just trying an idea ^^
My name is Seth Greenwood. My occupation is not normal, nor i suppose would you think so either. That is unless you call being a ninja and working for the government, normal.
I live in the great United States with my father. If you can call him a father. No, he's more a drunkard piece of swine then a father. However, we aren't talking about him. I was chosen, quite young, to be part of this organization, I still don't know the name, and learn to become what they call a ninja.
Now I know what your thinking; your thinking: a full blown medieval japanese ninja?
No, not a full blown Japanese ninja, more of like an agent who can run real fast, and use a sword pretty good. My job is to infiltrate schools, pick out the lowlife's the governemtn wants killed and well, kill them.
And of course i have a team. I mean every hero of a story has to have a team right? Well, I have a little guy named Albert, nicknamed "Fingers" who is the best hacker any person has ever saw. Fourteen and smart, he is my main man to make sure i can get into the school's systems.
I have another man, older called "Boss", her runs the shots and well, he's the Boss: gives me my assignments, practice, mentor, you name it.
Then i have this girl named Nina, nickname "Pain in the-"
"SETH!" angry green eyes stared through the lens Seth was holding, "What are you saying about me now?"
I lowered the camera with a groan, "Not now Queeny."
Her nostrils flared, puckering her pink lips into a pout, "I am not Queeny!"
I grinned, "Sure..whatever you say," then gave a pause, "Queeny."
more later guys ^^