Virtual Bible Study Suggestion

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Virtual Bible Study Suggestion

Postby USSRGirl » Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:09 pm

Hey all. Just a random idea I had that I thought might be kinda fun and wanted to run by some mods and such to see what people think. What if were to do a virtual Bible study and prayer time once a week in the chat for like 15-30 min? My idea was to have a team of about three leaders to get different perspectives kinda oversee the lesson type thing (er... so long as they're not cultists that is... they could sign off that they agree with the basic CAA statement of faith), and also allow anyone else who wants to to present a lesson. We could use Biblegateway to follow along a chapter or a verse or however much you wanna do in whatever translation you prefer. I know a few people who might be interested already, and I think I'd be a good way for us all to explore God's word. We'll give out free matzos and cupcakes to anyone who comes. :jump:

So what'd ya think?

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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:28 pm

For the record, in the past there have been studies that had a certain degree of official forum backing. I'm not sure quite how the precedent operates in this situation, but it's a possibility. One thing I can tell you is that the leaders would have to be people well-known to the moderators.

Depending on the passage and the time of the study I might be able to participate in that capacity.
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Postby USSRGirl » Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:14 pm

It would be good if we could mods to do it *poke poke pokes UC*. I mainly wanted to post this up just to see if there was any interest first.
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Postby Saint Kevin » Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:27 am

I've done a few in the past, and I can say that it is often difficult to address questions and chat comments while at the same time trying to teach a passage. We used AIM to conduct the studies in the past, but I imagine the CAA chat could be used (or some other chat), provided the only people in the chat at the time of the study were those who seriously wanted to engage in bible study, and not simply chat.

Still, it does have challenges. Just ask Ashley - I believe she did a Beth Moore study way back, and so far as I know, the study was very challenging, but also very rewarding. As for me, I studied Romans along with some CAAers way back. We made the mistake of trying to address four chapters per session. Huge mistake. I'd advise you shoot for one chapter at a time, two at the very most. I may still have the transcripts of those studies around somewhere if you're interested to see what a study of that kind would look like...

I would also advise that people read the entire book in question (or a great deal of it) before coming together if at all possible - I think study and discussion are much more productive that way.

ANOTHER IDEA entirely would be to get a group of people together committed to reading the same bible passages at the same time, and then meeting for informal discussion in a chatroom at an agreed upon time (or multiple times - for those on different schedules) soon afterward. If this was done with no official CAA backing, and with the full understanding that all individuals' opinions are just that, then it could be easier to arrange and commit to for a long period of time.

Committed group scripture reading with informal discussion is much easier to organize than formal bible study, but can evolve into formal bible study if enough interested and committed members express interest. I'd also advise you to start small and work your way up. Don't start with Genesis - Try Ephesians or Galatians - they are only a few chapters, but chock full of good stuff.

Even though I have little time during the week, I would be committed to reading along with you all, should you choose to do this, and perhaps even showing up to a chat once in a while (Should you not choose to do this, I might be forced to do it anyway until others cave in to peer pressure and start reading along with me).
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Postby K. Ayato » Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:54 am

I was in that Bible study that Ashley was part of, and yes, on the whole it was very rewarding, but there were a few moments of difficulty. I agree on Kevin's idea, if another online Bible study is proposed.
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