Manga Questionnaire

Post about anime's sister, manga in here. Manga reviews accepted in here as well.

Manga Questionnaire

Postby piffle » Thu May 05, 2011 4:53 pm

Basically, I'll be asking what makes manga interesting for you.
I got the idea for this thread by looking at the new ideas/projects section. I thought it would be interesting and useful to know to any person who's interested in making a manga story but doesn't quite know where to start.
This can be the start of some controversy, especially regarding some Christian questions regarding manga, but please remember, these are people's opinions; I'm not out to start a debate.
I'll post my own answers later, but for now, I'd like to hear your thoughts. ^_^

1. When you see a manga for the first time, what interests you the most?
- The plot summary
- The artwork
- The mangaka/writer
- The genre
- The publisher

2. What genre(s) do you like to read most? Pick up to four.

Action Adventure Comedy
Doujinshi Drama Fantasy Historical
Horror Martial Arts Mecha Mystery
One Shot Psychological Romance School Life
Sci-fi Slice of Life Sports Supernatural

2.5: Which demographic do you most read? (Thanks for the correction, Atria. :D )

3. What do you NOT like in a manga?

4. List your top 3 manga recommendations.

5. Manga to avoid?

6. What are your favorite character archetypes? Separate into male and female if you wish.

7. What are you favorite cliches?

8. What character archetype do you hate most?

9. What cliche do you hate most?

10. For a manga created by Christians, how "Christian-y" would you think it will be? How much would you like it to be?
(I think this would imply the presence of Christians, Christianity, God, Jesus, Christian principles, the Bible being quoted, etc, in the story)

11. What do you think about cussing, especially in a Christian manga?

12. In your opinion, what separates the bad manga, the okay, the good, and the great?

13. From 1 to 10, how important is…
a.) Plot/Story
b.) Art
c.) Message/Point of the story

14. Do you prefer work that most closely resembles a genuine Japanese manga, or do you prefer work that is more distinguishable (less anime/manga style)?

15. Would you rather the mangaka publishes the story page by page is it's completed, or the whole chapter at once? (I've noticed some online artists do this.)

16. Would you prefer to download your manga, or do you prefer it to be readable on-screen without downloading?

17. What Christian manga have you read?

18. If you could read any manga story in the world, what would the story be about?

19. Finally, what makes you enjoy manga? In other words, why do you love it/Like it/ Hate it?
(Though if it's that last one, I wonder why you're taking this questionnaire at all... :P )

Thank you for taking the time to fill this out; it will be very useful. :D
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Postby Ante Bellum » Thu May 05, 2011 6:40 pm

These probably don't make sense, but I'll just throw in my thoughts.

1. When you see a manga for the first time, what interests you the most?
Plot summary. Genre comes in a little after that.

2. What genre(s) do you like to read most? Pick up to four.
Action, Sci-fi, Seinen

3. What do you NOT like in a manga?
Poor artwork/layout (too messy, hard to figure out what's happening), unforgivably bad writing

4. List your top 3 manga recommendations.
As in which series? Trigun, One Piece (only read about 10 issues in, but I like it), Case Closed (if you don't mind long series). Other series, I either haven't read much of or wouldn't really recommend.

5. Manga to avoid?
Haven't read any like that so far.

6. What are your favorite character archetypes? Separate into male and female if you wish.
Cynical antihero. Um...I guess I don't know which others...

7. What are you favorite cliches?
Long, billowy coats. Would that count as one?

8. What character archetype do you hate most?
Anything too emo/angsty/tragic. Oh, and the big strong man/damsel in distress combination. It's just annoying.

9. What cliche do you hate most?
Speeches. Some are fine, but when they're out of place/about friendship/repeated over and over/REALLY OUT OF PLACE, they make me want to skip ahead.
Pretty people. Again, it's fine to have pretty people, but don't make everyone like that.
Skimpy clothes/armor. Not sure if it's a cliche. I don't like it if people go out fighting with armor that offers no protection. It also looks very uncomfortable.

(Somewhere, I think I missed the meaning of cliche and archetype, so forgive me if I did that wrong. I'm sure I've missed some. I've just been a little burned out lately, so I might think of things later.)

10. For a manga created by Christians, how "Christian-y" would you think it will be? How much would you like it to be?
(I think this would imply the presence of Christians, Christianity, God, Jesus, Christian principles, the Bible being quoted, etc, in the story)
I honestly don't care. If it works well, fine. If it ruins the story (like being too forced), then that's bad. There are a few things I'd like to say about this but I don't want to in case it causes a problem.

11. What do you think about cussing, especially in a Christian manga?
I have no problem with cussing if it's used right. I've also read poems that drop something at the end for shock value. DON'T use it for shock value. Use if there's reason or if the character's like that.

12. In your opinion, what separates the bad manga, the okay, the good, and the great?
Story. It needs to make sense enough that my suspension of disbelief isn't challenged. I'm willing to go pretty far for some if I like it enough (for example, the Castle of Cagliostro movie, which makes no sense but I like it anyway). I'm also willing to forgive poor art/layout, annoying things, even some story problems if it's overall good/entertaining enough. Doesn't mean I'll think it's good. It just means I think it's entertaining enough to read.

13. From 1 to 10, how important is…
a.) Plot/Story 9. As I said before, there are some mistakes that can be made and forgiven, but it should be overall a strong story in order to be a good manga.
b.) Art 7. I do like good art, I really do. But like graphics in video games, it's not the highest thing on my list. I just want to be able to see what's going on.
c.) Message/Point of the story ...6? I have no idea.

14. Do you prefer work that most closely resembles a genuine Japanese manga, or do you prefer work that is more distinguishable (less anime/manga style)?
Go with a natural style, don't try to copy. I also think that "manga/anime" isn't a style, it just has some elements that are used often. If it was a style, then it'd all look much more similar than it does. I just use the words anime and manga to distinguish Japanese work from others.

15. Would you rather the mangaka publishes the story page by page is it's completed, or the whole chapter at once? (I've noticed some online artists do this.)
Depends on how long the chapters are. I do like regular updates, but if the chapters are completed quickly enough I wouldn't mind either.

16. Would you prefer to download your manga, or do you prefer it to be readable on-screen without downloading?
Either option. Online reading with optional zipped files, I've seen it done.

