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Postby DangoDaikazoku » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:17 pm

Hey there people! Whether you were looking for something interesting to read, or just browsing, I hope you enjoy my little story. This is a novel I am in the process of writing. It's called Winged, it's a Christian fantasy (I know, FINALLY!). I really made this for my fourteen-year-old self, the one having trouble finding any great fantasy Christian stuff for the not-a-pre-teen-but-not-a-teenager age. It is about a girl who is taken to a strange world and given a new body, a fox with wings. This is novel follows this girl, Liz, as she travels through the world, looking for the reason God sent her (I mean He must have sent her there... right?), or a way home, whichever came first. Please critique, encourage, and enjoy! I hope you like your stay in Aliterra. :thumb:
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Postby DangoDaikazoku » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:27 pm

She shivered in fear. Her bat-like wings fluttered like leaves in the wind. The red eyes of the tribe stared back at her. Their sharpened fangs and claws glistened in the night, glittering like stars. In reality they were the blood stained weapons of death. They hadn’t always been that way, she remembered. What had become of her tribe? Why couldn’t they go back to eating insects and fruit? She disliked the savage way of eating prey. Couldn’t they remember when they were once preyed upon, when they were tiny? She didn’t want to surrender. She didn’t want to give in. She didn’t want to hunt.
She turned her gaze upwards, into the blood red eyes of Scurge, their leader. The branches he hung from stretched out, ready for her to claws to dig in to its bark. The leaves swayed gently, coaxing her to join the rest of her tribe. Scurge smiled wickedly down at her. A large scar streaked from his left eye, across his warped face, and down along his neck.
“Come child, join us. You shall not be disappointed,” he said, scar rippling with every word. A malevolent glint entered his eyes, those eyes that had infected the tribe. Her gaze wandered around the circle that trapped her. She only saw the eyes of Scurge, reflected in everyone, but her. Her eyes were still blue. But not for long if Scurge got his way.
“No,” she squeaked, “I-ah, I will not lose herself in The Hunt!”
“Ah, you are so confused her young one. We have not lost part of ourselves, but found a new one, a stronger one,” he reasoned. Her parents beside him nodded with approval. Their eyes glowed with an expression that reflected Scurge. Never again shall they look upon me with love, she thought.
“You have lost the very part of yourself that makes you a creature of The Soul! I shall never forget. I shall never renounce that part of me! No matter how much power I gain! Will it not be for nothing?” she protested. She saw a guard shift uncomfortably. His eyes flickered momentarily. She took her chance, her only chance, and tore towards the gap. Leaves crunched underfoot and flew up behind her into the face of the dropping warriors.
Her eyes locked with the guard. He had once been a kind and gentle being. She saw his eyes, confused and shocked. Suddenly his expression changed to hatred as Scurge shouted, “CAPTURE HER!”
The warriors behind her crashed through the undergrowth and glided around low lying tree branches. Her heart pounded as the guard charged and slashed her. His claw dug coldly across her left front leg, tearing it open. Blood poured and a heat wave hit her with the full force of a forest fire.
“You cannot avoid The Hunt forever, there is no escape!” laughed Scurge.
“There must be a way,” she gasped. The Hunt slashed deeper and deeper. Like an inside-out volcano the fiery pain flowed into her body, engulfing her in a red, blinding rage. I must escape, this must not happen, I can’t let it happen! She cried silently.
Oh, but can’t you, it would be so easy. All you have to do is give up, a voice whispered. No, she gasped, no. She spread her wings and flapped. She knew she had to fly. She had to get away from the approaching warriors. The voice, the hateful, conniving voice began again, Your parents would love you. You would be her little princess, ruler of the entire forest. I could do that. Give you all of the forest, even all of the world if it pleases you. I can give you anything. No, no, I can’t. I mustn’t. I shouldn’t, she deliberated.
But you could…answered the voice. Slowly the sound of the warriors faded. They smelled the blood on her. They knew she wouldn’t make it far. Soon she would give in to that lovely voice and come back willingly. Why give chase and put out so much futile effort. Her wings beat ever more slowly as she argued with the voice in her head. They drooped and her paws hit the ground. The pain didn’t hurt anymore; it was dull, almost non-existent.
Is it possible that all this time I was wrong? I would be a good leader, better than Scurge, better than anyone, She mused as she continued forward.
All you must do, her child, is, only for a short time… hissed the voice
What? What must I do? Anything for you…
Rage, Hate, and Kill.

