Postby wilson1112000 » Thu Jun 16, 2005 3:37 pm
It is a great thing what your mom did, so pray for the woman, that she would accept Jesus. It has been my experiance that it is much easier to witness to strangers than it is friends. Lets hope that others will use this example to motivate them to share Jesus with friends or family members that have not accepted Christ yet.
Praise the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your might, for that is what we were created for.
We've got to speed things up in this hotel. Chef, if a guest orders a three-minute egg, give it to him in two minutes.
If he orders a two-minute egg, give it to him in one minute.
If he orders a one-minute egg, give him a chicken and let him work it out for himself.
Groucho in A Night in Casablanca (movie)
Chinese Finger trap: noun 1. A puzzle that is supposed to test ones ability at problem solveing. or 2. The manifistation of Satan in a cardborad tube.
You decide.