17. What Christian manga have you read?

18. If you could read any manga story in the world, what would the story be about?
Something original, character driven, not too concentrated on romance but rather the characters as individuals and the different relationships they have, as well as how they react with their surroundings as major changes takes place. Major bonus points for science fiction.

19. Finally, what makes you enjoy manga? In other words, why do you love it/Like it/ Hate it?
I enjoy it because it can be used to do things that you can't do with words. I sometimes wonder if they would be the same as novels. Maybe, maybe not. It's much easier to answer this about animation. As my friends have said before, an animation should be used to do what can't be done with a camera. Otherwise, what would be the point? (I first heard this when watching Paprika. Oh yeah, definitely something that takes advantage of the fact that it's an animation). It might not work the same as the novel/comic comparison, that's a little harder to make. It's an interesting way to tell a story, and it can be used for "show, don't tell," which is what my Lit. teacher keeps telling us. When it's done well, it can be done really well.
That...made no sense.

(Though if it's that last one, I wonder why you're taking this questionnaire at all... )
Because I'm bored.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Fri May 06, 2011 12:00 am

ok, here's my survey

1. Usually its the artwork, thats what catches my attention first and has me pik up the manga to see what its about.

2. pretty much anything. if its a high quality story, I'll be interested no matter what the genre.

3. What I don't like? Probably the wait between new graphic novels ^^ In America we usualy don;t get to read the chapters as they get published, so we have to wait quit a while for each new volume.

4. Recommendations..hmm.
A) Battle Royale (for mature readers ONLY!!! contains graphic gory violence, language, and sexual content) a harsh, intense action/horror series that along with its violence and pretty disturbing subject matter contains AMAZING character development and themes about trust, hope, and sacrifice, and jaw dropping artwork that renders scenes of horrible violence and moving beauty with great detail.

B) Pokemon Special (known as Pokemon Adventures in the US) the definitive Pokemon manga, and what the anime should have been, IMO. follows the games *much* more closely than the anime, with an exciting action packed storyline and load and loads of loveable characters. And maybe most notable of all, the series is CRAZY intricate, if you can believe it. I mean, it almost rivals a series like Death Note for the amount of detail that happens in the later sagas; characters, items, and elements from earlier in the series come back left and right, sometimes even from several story arcs in the past, connections are revealed that you;d never guess or imagine, characters develop in unique ways, its enough to make your head spin.

C) Peach Girl: Yeah it kind of has a pretty soap opera-ish plot to it (girl likes guy, other guy likes girl, other girl wants to steal whatever first girl has, oodles of drama and love dodecahedrons insue) but its just so addictive; when I started it I could barely put the series down. Its also hilarious, with a unique style to its humor and visual gags, interesting art style, and Kylie is freakin awesome!

5. Manga to avoid: Off the top of my head, definitly Judas and Angel Sanctuary.

6. favorite archetypes...I don't know...definitly NOT Tsundera's, lol. For guys I guess I like the kind of male character who isn't a perv or a super pretty boy, but who can win the girl over with his kindness and personality. But who isn't a total wimp who gets abused by the other characters (*cough* Keitaro *cough*) I also like the "imposing tough guy who really has a gentle personality" type. For a girl, I guess cute and sweet and energetic (like Ranka Lee in Macross F, or Amelia in Slayers)

7. I don't know. happy endings, lol?

8. Tsuundera!!! uh, so annoying. I will admit it can be done well *sometimes*, but so many series use the character archetype that it gets really annoying. and a lot of these characters are to such extremes that it almost becoems sociopathy; the girl basicly blaims EVERYTHING that goes wrong on other people, usually the person she likes; even her own inability to express her true feelings is obviously *someone elses* fault, not hers. I usually just end up wanting to hit them. For guys...I guess the "idiot hero" archetype is kind of annoying too; this si supposed to be the main character and yet they don;t seem capable of mastering the basic elements of whatever it is they are doing. At least they *usually* grow out of it eventually (except Goku...)

9. cliche I don't like...I don't know.

10. I don;t think I would want it to be super overt with the christianity, like say The Left Behind series or something, cause that can sometimes scare people away, although it has its place. I think I'd want it to be more like the Narnia series or Lord of the Rings; where its more that the christian world view underscores the series, and there are metaphors and christian truths taught through the story without it being super ultra direct.

11. Cussing annoyes me, its actually usually the thing that gets to me the most in a show, more than violence orsexual content or stuff like that. I guess cause it just seems so pointless most of the time, like "is the quality of this story really any better because they say the F word every other line?" But I do also see where cussing can sometimes be used to make a point or convey the emotional state of the characters, so if a series only uses it in that role, then I wouldn;t be bothered that much.

12. Just a great story that can pull you in and really get you interested in the characters and what happens to them and everything.

13. A) 8. B) 6 C) 6

14. definitly work that is more "Japanese" style.

15. Whole chapter

16. Download

17. I wasn;t aware that there were any

18. I don't know...crazy plot twists, and sci-fi elements, and symbolism and stuff...I guess soemthing like Metal Gear Solid or Xenosaga.

19. the amazing stories and artwork!
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Postby Atria35 » Fri May 06, 2011 6:31 am

1. When you see a manga for the first time, what interests you the most?
- The plot summary
I will pick up anything as long as the plot summary is interesting. Even if the artwork isn't that great.

2. What genre(s) do you like to read most? Pick up to four.
Slice of Life

2.5: Which demographic do you most read? (Thanks for the correction, Atria. :D )

3. What do you NOT like in a manga?
Plot threads that aren't thought through/rushed. Ones that end on cliffhangers or with unanswered questions (generally- there are exceptions). Over-dramatic romances. Romances with abuse in them that's played for comedy.

4. List your top 3 manga recommendations.
20th Century Boys

5. Manga to avoid?
Most Christian manga
Tail of the Moon

6. What are your favorite character archetypes? Separate into male and female if you wish.
Intrepid Mechants
Cloudcuckoo Lander
Complete Monster
The Storyteller
(but I also like Historical Domain characters)

7. What are you favorite cliches?
Don't have any. Half the time I like lampshades and subverstions, anyway.

8. What character archetype do you hate most?
Tsunderes. I've seen it done well only a handfull of times, so if it was going to be done, it would have to be with much care.

9. What cliche do you hate most?

10. For a manga created by Christians, how "Christian-y" would you think it will be? How much would you like it to be?
Christian principles. Otherwise, you severely limit the audience that's reading the manga, and have some pretty darn cliched storylines.

