Something else

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Something else

Postby IStoleYourToast » Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:06 pm

This is just something I decided to write when I got bored. I may continue it, I may not. It all really depends how I feel xD So enjoy this little Prologue of sorts of this. If I do continue this I'll think of an actual title. but until then go ahead and read this.

“You're such a freak!”
“ Something's wrong with you're head. You should get it checked out.”
“Why can't you just be normal like everyone else!”
These were only some of the comments directed toward a 15 year old girl, as she walked through the halls of the school building. Her hair was raven black that went down to the middle of her back and it hardly look like she touched it that morning. Her school uniform had just been thrown on sloppily with parts of her white button-up shirt hanging out from underneath the deep-blue coat: her skirt wrinkled and dirty. As she walked through the hallway, she tried her best to ignore the comments about her with her head lowered in such a way that her eyes were hidden from the other students.
Slowly she made her way to her locker, which usually was pretty easy because the crowds would part like the Red Sea when she walked past. But even that would hurt her. Opening her locker to retrieve some books, she heard three dreaded voices approaching.
“Hey look it's Freakzilla!” said one and she could only imagine the smirks they all had on their faces, well at least two of them as one wasn't exactly bright.
“No that's not Freakzilla, it's only Azumi. Who is the Freakzilla anyway I've never met her before.” said the not so bright one.
The other two didn't even bother explaining as the words would just go in one ear and out the other with her. The girl, now known as Azumi could hear their approaching footsteps and hurried her actions, but not enough to look like she was trying to get away. Taking the last book and putting it into her bag, she closed her locker only to find the leader of the bunch, Miki, a girl with straight blonde hair and blue eyes, standing there with an evil look in her eyes, despite the smile plastered on her face.
“Hello, Azu-chan!” she greeted cheerily as if she was her child-hood friend, “We were just coming to walk with you to class!”
The other girl with shortish red hair and blue eyes, grabbed her bag and said, “ Here, let me take that or you.” Before she spilled out all it's contents onto the floor, scattering papers, books, pencils, and the like all around. “Oops. It just slipped.”
Yeah right.
The not so bright girl, a brunette with shoulder length hair and golden eyes, named Kyoko picked up one of the books that had been dumped onto the floor and said, “Hey I don't remember us needing this book.” Miki then held out her hand and Kyoko placed the book into her open hand.
Why are you doing this?
“The Cursed Blade.” Miki read aloud looking at the cover of the book. While Azumi looked on in horror, Miki opened up the book only to find not printed work of an official book, but hand written pages all nicely bound in a hard cover. Upon seeing the pages Miki looked up and smirked, “Oh is this another one of your sick twisted stories that nobody is ever gonna care about?” That comment stabbed Azumi threw. Without thinking she quickly just grabbed her book before pushing past Miki and the other two and running to class.
Oh how she wanted to just go home and curl up, never to leave the comfort of her room, but she knew she couldn't. She had to endure this torture room of a school if she ever wanted to survive in the real world, but how different would that really be than from this place. Just because she loved the darker side of things and wasn't all puppies, rainbows, sunshine, and all the wonderful things of life. Just because she loved gore, violence, the dark, and things in the dark made her a perfect target for bullying. She doesn't know why people can't accept her for who she is and what she likes, or why they won't just leave her alone if that. Azumi would change if she could, but living a fake life was far more torturous to her than being true to herself. She had tried that once, but it never lasted long. And as she sat there in class trying to hold in all the pain, figure out how to make it all end, a new voice rang out, shattering her train of thought.
“Yo, my name is Ryu. I look forward to working with all of you."
I am not short, or small, or any of that. I am merely 'fun sized!' :D
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