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Fall Retreat

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:25 pm
by meboeck
I just got back from a fall retreat with my church, (Mr. SmartyPants, LinksQuest, and Peanut were also there) and God did some seriously amazing things. I just thought I should share for any of you who may need encouragement. God has been telling me for a few weeks that I have a gift for compassion, and I have been praying a lot for others. Over the weekend, my prayers were taken to a new level. I have never felt such an intense need to pray before. Instead of trying to remeber that I should pray, it is becoming automatic. I need to pray because I know that people are hurting and they need someone to come before God for them. If you are having trouble with your prayer life, ask God for a heart of compassion. It will change the way you think.

Also, Mr. SmartyPants brought a friend who has been carpooling with me to church for about a month. She is a very new Christian and has a lot of questions because of various issues that she doesn't understand. Yesterday afternoon I was about to go hiking with a bunch of people, but I decided I should do a bible study instead. While I was reading my bible, she came and started asking me questions. Then MSP, who had also been planning to go hiking, happened to find us, and he joined in. At dinner, LinksQuest sat with us and gave her some really good insight. I ended up spending 15 minutes alone specifically praying for her. In the service that night, the speaker said something that directly related to her situation. She ended up completely giving her doubts to God, and he gave her peace.

It was amazing to see how God put all the pieces together. If any one of those events had not happened, from MSP bringing her to me reading my bible, to LQ sitting with her at dinner, her life would not have been so dramatically changed. If you want God to use you, let Him guide you in little ways. Eventually all those little events will add up to something truly amazing.

One other thing happened. My brother has been suffering from depression/bipolar/who knows what other mental issues for about five years, and yesterday I prayed for him and even though he was miles away, I knew he has been healed. God is truly all-powerful.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:30 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
Dude! It just amazes me that... Because I knew her, and that you gave her rides (her getting to know you more), and you and I not going to the hike, and John deciding to sit with us that one dinnertime, ALL that added up and she grew much into her faith. That alone is NOT a coincidence, that was GOD working there. And who would of known? God planned out EVERYTHING!

At first I was a bit annoyed how John started to talk to her and not me (he stole all the glory!) But I realized I did MY part, by inviting her to the retreat. (sure I added some stuff for me to say) God wanted me to invite her to come, and you to know her, for John to mostly expose her to what Christianity is about. I was like "YEEESSSS! Roxxor on! Go linksquest!"

As for me, wow.... awesome awesome. I totally feel refreshed and such and on fire for God. I feel that I'm called to ministry

baptism of the holy spirit = very very awesome indeed

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:42 pm
by Yokuo
That's really awesome, guys. It's always great when someone dedicates themselves to God. Tell your friend congratulations for me. Again, awesome.

To God be the glory!!!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:43 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Cool! That's great that you guys were able to minister to her! Hey, if she's an anime fan, invite her to CAA sometime! :D We'd all be glad to meet her, I'm sure! Anyways, glad you guys had fun!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:13 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
nah, shes not an anime fan XD

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 8:04 pm
by Conner999
"Coincidence is just God chosing to be anonymous." ~ Guest pastor tonight

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:16 am
by Linksquest
haha... oops... i posted in the prayer section by accident... err.. i think this would be more appropriate here... so... ill post this here as well... <<;;;

WHOA! God is so awsome!

This weekend MSP, Peanut, Meboeck, and most of our youth group went to Summit Lake for our Fall reatreat this past weekend. It was sooo amazing. God definately was working in me this weekend. I was able to confess old sins and leave them at the cross without picking them up again. I was baptised in the Holy Spirit. I felt this connection with God, and all the old questions I had like "is God really real?" faded away. I know, that i know, that i know God is Real and that he truelly loves and cares for us all. It was just an amazing experience.

Throughout this God showed me that i have to continue to read my bible, which i haven't been doing. It's the word of God, the living water that is supposed to nourish our souls and allow us to grow spiritually. You can't just read the bible once and say "allright, im never going to read it again" just as you can't say "oh... i watered this plant today, so ill never need to water it again." Just like if you don't water that plant, it will begin to die, so shall our faith begin to die if we don't continue to read God's word.

Another thing God revealed to me is how crucial going to church and being a member of the body of Christ is. The body of christ can be compared to an actual body. Each person has a part to play: a hand, a foot, an ear, an eye. People to reach out to people and bring them, people to go out and find people, to listen, to see people in need.

