fully commited follower of Christ
PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 1:01 pm
i have been a follower of Christ my whole life. but it wasn't until about three years ago when found out it ment to be fully commited to Him. it was the summer of my freshman year in highschool when i was finnaly able go to the youth group. The youth pastor at our church had been told by God to leave and go and finnish his college. Putting our church in a need of a new pastor. so until we got one my brothers and two other seinors at the time took over. This might sound strange but this was a total God sighting he had it all planed out. well i started to go to the youth and other events that our church had. One night though stands out among the rest. It was the second time i went to the men's accoutablity when God used my brother to speek to me. not thru his words did he speek but thru his actions. he had somthing in his life i was missing ,it wasn't Christ i knew that but what was it? he had a passion an Excitement that i had never know. i prayed to God to show me what i wasmissing in my life. And (who would have thought) the next sunday my paster started a series on being a Fully Commited Follower of Christ. well i learned that what i had been missing was fully comitting my life to Christ. To give all thing i do to him. All i am is his now. (as a side note i would like prayer that i would stay fully commited to him and not slide thanks)