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Manga for a 12 Year Old Boy?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:22 pm
by Mangafanatic
My younger brother has started reading manga in the last year. Fortunately, I've found two series that I can allow him to follow without concern (Prince of Tennis and Hikaru No Go), but I've come against a bit of a wall in finding more manga for him. Basically, here's what we're looking for:

--He likes sports manga, but he's wants something different. Fighting or something.

--The thing that I'm really trying to keep away from him is manga with nudity in it. He's seen plenty of violent movies. Similarly, moderate language, while a detracting element, is not a make-or-break issue for me.

--If he considers it too "girly, he won't read it.

We've been looking at Peace Maker Kurogane and Loki Ragnarok *Hark, is that the frenzied footsteps of Kodai I hear? :grin:*, we'll take any and ALL suggestions.

My parents have largely laid the responsibility of choosing manga for him on my shoulders, since they know next to nothing about anime/manga. I apprecaite their trust, and I'm trying to do everything in my power not to violate that trust [Especially after I made a HUGE mistake in trusted a unverified source and allowing him to buy the first volume of Naruto. Bad. Osaka.] Having said that, please suggest responsibly, for my poor and uniformed sake. ^______^

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:24 pm
by Lynx
man of many faces is really clean and a nice story. only 2 volumes long.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:32 pm
by Raiden no Kishi
I would heartily recommend Detective Conan/Case Closed, but for . . .

1) There is some language - not a ton, and not (IIRC) by the protagonists, but it's there occasionally. PG-level, I would say, but you ought to check it out.

2) Violence/Blood - it's there a lot, since the plot revolves around murder mysteries. The first volume has a decapitation. It's not super-detailed, but there is plenty of blood. Check it out for yourself.


PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:51 pm
by Steeltemplar
One Piece would be a good one. It's quite entertaining and the content is not objectionable at all (that I have seen in the first five or so issues).

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:02 pm
by MasterDias
One Piece


Yu Yu Hakusho

What's your stance on supernatural fighting?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:02 pm
by FadedOne
I'd recommend Bleach & Rurouni Kenshin, but make sure you ask someone 'cause i haven't finished either. in fact, i've read very little of them, but i've heard good things from my bro. so yea.

question...what's up w/ Naruto? haven't read any of that but i hadn't heard about evil content. o.O

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:08 pm
by Joshua Christopher
If he wants mindless fighting, why not Dragonball Z? There might be a bit of blood and some language, though.

Perhaps something by Tezuka, like Astroboy. It's got action and some fun, light sci-fi elements.

I'm not sure about the content of MAR, but the little bit I read looked okay. You'll have to check on that one.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:26 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
Mangafanatic wrote:
My parents have largely laid the responsibility of choosing manga for him on my shoulders, since they know next to nothing about anime/manga. I apprecaite their trust, and I'm trying to do everything in my power not to violate that trust [Especially after I made a HUGE mistake in trusted a unverified source and allowing him to buy the first volume of Naruto. Bad. Osaka.]

FadedOne wrote:question...what's up w/ Naruto? haven't read any of that but i hadn't heard about evil content. o.O

Well... as said the first volume has it's amount of female "covered up nudity" (aka showing everything, but bad places are just being covered). Can't remember if Naruto pulls the stunt off (at least revealingly) in more than that volume, but that one would certainly be the most noticable. In the anime (un-cut that is. Not sure what they did in the edited version) the "girls" are covered in lots of clouds.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:35 pm
by Tommy
They did the same but the clouds were a little thicker edited.

But still....not thick enough.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:39 pm
by Radical Dreamer
What about Rurouni Kenshin? There is a lot of blood, and there's mild language, but it's totally clean otherwise. No nudity, sex, etc., although there is a transvestite later in the series. He is a villain, and his choices are looked down upon, but it's still there. As far as religious material goes, it's relatively clean there, too, although Buddha is mentioned on more than one occasion (this is most prominent in volumes 9 and 13, which are both heavily centered around the character Anji, a Buddhist ex-monk). I've read through volume 24, and there are 28 volumes in all, so I doubt there's much more room for objectionable content. The story does get much darker once it reaches volume 18, and the violence level is raised a tad. Still, though, I would consider it a good manga to start with. Hope I helped! :D

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:51 pm
by Kawaiikneko
Hmm One Piece is great. my little brother is reading it. No nudity ^^

Is Tsubasa Chronicle too girly? I don't think there's nudity in that, but I'm not positive.

I haven't read RK in awhile but I remember it being relatively clean. Every else who posted before me gave more info.

You should probably just read anything you give your brother first.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:53 pm
by MorwenLaicoriel
I agree with Rurouni Kenshin, it should be a good choice for him. ^^ Although I should mention that while there's no nudity...there is some IMPLIED content. For example, in one scene, the main female character is changing into her martial arts uniform. Nothing is seen, but she's shown from behind with just the shirt on (it shows nothing, but there's quite a bit of leg), and one of the male characters accidentally walks in on her.
It's not MAJOR, but I'd figure I'd mention that there IS a scene like that every now and then. ^^; No actual nudity, though.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:58 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
Kawaiikneko wrote:Is Tsubasa Chronicle too girly? I don't think there's nudity in that, but I'm not positive.