Somtimes people get unsatisfied with their place in the body od christ. They dont want to be a "hand" anymore, they want to be the "eyes," or the "ears," or anything else besides what God has called them to do. Well, if everyone wanted to be a foot, then what would happen is that all the body of Christ could do, is walk. It couldnt reach out to people, to look, or listen, or speak to other people. Each person may have a different calling from God. different does not mean better or worse... it means: different. God made each of us different for a purpose: so that together, each of our separate talents and abilities will make a strong Body that can do many more things that each of us could do on our own.

Going to church as often as possible is also crucial. Again, the body of christ can be compared to a tree. If you want to be separate, and be by yourself, it's like you are a branch, cutting yourself from the tree. Eventually that branch will die. It is cut from the life. God wants us to grow together and help one another through the trials and tribulations that we face. God wants us not to be separate from the tree... but to be part of it.

Another thing, being a christian is not just a one time decision. People cannot accept christ one day and then for the rest of their lives do whatever they want to and live a life of sin. Being a christian, is being a follower of christ. People can decide Not to follow christ after they have been following him. Like in the game "follow the leader" the ones following CAN decide not to follow the leader if they want to. In the same way, people who once were christians can become "non-christians." Each person has to make a daily commitment to following Christ, and making the Lord the center of their lives.

One last thing. Worship. Worship is more than just singing praise and worship songs, and clapping your hands, and dancing. Worship is what you spend your time thinking about, talking about, the things that you do most of the time. You can worship somethign without even concioulsy knowing you are worshipping it. Did you know you can wosrhip your car? Yes, you can. People who spend their time obsessing about it, washing it, cleaning it, talking about it: it becomes like and idol in their lives. We need to make God the center of our attention, not just SOME of the time, but ALL of the time.
God knows we are not perfect, and we WILL make mistakes, we are human after all. But trying and attempting to be as christlike as we can in these sinful and human bodies, is being a christian, being a follower of christ to the best of our abilities.

And what frustrates me so much is the realisation that i could have been experiencing that connection to God all along, if i would have only done what he told me to do in his Word, the Bible. And then i got to thinking, "Why AREnt our lives more dedicated to God? Why aren't our conversations more about the things that are holy and the things that are of God? Why do we compromise so much in TV, Games, etc. With the things we know are wrong?" God offers a way of escape, and a freedom we could never experience in the things we think will make us "happy." God gives us joy and peace, and doind the things that are in God's will, and not yours, will make you the most Joyful, and filled with peace more than you could ever experience in your plans. This is because God made you, gave you the purposes for your life, and knows you more than you know yourself. God loves you more than anyone on this earth can, including yourself.

Trusting in God, and doing his will, will never leave you dissapointed in the end. It may be hard, yes. There may be pain, yes. But God will be with you.

I just felt ihad to say those last things. Im not condemning anyone. And i don't mean to come of as harsh. God is Real, God is awsome, God is glorious, and God sent his son to die for us, and even as terrible as we are sometimes, he loves us no matter what. And that unconditional love is incomprehensible.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 12:37 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
:lol: you are SOOOO reiterating what you said there... wootwoot

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 7:17 pm
by Yokuo
Linksquest wrote:Somtimes people get unsatisfied with their place in the body od christ. They dont want to be a "hand" anymore, they want to be the "eyes," or the "ears," or anything else besides what God has called them to do. Well, if everyone wanted to be a foot, then what would happen is that all the body of Christ could do, is walk. It couldnt reach out to people, to look, or listen, or speak to other people. Each person may have a different calling from God. different does not mean better or worse... it means: different. God made each of us different for a purpose: so that together, each of our separate talents and abilities will make a strong Body that can do many more things that each of us could do on our own.

I agree with this, as well as all you've said, whole-heartedly. In my youth group, we've discussed this before. We have people to reach out, to talk to, to gather people, to teach, to listen, etc. All of our seperate talents do, in fact, make us more useful as a whole. More people need to realize this truth: Use what God has given you, and don't envy what someone else can do. Everyone has a spiritual gift. :thumb:

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:42 pm
by teen4truth
W00t! W00t! You go guys! That us is so awesome! That is great that yall are letting God use you for his good! I guess I should really pray more, not just for other peeps, but like my daily lists and stuff. Well, I am going to start a 'pray for the person above you' thread. Rock on^_~

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 8:53 pm
by animegirl1
if i hadnt been new at my church 3 years ago and i hadnt been invited to camp corum deo and the pastor hadnt been talking about what was going on in my life and i hadnt been befriended by the people in my camp cabin i probably wouldnt have come to have a growing relationship with god as i do now...its amazing how careful and perfect gods master plan is in life every little detail impacts soo much it just proves the true wonder of god and how amazing and wonderful he is

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 4:49 pm
by Yokuo
:dance: The Banana-Man dances for God! :dance: