*Gasp!* I wrote a fanfiction that's NOT for Trigun!
Seriously... very glad... I've been devoting most of my writing lately to my original works. The only fanfiction I've been working on in the last several months is the Trigun fanfiction co-write project I've been doing with MillyFan... and before that... well, it's been a long time since I've written a fanfiction that wasn't for Trigun. (Though I've been fostering an idea in my mind for a story to write for the "Phoenix" manga).
I got the idea today, and was just... inspired enough to actually write it. Quite refreshing!
I'm... always a little dubious about first fanfictions for any particular series/movie/book... so... I worry about the quality of this. I hope it's good, and true to the anime, while yet being unique. It's what I strive for.
To Be Human in Glie
Click the link above to read the fic, uploaded to my domain. It is rated G, so you can gather around the kiddies if you are so inclined. It's also free of spoilers... it's just a reflective kind of peice with no spoilers for any particular characters/the series. I even think this fic would be fairly easy to understand for people who have not seen any of "Haibane Renmei" - though, it helps if you've seen at least the first two episodes of the series. (I've seen up to episode 10, myself... and spoiled myself reading about the end on a website.. kinda.. I don't remember exactly what I read, but that will make my seeing of the last episodes all the better when I get the last DVD)