11. What do you think about cussing, especially in a Christian manga?
Anything that has it every other line is crass, Christian or not. But to have none at all is unrealistic for certain characters/situations in real life. So some should be in there, at a light level (or moderate, depending on the situation, like in war).

12. In your opinion, what separates the bad manga, the okay, the good, and the great?
If I knew, I would be writing a bestselling book right now >.> Cliched characters and storylines probably factor into them, though.

13. From 1 to 10, how important is…
a.) Plot/Story - 10
b.) Art - 5
c.) Message/Point of the story - 8

14. Do you prefer work that most closely resembles a genuine Japanese manga, or do you prefer work that is more distinguishable (less anime/manga style)?
More closely resembling manga. I overall prefer that style to American comic style.

15. Would you rather the mangaka publishes the story page by page is it's completed, or the whole chapter at once? (I've noticed some online artists do this.)
Whole chapter. That way, after it's done, you can look it all over for inconsistancies with backgrounds, character designs, panel flow, etc.

16. Would you prefer to download your manga, or do you prefer it to be readable on-screen without downloading?
On-screen without downloading, though both should be an option.

17. What Christian manga have you read?
Game Plan
Heaven Bound
Unnamed One-shot by the HB mangaka's sister
Goofyfoot Gurl
Though I'm not sure whether they can really be called manga since they weren't published in Japan. I guess technically, they're OELs.

18. If you could read any manga story in the world, what would the story be about?
...... I'm not picky. I will read anything.

19. Finally, what makes you enjoy manga? In other words, why do you love it/Like it/ Hate it?
It's different from American comics. American comics are all about superheroes and tend to be written for teenage guys and older fans. Manga has a wider variety of stories and appeals to many more people than comics.
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Postby AnimeGirl » Fri May 06, 2011 1:27 pm

1. When you see a manga for the first time, what interests you the most?
A good deal many things, but alot of times what can catch my eye is the artwork (and also sometimes the title). Artwork or title causes me to pick up the manga and read the synopsis, and the synopsis is usually the determining factor if I decide to give it a go. So overall, the plotline. But mangaka can influence it, too! (Oh my gosh, if it is by CLAMP, I will highly consider reading it if there's no shounen-ai! Also if it's works by Hiromu Aarakawa, Ki Hiwatari, Inkhana, and Marshmellow Muffin! I'll practically read anything from them, but with CLAMP, I read with caution even though I am a huge fan!)

2. What genre(s) do you like to read most? Pick up to four.
Action, Comedy, Horror, Fantasy.

2.5: Which demographic do you most read? (Thanks for the correction, Atria. :D )
According to my manga collection and fave webcomics, apparently shoujo ^.^ Ooh...but I also love shounen so much, I need to find MORE to read that isn't a billion volumes long!! XD!!!

3. What do you NOT like in a manga?
High levels of sexual content and harsh cussing, as well as offensive religious material.

4. List your top 3 manga recommendations.
Oh man, this is hard! Only 3??? Well then...

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles
Fullmetal Alchemist
The World Stops!

These have got to be my ultimate favorite manga series of all time!! Most of you probably haven't heard of the last one, due to it being a webmanga/self-published work, but it's brilliant nevertheless!

5. Manga to avoid?
Anything yaoi, like most of the webmanga at SmackJeeves >.<

6. What are your favorite character archetypes? Separate into male and female if you wish.
I'm not sure if I have any favorites. When it comes to guys, my favorite characters tend to be the one who thinks he's so awesome (kind of like Roy from FMA and Kai from Game Plan!). I like designing guys who think that way, too, 'cause you can create all kinds of comic relief scenarios with them! I also like nice, heroic guys, who would boldly risk their life for someone they love or a cause they believe in. As far as girls....I like the sweet, kind, cute girls (preferrably not ditsy, though), as well as the tough, kick-butt girls (like Riza Hawkeye!!)

7. What are you favorite cliches?
Cliche, hmm?? Seeing cherryblossoms! I'm not sure if that is cliche or not, but I see it often! Especially the cherryblossom trees! I never get sick of cherryblossoms, they're so cool and beautiful!!!

8. What character archetype do you hate most?
I guess it really irritates me when a girl is rather....stupid and clueless. I have no idea why, but this really bothers me. Sometimes some denseness is cute (like Sawako Kuronuma, but with her it's a little more understandable) but most of the time it really REALLY drive me crazy! And with guys....I hate perverts. It's just...ick.

9. What cliche do you hate most?
Love triangles. Especially when it takes forever to resolve, or never gets resolved. And when I say love triangle, I'm talking about the girl who is figuring out which of the two guys she likes best. Triangles that involve unrequited love or someone oblivious to the fact that they are liked is different, but I just hate the one girl two guys triangle! Especially poorly handled ones. I hate having to choose which match up I like better, I just wanna root for the already established couple!

10. For a manga created by Christians, how "Christian-y" would you think it will be? How much would you like it to be?
It all depends on what kind of story they're trying to tell. If it's in the fantasy realm, it's best to be symbolic, promoting good morals and the existance of a higher power. I like this in other genres, too. But in more realistic kind of stories, I like seeing God obviously present. Christian manga is a hard thing to create, and must be dealt with carefully, but honestly, I do love seeing someone who proclaims to be a Christian, but shows they go through struggles and are human. They are not perfect, which is why we need Christ to help us overcome. And also, I love stories that are the typical good vs. evil, 'cause whether obvious or not, God is present.

11. What do you think about cussing, especially in a Christian manga?
I hate harsh cussing. The common "d" and "h" do not bother me at all, really, not even "bast--d", but everything makes me cringe! As far as Christian manga, it may be needed for realistic effect. But it should not be overboard, and the cussing should only be used when appropriate and kept fairly light.

12. In your opinion, what separates the bad manga, the okay, the good, and the great?
The story, whether it's been overdone or a new concept. Whether it is complex or simple, and how it is executed. And also, the content. Too much bad content just ruins it for me, and it registers as "bad manga". I like a story with loveable characters you can really get attached to, overcoming obstacles whether large or small, something epic going on....well, it all depends on the story, but I think characters is a big part of whether it's good or not. If you can't feel anything for them, it's not a good story.

