Dunno if this is quite the right place, but--
HEY everybody praise God I JUST GOT MAH FIRST JOB!!! YESS! YES! YES! YES!! Oh my gosh, I wanted it so much--and by the Lord's grace I think I've gotten it!! I GOT IT! I GOT A JOB! A JOB! Sure, it's not technically a "real" job, but -- IT'S -- A -- JOB!!!! I do work, and get paid for it! It's like, totally like in real life when I'm out of school, but I've never done it before!! BUT NOW I HAVE A JOB!! Oh, praise the Lord! ^___________________^ If ever there was doubt in my heart it's been cleaned out for sure THIS time! I've gotta be the most blessed person in my whole entire village! Life is wonderful.