At these words she snapped back to reality. Never, never in a thousand years would she do such things. These were the mindless sins only for creatures of The Hunt. I am a creature of The Soul, never a creature of The Hunt! She ran from her life, her tribe, and her suffering, but a flame burned inside. It slowly, painfully slowly, was eating away at her heart. It muttered, to her subconscious mind, things of The Hunt, With time, without faith I shall tear you apart, her little princess. I shall eat you up until all you will be is Rage, Hate, and Kill.
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Chapter 1

Postby DangoDaikazoku » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:16 pm

The Other Land
There are other places that human eyes shall never see.
Their dirty hand will not form horrid things.
Their feet will not trample upon all of the Lord’s creation until it is flat and straight.
But their human minds will travel there and taint this land, until none may live without the threat of sin.
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Chapter 1

Postby DangoDaikazoku » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:24 pm

Liz’s eyes flashed open. Distant memories flashed in her mind, feeling closer to reality than life itself, before fading away. Sighing, she wondered why, yet again, another of the dreams had escaped and rolled away.
God, why did you invent short term memory loss?There was no answer for the time being. I told you God, I am going to paint today. Please, please tell me what to do. You always have before. Did I do something wrong? Liz paused and waited for a response, no answer. I know of course I always sin, but that never stopped you sending me lovely pictures to paint before. If God decided not to speak then so be it. This whole teenager thing was so pointless. She hadn’t really felt the effects of grumpiness and rebellion until a few days after her fourteenth birthday, she guess that was about the time the dreams stopped coming, and paintings stopped flowing.
Liz took a deep breath and decided to stop moping around and get ready. Not like she had school or anything, it was summer vacation. She just wanted to paint, and she had promised God.
She glanced at the time. Nine fifty two. Liz scowled, one, for getting up so early on a summer vacation and two, for waking up so late on a painting day. She slipped into her paint splattered jeans and sweatshirt, did a quick brush of hair and teeth, and then wandered down the hallway towards the kitchen. She heard the clatter of dishes and the sink running. Her mom was washing the dishes.
As Liz walked in her mom shouted “Hey, Honey, did you finally wake up!â€
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Chapter 1

Postby DangoDaikazoku » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:27 pm

“Can I go to the forest tomorrow?â€
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Chapter 1

Postby DangoDaikazoku » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:31 pm

I can’t believe it! Liz thought gleefully as she walked through the forest. She had actually convinced her parents to let her come. All she had to do was meet them as an equal, not as an irritated squealing child. She glanced down and the well trodden grass beneath her, and smiled. The wind drifted though her hair, blowing it away from her face. She lifted her head to watch as the trees’ leaves sang and the undergrowth danced.
Liz froze. There, she could almost see it, a fox. Liz leaned forward slowly, squinting at the bushes. She could have sworn she saw them move. Her eyes darted all over, but there was no more rustling. She slowly let her body relax. Her parents were getting to her. There wasn’t anything dangerous in this forest, it was too small. She had been this way a thousand times in her life.
She was so relaxed that she screamed when an animal burst from the undergrowth a few feet in front of her. It stopped as suddenly as it appeared. The gray fox stood in front of her, poised to run. She stared into its deep green eyes. They seemed to be deeper than animal eyes should be, deep enough to fall into and drown.
The fox turned and dashed to a new deer trail which Liz had yet to travel. It halted before it, calling her with its eyes and then disappeared into the bushes. Liz, the spell broken, ran to the trail, but there was nothing to be seen. Suddenly a thought hit her It shouldn’t have seen me, really. I could understand it hearing and smelling me, but dressed in this heavy duty camo, its eyes shouldn’t have been trained on mine. Isn’t that aggressive with foxes? Feeling a little uncertain, Liz cautiously began down the road less traveled. Liz expected to circle back within thirty minutes, that’s what deer trails tended to do. This trail, although, seemed to only amble back and forth when avoiding a large obstacle. The rest of the time it seemed very straight and unnatural, too human like. Liz began to feel insecure, jumpy even.
Just past the next turn, then I shall leave this path that doesn’t blend into the forest like it should. Liz turned to look behind. The trail was clear as if it had been dug. The grass was flattened and at regular intervals a patch of grass, bush, or tree would be ripped apart. What type of animal would do this? This isn’t the work of bear, wolf, deer, or fox. It could only be humans that worked like this. Is there a creep at work in the woods? Father God, protect me, she prayed.
As she rounded the corner she stopped in awe. In a clearing, quite large for a forest, something glowed. There floated a glimmering orb of rainbow. It pulsed with colors, red, yellow, blue, and purple. As it flowed from the center the color quickly faded to yellow wisps. Intrigued and without thinking Liz lifted her hand toward the intermingling colors. The tendrils of light instantly engulfed her hand, like an octopus. Liz gasped in shock. Somehow, the light had substance, as if the air surrounding the light was thicker.
Suddenly the hair on the back of her neck prickled. She cocked her head only slightly twisting her back. There sat a fox. Amber eyes gazed back with direct eye contact. Its tattered red fur bristled in anger, or fear. A quiet growl emitted from in its throat. As it rumbled away Liz recognized something in the fox, its eyes held some history that was too deep to understand.
The shivering fur slowly began to settle. The rippling grew slower and the fox seemed to get smaller. Its eyes seemed to change focus, and its ears tipped back. Eyes appeared behind, glowing dimly as one fox murmured to another. They both slowly backed into the trees and away from sight.
Liz, intrigued let her hand drop as she turned to peer into the forest. Her hand passed though the light that was thicker than air. She stopped as she suddenly remembered the stunning, magical discovery. She wondered if it felt like floating, glowing water in the middle, or if it was more solid; a power source perhaps. She plunged her hand into its depths, and was transported to a world unlike the one she knew so well.
The glade lay quiet once more, dark and devoid of the light that had, only shortly before, lit every corner. Two foxes lay watching in the shadows. Wondering at the marvel they had witnessed.
Liz plunged through blinding colors that spiraled past. They whisked at her hair and tickled her face. The colors filled the air with overwhelmingly lovely smells. They engulfed her ears with a thousand voices singing a thousand songs that tangled into an unintelligible, but beautiful chorus. The magic sank deeper, infusing with her body. All at once, she was released from the altogether wonderfully consuming power which she had never known.
As the colors blurred and slowed she found tears upon her face and her limbs trembling with an overpowering awareness of her surroundings. The music was cut off, and the smells dulled. The colors faded until only swaying green was left. It sped towards her, and then, everything was black.
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Postby rocklobster » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:03 pm

Keep it up. This is starting out good.
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Postby Ella Edric » Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:08 pm

Amazing. Just amazing. I love this sooooo much! <333 I want to read MORE!! MORE I tell you! XD! So get working... please? XDD
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Postby DangoDaikazoku » Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:33 am

Thanks for the great comments guys! They made me oober happy. I know, oober is a weird word, but hey that's how I feel. EPICALLY OOBER HAPPY!!! I'll get chapter two in here asap!
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Postby Ella Edric » Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:06 pm

DangoDaikazoku (post: 1460247) wrote:Thanks for the great comments guys! They made me oober happy. I know, oober is a weird word, but hey that's how I feel. EPICALLY OOBER HAPPY!!! I'll get chapter two in here asap!

[color="LightBlue"]"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." --Thomas Jefferson [/color]
[font="Arial Black"][color="Pink"]~Proud member(and starter), of the sisterhood of CAA.~ [/color][/font]
[color="YellowGreen"]Furen: Without you Canada would be feeling bad. we'd all be depressed [/color]
CognitiveGear 07:08 - I hear that Jesus is a pretty rad dude who teaches us to love everyone.
[color="Silver"]Midknight74012 09:04 - Minds are like parachutes. Just because you lost yours, doesn't mean you can borrow mine[/color]
[color="Red"]@)}~`,~[/color] [color="SeaGreen"]Carry This Rose In Your Sig, As Thanks, To All The CAA Moderators.[/color]
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Postby DangoDaikazoku » Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:05 pm

It might be a couple more weeks before I get my next chapter up. But, if I have time, I will try to post it this weekend. I have a ton of essays that I am working on (Accelerated English). Sorry for the delay, don't worry, it will be up sometime in the near future.
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Postby DangoDaikazoku » Thu Mar 10, 2011 5:35 pm

I finally have time this weekend to get up chapter two. Tomorrow, about seven, chapter two will be up. Thanks for your patience.
K, so it's a day later and now I am posting my second chapter. I decided everytime I want to introduce a new character I will write a couple chapters from his/her perspective. Which is why Liz isn't picking up the narrative. It's Gurgle time, Gurgle is my sisters favorite character. He has changed alot from the first time he was invented. I had to develop his background alot, like why the heck is his name Gurgle of all things? Also, there is some violence in this chapter. So, anyways, here is the long anticipated chapter two.
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Chapter 2

Postby DangoDaikazoku » Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:52 pm

The Above-Ground
There is a place other than these dank, dark, dirty tunnels. It is known as the Above-Ground. There it is bright, beautiful, and breathtaking. You are never to venture there because of the dangerous creatures known as Prey-Eaters. They rage, hate and kill. They are mindless beings that will one day kill themselves off. So until then, we will wait here in these miserable, muddy tunnels, for it is only here we are safe from the dangers above. If all is safe, then all are content.
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Chapter 2

Postby DangoDaikazoku » Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:00 pm

There was a whispering, and it was coming from, above. Above? he almost laughed there is nothing above but endless dirt, and possibly walls upon walls of water. The whispers grew louder and more coherent. Something must be burrowing this way. “I know they’re somewhere. I can smell they’re slimy eel-tails and muddy fur,â€
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Chapter 2

Postby DangoDaikazoku » Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:11 pm

Finally, he heard the squeaks and squeals of his brethren. He stayed in the shadows. He wasn’t supposed to be here. No, he should be in his burrow, out of sight out of mind. Even his own mother didn’t want the pup who couldn’t speak. That’s what he was, the pup that had to be taught everything, the one who didn’t learn fast enough.
Panic gripped him as he struggled to even remember the basic greetings. Somehow, someway I must talk to them. Calm down and remember…It was no use. His pulse was too fast, too loud, just like the yelps of his own language. The growls of the Prey-Eaters were far behind him, and ahead, and above. He began to tremble. No use, no use, no use…They words are lost, so at least let me lead them. He looked about, where is the underwater escape channel? The Prey-Eaters can’t swim, so they must not have blocked off that path. But we haven’t used it in years. I wonder if it is still in the same condition, do the others know how to swim? They will it’s in their instincts, just not mine.
The thought terrified him. He envisioned himself flailing in the water while even the pups swam past with their streamlined bodies. The others' gills already open, his would refuse to work because his lungs wanted to keep going. They would fill with water and he would drown, but the others would escape. He must do it, even if it cost his worthless, lonely life.
He located the small hole, and easily made it bigger with his claws. Water welled up under his feet. It began to splash into the tunnels, making everything muddy, but the escape’s water remained clear. He hoped that was a good thing.
With as much clamor and screeching as he could, he threw himself into the water. It was cold and tasted fowl, stale almost. He opened his mouth to scream again, but only water swelled in. He hacked it up and smacked his mouth shut. He managed to turn himself around so his head faced down. He tried to walk forward by clawing at the sides of the channel. He kicked up rocks and loosened mud, creating a cloud in the originally clear water.
In the murkiness he continued to advance. His lungs burned and he wanted to breathe, but there was nothing but water. Gills, webbed feet, sharp sense of smell, all lost on me. I am the worthless life, one without instincts, the one who should have died, the one who can’t talk, and the one who knows nothing of importance, he thought bitterly, All I can do is make meaningless noise, that’s why they named me Gurgle. But then it dawned on him, Today, I save everyone, today I will be the only one who knows anything of importance!
His lungs were about to burst, but he didn’t want to give up. Dots began to slash through his murky vision when claws sliced into his fur. He screamed and water filled his lungs. Prey-Eaters have me. This pain… this pain…is non-existent? He burst out of the water, his mother’s claws pulling at the ruff in his neck. The loose flap of skin mothers used to guide their pups was almost impenetrable from birth. It felt almost nothing, and normally would shrink from non-use. **** this oversized ruff to the deepest pits of a trench. If only they had followed instead of rescuing me! If only I could talk then I wouldn’t even have my ruff anymore, but they think they have to look after me all the time. I can navigate; they don’t have to drag me everywhere.
His silent protests were futile, even if he could have voiced them while spewing water. The fact that he had almost drowned himself would have been proof enough he couldn’t handle himself.
There was uproar in the caverns. His mother, father, and the council’s voices were loudest of all. Throngs of moles were outraged at his appearance, others wished they had left the burden to drown, but most wanted to just abandon the matter altogether, to get rid of the whole family of trouble. However this was not the way of these moles. As it was argued out what was to be done
Gurgle screeched and wrenched at his mother’s strong grip to no avail. The room trembled and some dust fell from the ceiling. The gathering grew quiet in a moment, except for a muffled Gurgle.
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Chapter 2

Postby DangoDaikazoku » Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:44 pm

“I thought I heard something just then,â€
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Chapter 2

Postby DangoDaikazoku » Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:54 pm

A claw burst through another crack in the ceiling and was quickly replaced by a mouth. A small hole formed through the crumbling dust. A blood-red eye peeked in from behind the claws that gripped the rim of the opening. A chunk of rock fell, crushing squalling moles beneath it.
A colossal mouth withdrew with several moles in its grasp. As it snapped up those it had already taken, a massive paw swept through the cavern. It caught Gurgle, who was too taken aback to react fast enough. As other moles would have attacked the claw, Gurgle hung dumbfounded. The walls of the tunnels he knew all his life, fell within a few seconds. The brilliant light, innumerable scents, and chaotic noise rendered Gurgle temporarily senseless.
The light burned for eyes that had only seen darkness. The smells were intolerable, and the noise was so loud, even without needing to echo off of cavern walls. In Gurgle’s senselessness he felt himself fly through the air and land with a hard thud. Though the clatter of growling voices and scrambling feet he managed to pick out a voice in the fog.
I can understand it, he thought dimly, The words just come together. As his eyesight returned, he squinted at the blurry black shape. It lumbered closer muttering under its breath.
“Why did I fling it so far? I bet it’s dead how little it’s moving. I want to get this over with, I feel sick of following that Scurge’s orders. Maybe I’ll kill him after this, I’ll get some rats behind my wings, and revolt,” his muttering faded into a growl. Gurgle looked startled into the snarling, gaping mouth. Fowl blood-scented breath blasted against his nostrils.
At the last second Gurgle regained sense and, in his language that meant nothing, he shrieked “Don’t eat me! I don’t want to die!” The Prey-Eater did what Gurgle least had expected it to do.
It stopped, dead in its tracks. The mouth closed and it lowered its eye to Gurgle’s level. Gurgle saw a deep, swirling red clear to reveal light hazel. Gurgle gasped at the drained color of the eye, even squinting, Gurgle could see that the hue didn’t match the color of any brown he had seen before. It is the color of the dead, he should know, any healthy brown wouldn’t look like that. Brown was basically everything underground. Gurgle knew that the creature before him must be very sick.
“Talking prey… I would say that is strange, but what are we but talking hunters. Do you know of the Hunt, Little Advisor?” the Prey-Eater asked. Gurgle responded by a sharp shake of the head.
“I must be losing it,” the Prey-Eater continued to himself, “Talking to a mole, a gilled, eel-tailed mole. But, is it strange to you to be talking to a giant bat-winged rat?”
Gurgle let out a short growl of agreement.
“I won’t eat you. You are a precious little creature. You will help end the Hunt, Little Advisor,” the Prey-Eater.
“What?” murmured the terrified and awed Gurgle.
“I’ll let you go, before the Hunt takes me, but let me tell you this before I return to these ways of killing.” The Prey-Eater leaned close and whispered “Don’t let the Hunt take you or your Winged One. Don’t fall victims, resist with all your might. You can escape its delightfully fiery jaws. It can be done, my daughter did it once.” With that said the eyes filled with a coating of red, as it turned back to the massacre. The sick creature that said such strange things had once again given in to the tempting urges of the Hunt.
Gurgle watched it go until it had joined the rest of its kind. Then he turned to the sound of water lapping at the bank. It’s time I learned to swim. He flared his gills and slid into the water.
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Postby DangoDaikazoku » Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:37 am