13. From 1 to 10, how important is…
a.) Plot/Story - 9
b.) Art - 7
c.) Message/Point of the story - 10

14. Do you prefer work that most closely resembles a genuine Japanese manga, or do you prefer work that is more distinguishable (less anime/manga style)?
I really love unique, distinctive manga-styles, where I know "hey, that is drawn by..." such as CLAMP, Hiromu Arakawa, Inkhana, Marshmellow Muffin, and Ruel Smith. Yes, I do like manga that looks genuine Japanese manga, but no one draws the same, and manga-style varies depending on the mangaka.

15. Would you rather the mangaka publishes the story page by page is it's completed, or the whole chapter at once? (I've noticed some online artists do this.)
I like page by page, since it's less of a wait. Thogu chahpter by chapter gives a nice big update to read!

16. Would you prefer to download your manga, or do you prefer it to be readable on-screen without downloading?
I like it to be read on screen with no need of download. But most of all...PUBLISHED ON PAPER! Nothing beats manga in print!

17. What Christian manga have you read?
Game Plan!, Heaven Bound, Steelblood, Who I Am, Deathbed, Shelter Of Wings, and Manga Messiah. As far as ongoing; The Messenger, Advocate Voice, Leap Of Faith, and Work In Progress.

18. If you could read any manga story in the world, what would the story be about?
An openly Christian manga that isn't too preachy, where you can tell the mangaka was inspired by God. Something that even an unbeliever might give it a shot to read. Something that makes you stop and think, that makes you consider, that brings hope and light.

19. Finally, what makes you enjoy manga? In other words, why do you love it/Like it/ Hate it?
The fact that it's beautiful and lush, despite being in black and white. In fact, that's what gives it that mystical feel. How imagitive it can get, the loveable characters, that it can be about anything, etc, etc.! There's just something so special in the story execution and character development, as well as artwork that makes it so wonderful!
"For what use is there in praying if you will only hear what you want to hear." - As I Lay Dying *The Sound Of Truth*

Let's make an AMV together!

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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Fri May 06, 2011 3:34 pm

1. A mix of all of the above. When I'm looking for a new series I like to see if the mangaka has any other works. I also typically have to like the artwork if I'm going to pick a series up without recommendation.

2.Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Slice of Life

2.5: Shonen with a fair mix of seinen.

3. Awful artwork, pseudo-meaningful stuff, "comedy" fanservice, meaningless length
4. Fullmetal Alchemist, The Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer, and Yotsuba&!.

5. Bleach, Death Note, The Legend of Chun Hyang

6. I really like the Dragon, the supportive friend, the helpful child, and the meek but competent dude.

7. I can't think of any anime/manga cliches I like enough to say I like them, though that's not to say I hate all cliches.

8. The tsundere who has no reason to act angry all of the time.

9. Oh lol look someone accidentally saw the woman naked and now she's hitting him hilarious

10. Depends on the writer, though I'd like any Christian themes to be really subtle.

11. Regardless of what you think of cussing, people cuss. It's bad writing to have everyone not cussing.

12. Bad manga has bad everything in it, an okay manga can be read without inducing rage but is forgettable, a good manga is clearly good and something I'd list as something I like, and a great manga will leave me with no doubt of its greatness.

13. a.) 10
b.) 8
c.) 5

14. Manga isn't an art style. A manga is a manga if it's published in Japan.
15. Would you rather the mangaka publishes the story page by page is it's completed, or the whole chapter at once? (I've noticed some online artists do this.)Either works for webcomics, though I'd expect actual manga to be released chapter by chapter.

16. If I'm reading a manga online, I don't want to download it.

17. None.

18. What I think Real Robot should be.

19. I read manga because I find it tends to cover stuff that I can't find a lot of other comics doing. There's also the Japan connection or whatever, but I, at least, can't find many American comics that I want to read.
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Postby Agloval » Fri May 06, 2011 4:20 pm

1. When you see a manga for the first time, what interests you the most?
The plot summary, if I had to pick one (and I really want to say 'the premise').

2. What genre(s) do you like to read most? Pick up to four.

Action, Mecha, Romance

2.5: Which demographic do you most read? (Thanks for the correction, Atria. :D )

3. What do you NOT like in a manga?
Length sans events (e.g. the stereotypical shounen action manga where two people charging up attacks at each other could take a chapter).

4. List your top 3 manga recommendations.
Normally I would tailor recommendations to the recommendee. But I suppose...
Kodomo no Omocha

5. Manga to avoid?
Very much depends on the recommendee, again.

6. What are your favorite character archetypes? Separate into male and female if you wish.
I'm not tuned in to characterisation enough that I could identify favourite character archetypes.

7. What are you favorite cliches?
Romantic misunderstandings. Mad contests (e.g. Kaiji, Akumetsu). The mock-epic treatment of small or pathetic things (e.g. Onani Master Kurosawa).

8. What character archetype do you hate most?
See (6).

9. What cliche do you hate most?
I don't hate cliches. They've become cliches because they're basically important or enjoyable concepts, in some way.

10. For a manga created by Christians, how "Christian-y" would you think it will be? How much would you like it to be?
(I think this would imply the presence of Christians, Christianity, God, Jesus, Christian principles, the Bible being quoted, etc, in the story)
Thorny question. I don't have a particular preference. I would observe that most modern attempts to be 'Christian-y' do not appear to me to be very successful.
I might prefer Christian material which has infiltrated the manga I'm reading more circuitously (e.g. Go Nagai's fairly faithful manga adaption of the Divine Comedy).

11. What do you think about cussing, especially in a Christian manga?
Worth avoiding normally as a precaution and a courtesy. Not downright wrong per se, and sometimes perhaps appropriate.

12. In your opinion, what separates the bad manga, the okay, the good, and the great?
I've no idea, I'm afraid. I'm not much of a manga critic, as I read it less frequently than I watch anime.

13. From 1 to 10, how important is…
a.) Plot/Story 6
b.) Art 7
c.) Message/Point of the story 6

14. Do you prefer work that most closely resembles a genuine Japanese manga, or do you prefer work that is more distinguishable (less anime/manga style)?
If I had the eyes of a properly educated critic (I don't) I'd like to see work which honours its influences without slavishly imitating them. But since I can't actually tell, it doesn't matter to me.

15. Would you rather the mangaka publishes the story page by page is it's completed, or the whole chapter at once? (I've noticed some online artists do this.)

16. Would you prefer to download your manga, or do you prefer it to be readable on-screen without downloading?
Either is fine.

17. What Christian manga have you read?
To my knowledge, I haven't read any manga produced by Christians. I'm not sure that's the limit of the definition of 'Christian manga', though.

