Convicted to Witness: Why we should share our faith

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Convicted to Witness: Why we should share our faith

Postby Keely » Sat Jan 19, 2008 5:18 pm

I posted this same thing on AnimeAngels and thought that CAAers might also be interested, so here it goes:

When I created this site my site, AnimeAngels, 1999 my intent was two-fold: To use Anime Angels as a safe haven for Christian fans to discuss anime and make friends and also as an avenue to share Christ throughout the anime community. I feel like somewhere along the way I've forgotten that original purpose of sharing God through this site and that saddens me - especially since that's really our main purpose as Christians.

Matthew 28:18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

My husband and I have recently started doing the Way of the Master training Bible study with some of our friends and I have found a renewed passion for sharing the way to Heaven to everyone I come into contact with. I hope that those of you that read this will become passionate about doing the same.

From the

150,000 people die every 24 hours—most without the Savior. We are deeply concerned that so few Christians reach out to the lost. Statistics show that this is as low as 5%. One of the reasons for this is that many don’t feel equipped.

Imagine that you are sound asleep in bed, and unbeknown to you, your house is on fire. There's a fire station next door. What virtues would you like the firefighters to have? Wouldn't you want them to have alertness, strength, training, courage, diligence, and concern for others? Do you and I possess those necessary strengths? Are we concerned for others? Are we sober, alert, and diligent? Are we horrified at the thought of any human being ending up in Hell? Are we strengthening ourselves through prayer and faith in Jesus Christ? Are we diligently training to reach out to the lost? If we don't study the subject and learn how to speak to the unsaved, we won't be ready when God gives us an opportunity, and it may never come again. There goes another minute. Gone forever. Go share your faith while you still have time.

So what should we do to help share the most important thing in the entire universe? It's much simpler than you think - TALK! Tell people! Tell EVERYONE!

Hand out tracts in the grocery store, leave them with your bill at restaurants, have conversations with strangers while waiting for the bus. There are opportunities everywhere for us to share our faith. is a great resource for how to tell others about Heaven (they say it much better than I could!) so check that site out and pray about it. gives the basic message that they share and is a wonderful link to send to your non-Christian friends.

I just felt that I needed to share my heart about this with everyone, and I hope that just one of you that reads this is willing to give it a try!
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sat Jan 19, 2008 8:26 pm

That's an honourable calling mate, good on you. Yeah, we need to reach out to the lost more often.

(Although I think the tracts approach doesn't work at all well in these times, the others are much more effective).
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Postby ADXC » Sat Jan 19, 2008 9:14 pm

But hey do remember that if tracts can at least save one persons life from the fires of hell, then they have done their duty. We are called to witness for the Lord, and tracts are just one of those ways we can. But I do think that we should take more time with non-believers to help them get the full gist of it, but I do think tracts help with mass quantities of people. And also these tracts may even help spiken an unbelievers curiosity to learn more about the Lord, Bible, Jesus, etc.

And I do like the site and I think its a great way to reach non-believers across the internet.
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Postby Keely » Sat Jan 19, 2008 9:20 pm

I agree that tracts aren't always the most effective but they're good when you're pressed for time. You just have to get ones that aren't offensive and spell out the Gospel in an intriguing way. "Million Dollar Bills" are good options and so are tracts that include fun trivia or neat optical illusions on them. Anything to grab attention. has several that we've been using and surprisingly people seem think they're pretty cool. I've had negative reactions to "traditional" tracts in the past so I was skeptical myself but if the tract is unique it seems that people are much more willing to accept them with a smile. And really, if they just throw them away that's their decision, at least we've tried to do our God-given duty.

They're good to give to someone after you've spoken with them too so that they have the verses and information for later.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sat Jan 19, 2008 10:03 pm

Okay, sorry, I meant the more traditional ones often scare people away or aren't effective. People just chuck them in the bin. But the more intriguing tracts work well enough depending on the demographic you're trying to reach.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:26 pm

I agree! It brings me to tears so much to know that so many people aren't going to be with us when we go to heaven...and whose fault is it but our own?

I think part of showing people Christ is also in our actions. I need to see if this is a verse or not, (I am pretty sure it is) but it is said that people will know we are Christians by our love. (I believe it's at least a Jars of Clay song).

But it's easier said than done to just walk up to a stranger and start preaching to them... I mean.. I've always thought that you need to at least get to know the person before you start preaching to them...otherwise they think you are juding them and they get turned off... How can we witness to people without doing that?

I am always scared that the words I say will turn people off, the desire to witness is there, and I will tell people if I feel led to do so... but yeah.

Any tips?
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Postby LadyRushia » Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:52 pm

ChristianKitsune wrote:I am always scared that the words I say will turn people off, the desire to witness is there, and I will tell people if I feel led to do so... but yeah.

Any tips?

My advice, from personal experience, is to build a friendship first. Friends are more likely to listen to each other's thoughts than strangers.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Tue Jan 22, 2008 5:47 pm

LadyRushia (post: 1193529) wrote:My advice, from personal experience, is to build a friendship first. Friends are more likely to listen to each other's thoughts than strangers.

thats my point...

Completely strangers probably won't listen...not in this day and age.. ._. As said those guys probably listened to Kirk Cameron because he's an actor and people actually listen to them ^^;
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Postby rocklobster » Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:02 pm

I once heard it said that you may be the only Christ people will see. That's definitely something we should take to heart and adopt.
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