Academic Blessings

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Academic Blessings

Postby Golden_Griff » Sun May 30, 2004 11:03 pm

Hello all. There's been so many things that I can testify on but I want to tell you all about something in particular.

I will be a junior in college in the Fall. This past year (as a sophmore) I was blessed with a very good roommate and sister in Christ. However, first semester was awful academic-wise; I was studying education as a minor but I hated it. I had absolutely no interest in becoming certified to teach. I was obligated to study education in order to keep a scholarship which is given to those who plan to certify. However, not only would I have had to take every education course required for my Art Education degree, but I would also have had to teach for a minimum for 4 years.

However, after mid-term in the fall semester, I wanted out. And the consequences of getting out of certification only made the decision tougher. If I chose not to teach after my schooling I would have had to pay every single dime of the teaching scholarship. But leaving the program in the middle of sophmore year would also mean that I would have to find money somewhere else to take up the slack. My academic performance suffered because I was so burdened with worry and stress.

I called home and told my parents about my decision. Mom was okay with it; Dad was another story. He was totally against it and tried to convince me to stick with it. Only he had no idea what I was going through. His opposition only made things worse and I was really feeling the pressure.

I cried for many days, particularly after my education courses, because I just hated those education classes and I was so lost about what to do. Should I isten to my father or listen to the counselor who told me to go with what would make me happy? And what would be the consequences of either decision? I prayed about it, asking God to tell me what was the best thing to do.

Finally the day came: I phoned home and I told my parents that I was getting out:and that was my final answer . Dad was furious, but I stuck with my decision; it was me that would have to go through this stuff, not him. But the next time I came home he wasn't mad at all: it was almost as if I never mentioned anything.

Okay, so this brings me to part 2 (just bear with me!):

I began this past semester (Spring 2004) working on an Visual Arts degree. And this time, I was no longer burdened by the stress and worry of education courses for certification, which almost drove me to insanity in the previous semester. I performed so much better in school and I felt better too; I had less days of worrying and crying and more days laughing and having fun.
Sure I was still doing papers 2 am in the morning (which I miraculously still made A's on!) but I was still in a good mood when it was all over.

And just a few weeks ago, I got proof of how much better I was doing (And how great God is) after getting rid of the certification blues: I GOT STRAIGHT A's!!! Knowing how many hours of sleep I was getting and how many assignments I've done 2 hours before the deadline, I know that's nothing but the help of the Good Lord!

As for the finances to continue school this Fall--I'm praying to God that He'll bring something my way (other than loans!). Of course I'm doing my part, working on finding scholarships online. But whatever the future will bring, I'm sure that God will bring me through. :thumb:
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