alright...i have been spending some major time in prayer and in God's Word...i finally realized what God has been telling me all along: I love you and I always will. It's jsut that i have been going thu some really tough stuff, and it feels good to know that God is everywhere, even inside me. When I truly accepted Christ, I never realized how much God does really care. Now i know and i'll never be the same. i still cry blood, for those i love who are gone, but now God will help me thru. a friend of mine was jsut killed in iraq, and i was so upset. how many more deaths before its my turn? God was right there with me the whole time, he told me it was OK. so now, when i feel alone and lsot, I know God is watching me. sometiems i doubt his power, his love, his existance even, but i will always come back...
lay me down in fields of green...this heart has seen things i never should have're breaking my legs and teaching me...kidsintheway...