Lunatic Writings Ep. 1

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Lunatic Writings Ep. 1

Postby Mister » Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:42 am

Claude: The darkness consumes me... it surrounds my very being... i am filled with the stench of my own despair!!


Claude: Wilbur! i'm trying to compose LITERATURE!

Wilbur: Literature!? it's bad enough that you read too much, now your writing!? *Wilbur mutters to self* What is this world comign too?

Claude: I've had quite enough of your contentious badgering! now leave me alone to me work!

Wilbur: Yes Master of Poets and Philosophers! as you wish! mother wouldn't agree with your attitude you know.

Claude: Leave Mother out of this! we're ...grown men and can descide things on our own!

Wilbur: Then decide to stop wetting the bed, GROWN MAN...


Wilbur: well of course you heard it! i'm not exactly whispering now am i!?

*claude walks into room*

Claude:now listen here you...

Wilbur: i have a name you know...

Claude: shut up! now, i am sick and tired of your constant sarcasim!

Wilbur: Only JUST now? i thought that happened years ago....

Claude: there you go again! i'm fed up with it!

Wilbur: then stop eating....

Claude: GAH! i've had it up to here!

Wilbur: up to where exactly? up to the level of your own self importance? or up to the level of your diapers, you big baby?

Claude: OK! THAT'S IT! I'M GOING TO FONG YOU! i regret ever being born your brother!

Wilbur: you're a boy? ..... strange.... now Claude, i can't beleive you'd say that. why if father heard that he'd turn over in hsi grave!

*old raspy voice comes from next room*

Dad: Stop saying that! i'm not dead! Yet!


Claude:........... why do i even try?

Wilbur: cause you're an idiot? or maybe its-

Claude: ok! i get it!

Wilbur: just trying to help!

*knock on door*

Claude: i'll get it.

*Claude opens door. young lady stands just outside door*

Claude: Can i help you miss?

Maurice: why yes sir! could you direct me to a mister..... uh.... Wilbur Maxwell?

Claude:...... yes..... Wilbur!

Wilbur: the ladies love me!

Claude: hardly.....

Wilbur: well then, how can i help such an attractive young lady?

Claude: oh spare me....!

Maurice: hello Mr. Maxwell-

Wilbur: please call me Wilbur.

*Maurice blushes a little*

Maurice: ok, W...Wilbur... my name is Maurice Packerton.

Wilbur: A Pleasure Ms. Packerton

Claude: Charmed...

Maurice: Anyway Mr. Maxwell.... i mean, Wilbur. i have been sent here by my employer, Don Andre Le ChanteLeon, Don of the House of Mousier.

Wilbur: did you hear THAT CLaude? a Don!

Claude: i'm not deaf you idiot....

Maurice: my employer requests the precense of one Wilbur Maxwell... that's you...

Claude: nooo.....

Maurice:.... moving on. he invited you to his summer home in the Carribean.

Wilbur: The Carribean! Claude!

Claude: Jolly Good. maybe there will be sharks and a plank.... avast ye hearties!

Wilbur: oh stop it you spoil sport! Now, Miss. Maurice, am i to come alone?

Maurice: oh no! you may bring whoever you like!

Wilbur: whoever i like eh?.... well Claude's out... i don't like him....

Claude: daft....

Wilbur:........ ok! it's decided! inform your employer that i shall arrive at his specified time!.... whenever that may be! me and my faithful though unenthusiastic brother, Claude!

Claude: don't drag me into this!

Wilbur: what! Claude, it'll be fun. you need to get away from this old house.

Claude: i have a job you know....

Wilbur: old man Mortimer can spare you being away from the library long enough for a little vacation right?

Claude: fine.... so when do we meet this employer of yours?

Maurice: you'll need to sail out from London Harbor tomorrow by noon. you'll arrive at the Island in three days.

Claude: Island!?

Wilbur: Ship!?

Maurice: .....

Claude: .......

Wilbur: WHAT!? can't a man be scared of large metal floating things!?

Claude: i don't know you.... I'm just a hobo you let spend the night... daft...

Maurice: well, if that is all Gentlemen, i need to be about my business. good day to you.


I'll never be the same, after meeting you. I'll never Love the same after Loving you. i'll never breath the same after breathing in your Life. Lord you change me.
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