Ace33Wing 06:43 - XD
Masaru 06:43 - loooool
FllMtlNovelist 06:43 - XD
Masaru 06:43 - what a good time to join chat
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Re: The (un)official CAA Chat Thread

Postby Wolfsong » Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:38 pm

^^ hilarious. I've had moments like that...

Crossfire 03:18 - No abnormalties et al. Nothing to see here.
Wolfsong 03:19 - *crickets*
Wolfsong 03:19 - *more crickets*
Koshka catches a cricket
Wolfsong 03:19 - *even more crickets*
Wolfsong 03:19 - *the chat world is alive in crickets*
Wolfsong 03:20 - ...munch....munch.....munch....gulp!
Koshka gathers a jar of crickets for no good reason
Wolfsong 03:20 - anyone got any honey?
Koshka passes the honey
Wolfsong 03:20 - thanks! *munch munch*
Koshka 03:21 - are you eating those? o.o
Wolfsong 03:21 - XD
Wolfsong 03:21 - not really, no....
Crossfire 03:21 - You don't eat locusts dipped in honey?
Wolfsong 03:21 - that would be kinda gross...
Wolfsong 03:21 - What bothers me is some people do...
Crossfire 03:21 - If it's good enough for John it's good enough for me.
Wolfsong 03:21 - lol well I don't live in a desert
Wolfsong 03:22 - besides...he ate locusts
Wolfsong 03:22 - not crickets
Wolfsong 03:22 - and don't tell me they're the same thing
Crossfire 03:22 - Same difference.
Wolfsong 03:22 - XD
Wolfsong sets fire to the crickets
Koshka 03:22 - noooooooo the crickies TwT
Crossfire 03:23 - Well aren't you a bundle of sunshine.
Wolfsong 03:23 - what did I do?
Koshka 03:23 - It's as if a million voices suddenly cried out...and were silenced...
Crossfire 03:23 - Crickets are supposed to bring good luck, you know.
Wolfsong 03:23 - XP
Wolfsong sets the crickets on fire with bright blue fire
Crossfire 03:23 - And you killed them. All of them.
Wolfsong 03:23 - :)
Wolfsong changes her mind and upgrades to white fire
Wolfsong 03:24 - they're plenty dead now
Crossfire kills Wolfsong with a single shot to the head.
Koshka 03:24 - Why don't you make your insecticidal rampage useful and torch some wasps? :D
Wolfsong 03:24 - .......
Wolfsong slowly rises from the dead.
Wolfsong 03:24 - now I want....braaaiiiinnsssss.......
Crossfire 03:24 - Yeah, those things are getting annoying out here.
Wolfsong 03:24 - XD okay, I'm weirding out....
Koshka 03:24 - Sorry, I'm all out.
Wolfsong goes to kill some wasps while she tries to come back to her senses
Wolfsong hurls some live crickets into the chat room
Wolfsong 03:25 - go ahead, you guys like 'em.
Koshka throws crickets back at you
Wolfsong torches crickets by accident
Wolfsong 03:26 - now look what you made me do
Koshka 03:26 - WHAT HAVE I DONE
Crossfire 03:26 - "Accident".
Crossfire 03:26 - Right.
Wolfsong kicks Crossfire under the table
Wolfsong 03:26 - Shhhh!!!!
Wolfsong 03:26 - it means nothing, unless....
Wolfsong 03:26 - unless....
Koshka 03:27 - unless?
Wolfsong 03:27 - well, if you don't reoil your joints, you'll mean bugfood fast
Wolfsong 03:27 - or wait...bugs don't eat metal
Wolfsong 03:27 - on second thought....
Wolfsong 03:27 - you'll mean scrapmetal
Crossfire 03:28 - 何
Koshka 03:28 - but I'm not a robot!
Wolfsong 03:28 - but Cross is
Koshka 03:28 - the only danger i have from hungry bugs is moths eating my clothes...
Wolfsong 03:28 - XD oh no
Wolfsong 03:28 - want me to torch em?
Koshka 03:28 - what? they're not here are they? o.o
Koshka 03:29 - meh, they only can do that in a huge swarm anyway...

its more like rping, but I thought it was funny where it went...
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