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PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:45 pm
by Rusty Claymore
I was curious about Tsubasa's universe, so I read some of xxxHolic. Originally I had avoided the series because of the title, but after reading some reviews I decided to try it. I've gotten to about chapter 20, and have been thinking rather intently upon the character Yuuko.
Given all the information Clamp makes available, I have come to this conclusion.
Yuuko must smell really bad.
Not only does she smoke the weather into overcast, but she bilge drinks as well. Those smell strongly on their own, but add to that Mokona. Argue if you may, but small creatures smell.
So, what this may develop in the series, I do not know. Except maybe that Wakirimaru(er, is that his name?) lacks a sense of smell. Which seems odd since he can cook really well. Well, thats what I've come up with at least... (>.<)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:22 pm
by Wyntre Rose
lol...Now that's a new one! you mean Watanuki? :eyebrow::lol:
Image And just for safety: No, he's not glaring at you because you got his name wrong. It's just the only pic of him I had readily available for posting. ;)

He actually does have a sense of smell, though. lol. I can think of at least two occasions where he mentions the way something smells - though one is admittedly in the non-canon movie.

It wouldn't surprise me if Yuuko had acquired some kind of perfume, or a magical equivalent, that would mask any unpleasant orders. She never takes monetary compensation from anyone, yet she can afford incredibly expensive food - and those clothes! - so it's not entirely outside of the realm of possibility in that world.:lol:

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:20 pm
by Rusty Claymore
Yeah! Watanuki! And yeah, I just kinda thought that randomly, and wondered what others thought. I was going to put this in goof off, but the general public would be adding me to their avoid list. >.<

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:38 pm
by Wyntre Rose
lol...No, no, it was a very interesting notion. One I certainly had never considered, but now that I think of perfectly logical. *nods* Of course, being a CLAMP series...logic doesn't always apply when it butts heads against the Rule of Cool...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:16 am
by yukoxholic
I suppose what you are saying does make sense as in the real world those that smoke and drink alcohol do reek but I think in XXXHolic (or simply "Holic" which is how the series is pronounced anyway XD) there is a mystical aspect to Yuko ergo I don't believe she smells at all or at least it isn't brought to one's attention. It is more so an assumption on the reader's end.

To me Yuko is like the Caterpillar from the book Alice in Wonderland (and yeah the smoking thing is a mutual trend between the two. ^_^). Her advice and wisdom make a pathway for those that are lost and need enlightening. They also shape the outcome of a situation. In the series she speaks constantly of "inevitability" and how "nothing is a coincidence" I believe she does this to teach Watanuki that "change is a part of life". Almost like she is looking out for him in the long run. At least that is what I believe.

Also, what Wyntre Rose said is true in the manga as well as in the anime there are occasions where Watanuki uses his sense of smell to decipher the spirits that follow him but yeah, interesting point made! ^_^

PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 9:42 pm
by airichan623
Plus Watanuki is a housekeeper for Yuuko: if she smelled that much, he'd scrub her too!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 9:56 pm
by Wyntre Rose
:lol: I can totally see Watanuki hosing down Yuuko after a particularly long night of smoking and drinking with Mokona...but he'd sure regret it later!!