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Doing a lot better

All spiritual discussion is focused here. You may share your testimony, anything you have learned about the Word, or shout your praises to God here. Also the hub of all CAA bible studies.

Doing a lot better

Postby Qwilek88 » Tue Oct 04, 2005 6:48 pm

I know none of you people really know me on here, but heck! I wanna share this with ya! :) Well, I doubt any of you know that I have been really down lately. I am telling you now. I have been sad. Mostly because I turned my back on God. I was so sick of trying to do things his way. I ignored him and did what I wanted. I did what I wanted to do to make me happy. Well, I didn't. After all that crud, I felt extremely guilty. At times I would just go to my room and cry. I was so angry with myself and was sick of what I had become. But, I was way too scared to go to God. I had done so many things against him. Even things I had said I wouldn't do again I did. I thought," No way will he forgive me now." In a word, I was lost. When I was with friends of family I would feel left out because from my point of view it seemed like their lives were grand. Things happened, conversations took place and I was at an end. I realized what I needed to do, so with God's help I did! I finally handed over control of my life to God! Woohoo! It feels so good to have him in my life again! So, I thought,"I must share this with people!" So, here I am! Thankies for reading! God Bless, cuz he sure does! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
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Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2005 11:58 am

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