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"To REad or not read" Ur choice

PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 10:19 am
by lostlamb99
Hey! Like the title says, feel free to read some of my poems. Feel free also to comment. Oh yeah, I'm sorat busy with school so I'll update it when I can. BUt this is what I have for now. Hope you guys like it! ^_^

I Am a Crusader fro Christ

I am a crusader for Christ!

I lay down my life for HIm

I live for nothing else than that.

I go to the battlefield everday
to fight for HIm!

I am a soldier of the Lord!
Willing to die for this cause;
Not even death can stop me.

I go to the battlefield everday
to fight for HIm!

I am a servant of the LOrd!
Willing to give every hour to HIm;
I devote everything to HIm.

I go to the battlefield everday
to fight for HIm!

I am HIs son who He loves!
I follow my Ftaher's biddings;
I obey HIs every Word to please HIm.

I go to the battlefield everday
to fight for HIm!

Lastly, I am HIs best friend!
I would do anything for HIm;
I would give all that I have to HIm,

BecauseHe loves me the Same Way!!!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:16 am
by c_hunter
aLL I couLD saY is...
niCE poEM!