I'm kinda ashamed to say that I never was much of a prayer person. But..
Last week, the sermon at my church was stressing on how important it is to pray for the salvation of unbelievers because we are interceding on their behalf and releasing them from the Devil's clutches. We made a list of ppl around us that needed salvation. I took mine home and stuck it right next to my bed, along with the "I know that you always hear me" sign I made. I prayed faithfully for these ppl's salvations everyday this week.
Today, I received an email from one of them who told me that she wants to make a commitment to go to church every week. She's been the "off and on" type and I was turned down the last time I invited her to church. Well, she said in that email, that she wants to take her spiritual life more "seriously."
Can everyone else say, "Wow" along with me? Praise God, I believe the Holy Spirit is speaking to her! XD XD I'm so happy!
I'll be taking prayers more seriously as well.