18. If you could read any manga story in the world, what would the story be about?
It would be an adaption of the Aeneid as an 80s-mecha-style space opera.
Or just a really, really well-told romantic comedy.

19. Finally, what makes you enjoy manga? In other words, why do you love it/Like it/ Hate it?
I'm not sure, actually. Sorry!
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Postby Edward » Fri May 06, 2011 7:24 pm

1. Plot summary

2. Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Comedy (preferably mixed)

2.5. Shounen, but I'm starting to get more into seinen.

3. Obscenely long story arcs and series that drag on way too long, mostly. Of course it all depends on the series, as some are good enough that they can get away with some of these things. I also don't like excessive swearing or any sexual content, but mostly offensive religious stuff.

4. Fullmetal Alchemist and Mushishi. I haven't read enough manga to actually recomend another.

5. Naruto, I guess. In the beginning, it's very enjoyable, but I eventually lost intrest after it started getting past 30 volumes.

6. I haven't read enough manga to say really. I like Ginko from Mushishi, but I'm not sure what archetype he fits into.

7. The young hero (or heroine) who is determined to get stronger at all costs, and the love intrest/character pairing that you know will never really happen, but you root for anyway.

8. The typical shounen protagonist.

9. See my answer to question 7.

10. If there were a manga created by a Christian, I would like it to be limited to a few characters who are Christian, and having some Christian themes, perhaps the occasional Bible quote, but without being preachy. In other words, something influenced by the mangaka's faith, but not so much that only Christians would like it.

11. I don't mind it that much, so long as it isn't excessive. Likewise for a Christian manga, unless it is specifically marketed toward Christians, in which case I wouldn't mind swear words being replaced with random symbols.

12. Story length. I don't care how 'good' a manga is, if it's over 20 volumes, I am going to lose intrest unless it has a very good storyline that keeps the plot moving and doesn't bore the me.

13a. 7
13b. 6
13c. 5
14. I'm not really sure what the question means. If you mean do I prefer more realistic art styles over more stylized ones, I prefer realistic art.

15. Chapter by chapter.

16. Neither, I prefer to buy physical volumes, I can't stand looking at a computer screen for so long.

17. Serenity and the Manwha Bible.

18. I don't know.

19. I like manga because I can take as long as I want to read it. If I want to read it slowly and enjoy the art, I can, and if I want to read it quickly, I can. The thing I like least about manga is that it can be so expensive. (12.99 for a volume of Mushishi is just rediculous)
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Postby mysngoeshere56 » Fri May 06, 2011 9:13 pm

1. When you see a manga for the first time, what interests you the most?
- The plot summary

All of the above interest me, but the plot summary is what's going to turn me on or off more so than anything else. I can tell if a story seems interesting by the plot. Likewise, I can also tell if it seems like something I wouldn't care for and/or has already been done.

2. What genre(s) do you like to read most? Pick up to four.

2.5: Which demographic do you most read?
I'd say I've read about equal amounts of shonen and shojo, with some seinen thrown into the mix.

3. What do you NOT like in a manga?
Stories that've already been done, sub-par artwork, poor characterization, messages that aren't so great, etc.

4. List your top 3 manga recommendations.
Ummm... It depends on who I'd be recommending it to. The ones I enjoy the most are D.N.Angel, Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE, and Fruits Basket.

5. Manga to avoid?
Once again, it depends on the recomendee. Overall, I'd say most of the titles on the DND list. I don't really care for most magical girl manga, either. Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Magic Knight Rayearth, and Shugo Chara! are the only magical girl anime/manga series I like exceptionally, because I feel like everything else is just too similar to Sailor Moon and/or just isn't my style.

6. What are your favorite character archetypes? Separate into male and female if you wish.
Hmmm... Not so sure. Overall, I think I like gothic characters and the characters with well-developed back stories who're are tough, but also caring. Characters I can relate to are also among them.

7. What are you favorite cliches?
Umm... nothing in particular comes to mind.

8. What character archetype do you hate most?
Most female anime characters. They're usually either too happy-go-lucky and/or hardcore Amazons. Misty/Kasumi from Pokemon is a prime example, and there are just too many characters like her. The two female protagonists in Fairy Tail are perfect examples of the two extremes, too.

9. What cliche do you hate most?
Nothing really comes to mind, again.

10. For a manga created by Christians, how "Christian-y" would you think it will be? How much would you like it to be?
Umm... I don't know. It'd depend on what I'm in the mood for. I'm okay with obvious Christian references, but I don't mind subtle hints like those that are in Narnia. I actually like implications to be subtle, because I feel it makes a story deeper and more thought-provoking.

11. What do you think about cussing, especially in a Christian manga?
I don't care for it, but whether or not it turns me off would depend on what's said and how often it's used. If a manga is intended to be "Christian", I'd prefer no cussing (unless you consider the uses of "to condemn", "donkey", and "place with fire" being used in the Biblical terminology, which I have no issue with at all).

12. In your opinion, what separates the bad manga, the okay, the good, and the great?
The characters, and the plot.

If a plot has already been done, don't try doing it again. Yes, a plot can be amazing, but if it's been done, something more original would have more potential to be just as amazing than something that's just carbon copied.

Likewise, I believe that the characters are the most important aspect of the plot. A writer/mangaka should know his/her characters from the inside out before writing, because it's their personalities and reactions to the events happening in the plot that keep the story going. Poor characterization can lead to a very dull story.

13. From 1 to 10, how important is…
a.) Plot/Story - 10
b.) Art - 7
c.) Message/Point of the story - 10

14. Do you prefer work that most closely resembles a genuine Japanese manga, or do you prefer work that is more distinguishable (less anime/manga style)?
I'm not sure if I'm understanding this correctly... But if I am, genuine. If I'm reading a manga, I want to feel like I'm reading a manga.

15. Would you rather the mangaka publishes the story page by page is it's completed, or the whole chapter at once? (I've noticed some online artists do this.)
I'd rather just read a whole chapter at once.

16. Would you prefer to download your manga, or do you prefer it to be readable on-screen without downloading?
I actually prefer just having a printed copy of the book.

