"You" a poem for God
PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 2:44 pm
You always seem to
Be there for me,
Even when I walk away
From you and into trouble.
Your face is always
Smiling brightly for me.
The warmth of your face
Comforts my lonesome heart.
Your lips kiss my hurts,
And my pains from the road of life.
Sweet encouraging words flow
From your mouth to keep me going.
Your eyes are so gentle,
And so very pure.
They tell me without a word
What I am doing wrong; how to set it right.
Your ears listen to me,
Always rambling on stupid pointless things.
They listen to the praises
That leave my heart and rise to Heaven.
Your arms are always
Stretched out wide for me.
With a firm grasp your arms
Carry me on life’s harsh roads.
Your hands molded, stitched, and carved
Every bone and sinew in my body.
The very same hands that bear the
Punishment of mine that You took upon yourself.
Your feet walked mile upon miles
To reach distant cities and towns.
The feet that were punished with your hands
To tell me how much you love me.
Your back has never turned to me,
Though mine may have been turned on you.
Lashes and splinters scared you back
All to save this wretched world from sin.
Your body has shown so many
Hurts that should have been mine.
Yet it has also shown joy in the things
That have been done joyously in Your name.
You have always been there for me
Wherever I may have been,
Though I reject You,
And refuse to show gratitude.
Originally Written: 6-14-04
You always seem to
Be there for me,
Even when I walk away
From you and into trouble.
Your face is always
Smiling brightly for me.
The warmth of your face
Comforts my lonesome heart.
Your lips kiss my hurts,
And my pains from the road of life.
Sweet encouraging words flow
From your mouth to keep me going.
Your eyes are so gentle,
And so very pure.
They tell me without a word
What I am doing wrong; how to set it right.
Your ears listen to me,
Always rambling on stupid pointless things.
They listen to the praises
That leave my heart and rise to Heaven.
Your arms are always
Stretched out wide for me.
With a firm grasp your arms
Carry me on life’s harsh roads.
Your hands molded, stitched, and carved
Every bone and sinew in my body.
The very same hands that bear the
Punishment of mine that You took upon yourself.
Your feet walked mile upon miles
To reach distant cities and towns.
The feet that were punished with your hands
To tell me how much you love me.
Your back has never turned to me,
Though mine may have been turned on you.
Lashes and splinters scared you back
All to save this wretched world from sin.
Your body has shown so many
Hurts that should have been mine.
Yet it has also shown joy in the things
That have been done joyously in Your name.
You have always been there for me
Wherever I may have been,
Though I reject You,
And refuse to show gratitude.
Originally Written: 6-14-04