Hey, people who read my stuff, I am trying my best to finish chapter three this week (Spring Break!). Chapter 3 is just kind of a toughy, if I don't get it just right, the entire book might not be any good. When I do post it, I want you guys to start throwing some crtizism (good or bad) my way. I need to know if my book is headed in the right direction. Thanks for all your support!
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Chapter 3

Postby DangoDaikazoku » Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:11 am

Bush of Dreams
Tantalizing, Enticing, Alluring, Captivating, Enthralling… It is greener than new moss. It smells fresher than blades of grass in the spring. It stands higher and straighter than any normal forest tree, yet is surrounded by the tallest thickest trees in the forest. Bright red cherries hang from its branches leaking enticing juices. This is the Bush of Many Names. Beware, for it is a place for only God’s chosen.
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Chapter 3

Postby DangoDaikazoku » Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:17 am

A blade of grass tickled Liz’s nose. She sneezed and woke up. On opening her eyes a ray of sunshine sliced into them. She immediately screwed them shut. The world was bright and her head hurt. Her body ached and was numb all over and she didn’t want to move of feel. Sight, smell, taste, it was all overwhelming and she wanted to shut it all out.
She slowly began to recollect the memories of the past hour. She recalled the walk through the forest, the eerie path, and then the whirring ball of light that engulfed her. After that, she fell, but from where, to where? Perhaps the magic orb dropped me? Whatever happened, she reasoned, I must have bumped my head hard.
She struggled to get up from her uncomfortable, splayed position, but her arms and legs refused to work or feel any sensation what-so-ever. She flopped back down, panting. She let her tongue loll out of her mouth. She the grass tasted even fowler than normal, so she quickly pulled it back. After that she must have lain there for hours in a sort of waking dream.
A bug passing by flitted over in curiosity. Its wings were black as a crow’s and were just as noisy. The insect had never seen such a large structure in this territory. Perhaps it would provide some entertainment. It spotted a dark recess with strangely colored grass, and lumpy rocks. Interested, the creature darted in.
A flap-buzz interrupted Liz’s daze. Absent mindedly she flicked her ear. The bug whirring in her ear seemed only to get lodged. In annoyance she began to flip her ear every-which-way. As the bug thing untangled itself and flew away Liz abruptly recognized what she had just done.
She began to turn her ears around, back and forth, left and right. She began to feel panicky. My ears can move… she thought dumbstruck. She slowly opened her eyes. Her vision seemed wrong. She tried to figure out why but her brain would only scream Wrong, Wrong, Wrong… A red haze seemed to wave around her peripheral vision. She shut her eyes and raised a hand to wipe them.
Her fingers… they weren’t there. She slammed her hand to the ground, whipped her eyes open and stared.
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Chapter 3

Postby DangoDaikazoku » Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:24 am

Why? Why? Why? She screamed inside and out, until her brain felt numb from the abrupt end of life as she knew it. No more silly parents or friends, no more painting days, no more music, no more humans… Liz whimpered. Tears rolled in a steady stream down a track of wet fur. As they splashed into the pool of water, ripples flew across the water.
Eventually Liz ran out of tears, and ran out of sadness. She was filled with a bleak nothing. She was thirsty and worn out, but unable to feel either of these. Instead she chose to stare at the amber eyes that stared back at her. Liz stared at the reflection she refused to accept as her own.
God, I am a fox, a red, amber-eyed fox… But, why? No, Liz cut her thoughts off, I will not start that again, but God, sometime, can you just explain it to me?
Liz knew she should do something. Now that she knew what she was, she wondered where she was. Glancing wearily around she saw sparse undergrowth, much like the grove she had been in moments ago. Moments, or hours, possibly days. The clearing seemed to end in a hazy wall of green.
She rubbed her eyes gently with her paws and squinted, but nothing changed. Carefully she stood up and stepped forward. Her leg sunk in up to the knee. Startled at the deepness of the pool, she tripped, and splashed onto the land. As she landed with a thump, she jumped again. The grass was like a spongy, springy moss.
Liz stared fascinated with the grass that grew loopily along the ground. It was leafy and green, oh, so green. She crept along, following one particularly thick stem. After a while she became somewhat used to her new body. As she discovered the movement of her legs and back she found herself tripping and stumbling all the time. She had to shuffle along her stomach to avoid tangling her paws in every tendril of springy grass. She practiced crawling until her nose brushed up against a leaf.
It pricked her nose and a bit of blood welled up. Liz yanked her head sharply back, stumbled and fell. She landed upside down and felt an uncomfortable pinch. She rolled over onto her stomach and pawed her nose. Then she looked up at the bush in front of her, and looked up, and up, and up. Soon she was sitting in, if she was a wolf, rather than a fox, a howling position. The hedge stretched up to the sky, and then trees towered over them. Only one small circle of sky was to be seen. The moonlight poured from it, and somehow, reflected off of the pool to illuminate the rest of the clearing.
The large clearing seemed to glitter and sparkle. Plump red berries hung tantalizingly from the branches. Liz, curiously, and a bit hungrily, licked one. It lashed at her tongue, and for the first time she noticed the little thorns under every leaf. After her tongue recovered she carefully plucked one from its branch and slid her teeth over it, wondering whether to eat it or not. I shouldn’t just eat anything, if I don’t know what it is. But in a dream place, where the grass spirals and bushes skyrocket to the sky, does it matter. Here, if there are blueberries, the might just be poisonous. Still pondering, she forgot how sharp her teeth were, the berry was slashed and its juices poured onto her tongue. A tangy flavor rushed into her mouth. She salivated and the sugary solution dripped out of her mouth onto her fur.
“How gross,â€
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Chapter 3

Postby DangoDaikazoku » Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:26 am

She began stretching her legs and twitching her paws, to see what it was like. The pesky bugs kept flitting into her ears, giving her enough ear flicking practice. Ready to giver tail a try she twisted around. She couldn’t even see her tail because of the white streaks arching up and down her back. She had never heard of a fox that had white stripes on its back, and on closer examination she saw feathers. Liz closed her eyes and shook her head, and her fur prickled. When she opened her eyes, feathers were still there, white as snow.
She rippled her fur, not only did her fur tense, but, the feathers did too. Experimentally, she decided to make the movement that made, what she had previously thought of as her fur, sway back and forth. She felt her “furâ€
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Postby DangoDaikazoku » Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:30 am

Yeah, I know. I could have stuck the last two parts together, but I don't feel like going back to change it. I struggled with this chapter, and I am not sure I like it yet. Any suggestions? I wonder if anyone still is reading this?? I wonder when I will stop posting chapters... Hrm... Let's say around chapter six. After that I might come back and post a chapter or two (like randomly fouteen or twenty) just to see what you have to say. I am definately going to finish this over the summer and publish it! I can't wait! Who here says it would be popular? I was thinking if it is about making it into a series. Thanks, CAA People, for everything.
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Postby DangoDaikazoku » Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:19 pm

Well, it seems as if nobody is reading this anymore. Oh, well. That's fine, there is alot here. I am going to try and finish this over the summer. So, if next year you see a book on the shelves called "Winged" then you know who wrote it. Thanks for being cool and encouraging me! Perhaps I will post some of the short stories I have written. CAA Forever! This is DangoDaikazoku, signing off!
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Postby Nami » Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:23 am

I'm really trying hard to read it, my the writing on this CAA background is hard. ^^ I hope I do see that book. ^_^ I'll definitely buy it. It's about time, you know, I myself have plenty of Fantasy/Christian stories sitting waiting to be written, mayhaps its time I started? I encourage you to keep going, but if you start having trouble writing it, I'd suggest taking a break. XD

God Bless you.
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Postby DangoDaikazoku » Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:32 pm

I will continue to write this book into it's completion! I can also understand about not being able to read her on CAA. I was thinking about starting to post it on my Deviant, but I think I will just stick to trying to publish it. You guys sure are great. I love it here. Thanks Nami!
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Postby Nami » Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:10 am

Well, however you get it done, I look forward to seeing it!! Aja aja fighting! :D (basically, go for it) :D We love you too~

You're welcome! :3
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Postby DangoDaikazoku » Mon May 02, 2011 10:19 pm

Sorry to drag this old thing up again, but I decided to start posting my book on my DeviantART account. My username is AnimeFlight. You know the title. I will start posting next weekend. Mostly that will be just to post what I already have up. The weekend after that I will post up chapter four (yay for more Gurgle) See you there.
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