17. What Christian manga have you read?
I don't think I've read any...

18. If you could read any manga story in the world, what would the story be about?
Oh wow... So many stories I'd love to read that I haven't seen yet. I might just get to making them on my own someday... But, until/if that day comes, they'll remain a secret. ;)

19. Finally, what makes you enjoy manga? In other words, why do you love it/Like it/ Hate it?
I love manga because I feel it's a fun way to learn about a different culture. I've learned so much about Japan (and even life in other countries in general) by reading manga. It's a great way to learn and have fun. Plus, I absolutely adore the artwork...
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Postby goldenspines » Fri May 06, 2011 10:01 pm

1. When you see a manga for the first time, what interests you the most? It depends, but mainly the artwork then the plot summary short after.
2. What genre(s) do you like to read most? Pick up to four. Action, Supernatural, Historical, and light Romance.
2.5: Which demographic do you most read? (Thanks for the correction, Atria. :D ) Shoujo. Shonen is a close enough second to be mentioned.

3. What do you NOT like in a manga? Terrible art and predictable/boring story.

4. List your top 3 manga recommendations.
20th Century Boys
Fullmetal Alchemist
Ouran High School Host Club

5. Manga to avoid?
This is mostly subjective. Anything you don’t like. XD;

6. What are your favorite character archetypes? Separate into male and female if you wish. [B]I honestly don’t know “namesâ€
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Postby Cadence » Fri May 06, 2011 11:15 pm

1. When you see a manga for the first time, what interests you the most?
The artwork--by far. I never read plot summaries, to be honest.

2. What genre(s) do you like to read most? Pick up to four.
Slice of Life. Fantasy. Sci-Fi. More slice of life.

2.5: Which demographic do you most read?
Probably shounen...closely followed by seinen.

3. What do you NOT like in a manga?
Anything that is badly written, ugly, or...overly sparkly. Ugh. Also, fanservice is a no.

4. List your top 3 manga recommendations.
This is tough, because what I personally like the best are things I would never recommend, or only to a very few people. But I guess, recommendations for a pretty general audience...
One Piece
Twin Spica

5. Manga to avoid?
Shoujo romance. The end.

6. What are your favorite character archetypes? Separate into male and female if you wish.
Idiot heroes. The end.

(Also, though this isn’t really an archetype, the type of character that draws me in best and that I end up loving and remembering the most are the characters who are just plain good people...flawed, of course, but just trying to be the best that they can be.)

7. What are you favorite cliches?
I can’t say I have any favorite cliches. If I am thinking to myself “Oh, that is clicheâ€
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Postby Sapphire225 » Mon May 09, 2011 3:14 pm

1. When you see a manga for the first time, what interests you the most?
- The artwork

2. What genre(s) do you like to read most? Pick up to four.

Mecha, Horror, Sci-fi, and Slice of Life. I'm open to comedy and everything else however.

2.5: Which demographic do you most read? (Thanks for the correction, Atria. :D )
Shonen and Seinen, despite being a girl.

3. What do you NOT like in a manga?

If it has an overused plot with no considerable difference or overused character archetypes. Also, if the manga is to be displayed for seriousness, it be nice for someone to react seriously in the situation.

4. List your top 3 manga recommendations.

That's pretty tricky. But if I need to narrow it down, it would be Fullmetal Alchemist, Black Butler, and Death Note. I would recommend more, but when it comes to must reads, I would recommend those.

5. Manga to avoid?

Any over-the-top ecchi manga, but if you want something that is specifics, I don't have any due to the fact I avoid them from the get-go and forget about them later.

6. What are your favorite character archetypes? Separate into male and female if you wish.

Does un-archetypal work? I usally prefer them to be slightly out of archetype or a twist on them? But if I have to choose some archetypes, I do like the Anti-Hero and Anti-Villian archetypes as they tend to have a complexity to them. As well as the mischeivous hero, so to speak. This can apply to both. I also like the Genki girl, depending on the level of genkiness.

7. What are you favorite cliches?

I don't really have a favorite because I'm not a big fan of them, but I do like the pale-eye effects like in Azumanga Daioh.

8. What character archetype do you hate most?

I'm not fond of over-the-top tsunderes, especially when they are abusive and get too easily angry over the smallest thing (Like Louise from Zero no Tsukaima or Naru from Love Hina). Very few exceptions include Asuka Langley (Evangelion), Taiga (Toradora), and Anemone (Eureka Seven), for reasons that they have some background as to why they are that way and/or change eventually.

Also, I don't like some shojo manga not only because the romance is a little bit too unrealistic, but because the female lead seems to be lacking in the brain compartment for the most part. Not all but a noticable number.

9. What cliche do you hate most?

Cliches that are overused. Which is why they are cliches.

10. For a manga created by Christians, how "Christian-y" would you think it will be? How much would you like it to be?
(I think this would imply the presence of Christians, Christianity, God, Jesus, Christian principles, the Bible being quoted, etc, in the story)

I think it would either be somewhat subtle due to the fact that most people would probably ignore it if made completely blatant. But for the most part, if the charcters are christians, such as in Vampire Hunter D or Trinity Blood, most likely they'll be an action plot to go with it.

11. What do you think about cussing, especially in a Christian manga?

Usually it would be nice to avoid it; however, if you need to develop a character of a certain background or have a certain characterization, a swear may be used to show the person's nature. But this could be shown in symbols and other things.

12. In your opinion, what separates the bad manga, the okay, the good, and the great?

A bad manga has an overused or boring plot, unlikeable characters, complete Mary Sues or weak characters.

An okay manga may have an overused plot, but a slightly different approach or twist, may have some good characters and nice art, but doesn't really stand out as much.

A good manga is a manga with a unique or a twist on the plot. The characters are likeable and unique, there is a captivating story and it could be a good recommend.

A great manga is a manga which not only has a twist on the plot and a unique a different take on things, but has likeable and characters you can relate to or look up to. The plot is very captivating and it has character development as the plot demands it.

13. From 1 to 10, how important is…
a.) Plot/Story 9
b.) Art 7
c.) Message/Point of the story 8

14. Do you prefer work that most closely resembles a genuine Japanese manga, or do you prefer work that is more distinguishable (less anime/manga style)?

I prefer genuine japanese manga, but I like distinguishable works as well.

15. Would you rather the mangaka publishes the story page by page is it's completed, or the whole chapter at once? (I've noticed some online artists do this.)

Chapter at once.

16. Would you prefer to download your manga, or do you prefer it to be readable on-screen without downloading?

I prefer to be read on-screen as it doesn't take as much space on my computer.

17. What Christian manga have you read?

What do you consider Christian manga? If you mean manga that talks about Christianity, I would say the Manga Bible and Serenity. If you mean manga with christian themes I would say Trinity Blood and Vampire Hunter D.

18. If you could read any manga story in the world, what would the story be about?

IDK, if it is unique, I'll read it. But if it has giant robots, aliens, and horror all in one, I'd definately give it a go.

19. Finally, what makes you enjoy manga? In other words, why do you love it/Like it/ Hate it?
(Though if it's that last one, I wonder why you're taking this questionnaire at all... :P )

The same reason why I like comics and anime, they tend to be complex and are like giant picture books for the older audience.
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Postby piffle » Mon May 09, 2011 5:44 pm

Thank you guys very much for your responses!
I'm not stopping the survey; please continue submitting if you like; I enjoy reading everyone's answers, and it's very helpful to read everyone's opinions.
Anyhow, here are my own answers.

1. When you see a manga for the first time, what interests you the most?
The art usually attracts me first, and then the story.

2. What genre(s) do you like to read most? Pick up to four.


2.5: Which demographic do you most read? (Thanks for the correction, Atria. :D )

3. What do you NOT like in a manga?
Explicit scenes, poorly thought out plot, cut-out characters, are what bother me most

4. List your top 3 manga recommendations.
Skip Beat
Dengenki daisy
Tokyo Crazy Paradise

5. Manga to avoid?
None really come to mind.

6. What are your favorite character archetypes? Separate into male and female if you wish.
My favorite among many would be the smart-aleck who can deliver deadpan one-liners. Not too many leading characters can do this though, from what I've read.

7. What are your favorite cliches?
Bad-boy turned good by a great girl

8. What character archetype do you hate most?
Ditzy, clueless, helpless heroines who wait for everyone else to fix the situation

9. What cliche do you hate most?
Jerks who get the ditzy girl

10. For a manga created by Christians, how "Christian-y" would you think it will be? How much would you like it to be?
(I think this would imply the presence of Christians, Christianity, God, Jesus, Christian principles, the Bible being quoted, etc, in the story)
I avoid "preachy" stories. If I want a sermon, I can go to church. I want to read a manga for the story. If it fits into the story, by all means, teach me something. But putting an unnecessary lecture is off-putting.

11. What do you think about cussing, especially in a Christian manga?
It has its place, some characters aren't sweet-mouthed all the time. When it gets to be gratuitous and excessive, when it loses its emphasis through frequent use, is when I put it down. If it goes past a pg-13, then I get pretty antsy.

12. In your opinion, what separates the bad manga, the okay, the good, and the great?
The story, primarily, then the artwork. Manga is a visual media, and the quality of the artwork is very important to the quality.

13. From 1 to 10, how important is…
a.) Plot/Story - 9
b.) Art - 8.5
c.) Message/Point of the story - 7

14. Do you prefer work that most closely resembles a genuine Japanese manga, or do you prefer work that is more distinguishable (less anime/manga style)?
original manga-style

15. Would you rather the mangaka publishes the story page by page is it's completed, or the whole chapter at once? (I've noticed some online artists do this.)
chapter-by-chapter, though these can be nerve-wracking to wait for.

16. Would you prefer to download your manga, or do you prefer it to be readable on-screen without downloading?
I like reading on-screen, since I'm pretty wary of downloading stuff off the internet.

17. What Christian manga have you read?
Game Plan, Ebony Box, and Paladin, off the top of my head.

18. If you could read any manga story in the world, what would the story be about?
A zombie apocalypse-survivalist story of a group of people. :D

19. Finally, what makes you enjoy manga? In other words, why do you love it/Like it/ Hate it?
(Though if it's that last one, I wonder why you're taking this questionnaire at all... )
I love it because it's a unique, beautiful way of storytelling; it can cover a wide range of stories and styles, and there's so much variety. A quick one-shot shoji romance or a 25+ volume action series, manga can cater to all my moods.
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Postby DangoDaikazoku » Mon May 09, 2011 10:04 pm

1. I would like to say the plot, but it’s the artwork. I tend not to actually read the plot summary. I don’t like it when the summary gives away the story. The plot is also extremely important to actually holding me in and drawing me in. But good artwork is also important. It doesn’t have to blow me away; just decent enough to understand what’s happening (and not blanch at the sight of eyes too big for their heads).

2. I love fantasy. Magic, dragons, other worlds, I just love them. I can also fall in love with a manga that has none of that as well, such as a high school manga. A little romance, well, defiantly some sort of central plot of romance always draws me in. That doesn’t mean I don’t like a good fight scene, or a good laugh. Slice of life is my absolute favorite, hands down.

I don’t care for sports, but have read manga centered on it. I have the same sort of aversion to mecha, but that is only because I can’t completely follow the fight scenes. The only subject I can’t stand is horror, but that is because I can’t handle anything scary (gruesome-ness doesn’t bother me as much as the suspense).

2.5: Shojo is what I read the most. There are some very nice seinen out there too. I never got too much into shonen because I never found one with a deep enough plot. I have never read a josei so I can’t give my opinion.

3. Overly boob seducing action. (That drives me over the edge). There are some great story lines out there that I couldn’t finish because the mangaka had some opinion that every guy, even the most loyal and pure-hearted, can be seduced by a large overly-flaunted boob. That was so sad.

The other problem is when the eyes are ridiculously large compared to the head. I realize it’s a common thing, and I love it most of the time. But it is the main reason I don’t read several manga, such as Fruits Basket or Ouran High School Host Club.

4. First: Skip Beat
Second: Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru (aka Uraboku) meaning Betrayal Knows my Name (coming out in America next month!)
Third: D.N. Angel

5. Anything by Key: Visual Arts, such as Clannad (gasp* she just hated on Clannad!), Air, or Kannon. (I love their story lines, but loathe their manga)
Zero no Tsukaima

6. Conflicted. It doesn’t really matter what they are conflicted about, just something important. It also doesn’t matter who, from minor characters to the hero/villain, I will fall in love with any conflicted character.

7. Villain who is conflicted. Love that cannot be (not star-crossed lovers, but more like, well, conflicted-ness) Main character either not noticing love, or being rejected in that manner.

8. Flaunty-boob “fan-serviceâ€
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Postby MrKrillz0r » Tue May 10, 2011 6:53 am

1. When you see a manga for the first time, what interests you the most?
- The genre

2. What genre(s) do you like to read most? Pick up to four.
-School Life
-Slice of Life.

2.5: Which demographic do you most read? (Thanks for the correction, Atria. :D )
- Shojo

3. What do you NOT like in a manga?
-Bad art
-Vulgar jokes

4. List your top 3 manga recommendations.
-Kimi no Todoke
-Naruto Shippuden
-Dengeki Daisy

5. Manga to avoid?
There is a lot out there thats should remain unread, I don't read those myself and I don't remember the names of em' either.

6. What are your favorite character archetypes? Separate into male and female if you wish.
-Male: Delinquent* with a intresting past. (*Viewed upon as a delinquent at least, doesn't mean that its a bad guy)
-Girl: No idea really. o_0

7. What are you favorite cliches?
Umm, I usually fall for the "delinquent guy + plain girl" cliche. xD

8. What character archetype do you hate most?
Pervert, if its the main character.

9. What cliche do you hate most?
I don't know really, I don't care if its cliche as long as its well done. x)

10. For a manga created by Christians, how "Christian-y" would you think it will be? How much would you like it to be?
Well I'd say it depends on the story. You could make one that promotes christian values or you could make one which is about the real thing, I don't know really. As long as its well made and doesn't come out as too preachy its all good..

11. What do you think about cussing, especially in a Christian manga?
Well I don't like cussing, but the only thing that I really care about is when they use the Lord's name in vain.

12. In your opinion, what separates the bad manga, the okay, the good, and the great?
The artwork and the plot.

13. From 1 to 10, how important is…
a.) Plot/Story - 10
b.) Art - 7
c.) Message/Point of the story - 8

14. Do you prefer work that most closely resembles a genuine Japanese manga, or do you prefer work that is more distinguishable (less anime/manga style)?
I want it to be as close to Japanese manga as possible.

15. Would you rather the mangaka publishes the story page by page is it's completed, or the whole chapter at once? (I've noticed some online artists do this.)
Hmm, I don't know. T_T Probably a whole chapter at once.

16. Would you prefer to download your manga, or do you prefer it to be readable on-screen without downloading?
Doesn't matter at all.

17. What Christian manga have you read?
I've tried reading a christian manga once.. can't remember the name though. xD

18. If you could read any manga story in the world, what would the story be about?
Aah I can't answer this, I don't know! x_x It would probably be a shoujo manga of some sort at least.

19. Finally, what makes you enjoy manga? In other words, why do you love it/Like it/ Hate it? The art is so epic! And you can use your imagination in a incredible way to create manga stories. Uh.. Yeah you can escape from the normal everyday into a more fun place. (Now that can be a bad thing as well, but I was thinking of that as something positive)
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Re: Manga Questionnaire

Postby i'mmangacrazy » Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:35 pm

1. When you see a manga for the first time, what interests you the most?
The artwork. Then the plot summary....

2. What genre(s) do you like to read most? Pick up to four.
Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Martial Arts

2.5: Which demographic do you most read?

3. What do you NOT like in a manga?

4. List your top 3 manga recommendations.
Fullmetal Alchemist (<3!), Bleach, Ouran High School Host Club (I usually don't like romance/slice-of-life manga, but this one I really enjoyed.)

5. Manga to avoid?
For BOYS: Fairy Tail. -----> Reason: to much fanservice! As a girl, it didn't bother me, only got me annoyed, but it could prove a distraction for boys.... Young men, guard your hearts!

6. What are your favorite character archetypes? Separate into male and female if you wish.
Anti-hero, Dreamer, Gaurdian, Secret-keeper (any gender)

7. What are you favorite cliches?
Ante Bellum wrote: Long, billowy coats. Would that count as one?
OMGosh! That sooo counts as one! (Along with flowing hair and scarves... ;) )

8. What character archetype do you hate most?
Main characters who go insane (eg. Light Yagami from Death Note) [Death Note fans please hold back your tomatoes...]

9. What cliche do you hate most?
unrequited love/star-crossed lovers

10. For a manga created by Christians, how "Christian-y" would you think it will be? How much would you like it to be?
I actually didn't know there were many good manga by Christians, so I haven't read any yet. If I did read one, (or make one), I would like it if the character was a Christian and would refer to God's principles and God Himself when making decisions. Nothing too forward.

11. What do you think about cussing, especially in a Christian manga?
It's never bothered me much, as long as they leave out the f-word. Some situations demand it.

12. In your opinion, what separates the bad manga, the okay, the good, and the great?
The Story! You can have a manga with beautiful artwork and a lousy story, and a manga with lousy artwork and an amazing story (which is unfortunate), but most likely when you remember a manga, you'll remember the story...not the artwork.
Also needed: unforgettable characters

13. From 1 to 10, how important is…
a.) Plot/Story -----> 8-10
b.) Art ------> IMO 8-10
c.) Message/Point of the story ------> 9-10

14. Do you prefer work that most closely resembles a genuine Japanese manga, or do you prefer work that is more distinguishable (less anime/manga style)?
I don't like some styles that are *really* original Japanese style (CLAMP's earlier works for example), but I don't like American-ish styles that appear cartoony or too realistic.... my favorite manga style I've found so far is Tite Kubo's drawing style (Bleach) and then more "flowy" styles like Hiroyuki Asada (Tegami Bachi). I also like Hiro Mashima (Fairy Tail).

15. Would you rather the mangaka publishes the story page by page is it's completed, or the whole chapter at once?
THE WHOLE CHAPTER. Otherwise, you can easily loose the story.

16. Would you prefer to download your manga, or do you prefer it to be readable on-screen without downloading?
No downloading. Though, I think that the sites I'm using are probably illegal... :shady:

17. What Christian manga have you read?
None. (See q. 10)

18. If you could read any manga story in the world, what would the story be about?
Probably elves like in

19. Finally, what makes you enjoy manga? In other words, why do you love it/Like it/ Hate it?
I LOVE MANGA!!! :XD: I am an artist and have always loved comics (especially Peanuts) but have never liked the classic american graphic novel's drawing style (Captain America, Hulk, Superman, etc.) The Japanese style in manga is much more aesthetically pleasing to the eye, at least, to my eyes. I also like all the fantasy and magic-like super powers.... Manga combines my favorite drawing style with awesome stories, therefore making it something I want to constantly study and enjoy.

Hope that helps! :D
"We stand in awe before that which can not be seen... And we respect, with every fiber, that which can not be explained." -Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach)
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