No there's like nothing really sexualy wrong with it (cept when Fai makes cutesy remakes to Kuro-pipi^^) Might be a good fit too... fighting is like, the main thing of it. The first couple chapters might seem "girly" but after that it's clear sailing...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:01 pm
by Radical Dreamer
[quote="MorwenLaicoriel"]I agree with Rurouni Kenshin, it should be a good choice for him. ^^ Although I should mention that while there's no nudity...there is some IMPLIED content. For example, in one scene, the main female character is changing into her martial arts uniform. Nothing is seen, but she's shown from behind with just the shirt on (it shows nothing, but there's quite a bit of leg), and one of the male characters accidentally walks in on her.
It's not MAJOR, but I'd figure I'd mention that there IS a scene like that every now and then. ^^]

Oh, yeah, I forgot about that part. Volume 5, just for reference. It's actually followed by a very funny scene, though. XD The character who does the walking in does get a severe punishment for doing so, and it makes for quite the comical incident. XD

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:04 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
[quote="MorwenLaicoriel"]I agree with Rurouni Kenshin, it should be a good choice for him. ^^ Although I should mention that while there's no nudity...there is some IMPLIED content. For example, in one scene, the main female character is changing into her martial arts uniform. Nothing is seen, but she's shown from behind with just the shirt on (it shows nothing, but there's quite a bit of leg), and one of the male characters accidentally walks in on her.
It's not MAJOR, but I'd figure I'd mention that there IS a scene like that every now and then. ^^]

Probably the worst I can think of is... *forgets name already* >_< The crossdresser Juppongatana... after everyone assuming it's a "she" he whips up his dressy clothes in front of Misao to reveal himself... luckily enough it's blurred out :/
...just thought that might be another thing to look out for :/

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:34 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
Beet the Vandel Buster is a good clean title. Own four volumes myself and Viz gave it the "All" rating.

Also try:

Rurouni Kenshin



Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind

One Piece

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 4:26 pm
by Mangafanatic
MasterDias wrote:What's your stance on supernatural fighting?

For us, we're not too worried about it. He's a very well-grounded level headed kid.

Thanks everyone for so many suggestions! I really appreciate it. Looks like One Piece was a pretty across the board suggestion. In light of the minor issues in RK, we'll hold of on that one for a bit. I hadn't thought about +Anima, but that might be a good one, too.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 4:48 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
Bleach and Naruto are probably the best ideas.

I'd also recommend Yakitate!! Japan when it comes out. It's HEEEELARIOUS and everyone will like it.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:00 pm
by Myoti
Yes, One Piece is a really good one. Violent (bloodwise, hardly any deaths), and I don't think there was any cussing in our version (make sure you scratch out all refrences to "Zolo" though ;D ).

The only mildly suggestive thing about the series is the "Happiness Punch", but that's much, MUCH later in the series (and nothing was even shown anyways).

I really wish I could write that Review for it now... >_>

Bleach is okay I'd say (a little more violent, though). MÄR also seemed pretty good, and I found Et Cetera to be interesting (a little a bit of content you may want to check, even though it got the "Y" rating).

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:32 pm
by Tommy
[quote="Myoti"]Yes, One Piece is a really good one. Violent (bloodwise, hardly any deaths), and I don't think there was any cussing in our version (make sure you scratch out all refrences to "Zolo" though ]

There was a plentiful amount of cussing.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:46 pm
by MasterDias
Mangafanatic wrote:For us, we're not too worried about it. He's a very well-grounded level headed kid.

Thanks everyone for so many suggestions! I really appreciate it. Looks like One Piece was a pretty across the board suggestion. In light of the minor issues in RK, we'll hold of on that one for a bit. I hadn't thought about +Anima, but that might be a good one, too.

Then I might add Shaman King to my recommendations.

Rave Master and Kekkaishi might be worth a look as well, although I can't completely vouch for the latter.

As far as sports manga go, I've found Whistle and Eyeshield 21 to be technically superior to The Prince of Tennis at least IMO. Whistle should be completely fine. Eyeshield 21 does have some crude humor.

But yes, One Piece is a good starting point.

I'd also recommend Yakitate!! Japan when it comes out. It's HEEEELARIOUS and everyone will like it.

Nay. Yakitate has a few content issues that prevent me from recommending it to a 12 year old.

I really wish I could right that Review for it now... >_>

Right is unequal to write. :P

There was a plentiful amount of cussing.

Yeah, in like the first four issues and even then it was fairly mild. Viz toned it down in later volumes to the point where it comes off absurdly watered-down.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:21 pm
by Myoti
Right is unequal to write.


Yeah, in like the first four issues and even then it was fairly mild. Viz toned it down in later volumes to the point where it comes off absurdly watered-down.

The rest of the issues got whacked from my understanding. Kinda... o_O

(Thank the heavens for scans...?)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 3:05 am
by Neko Niisan
I know you said he doesn't really like girly stuff but my I recommend Kodacha: Sana's Stage. It's not very masculine but it's not exactly girly either. It's a pretty good beginers read and probably worth a look into.

Oh, and I would give Rorouni Kenshin a vote too. Nothing to bad for a 12 year old persay, at least I wouldn't think so.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:12 am
by KBMaster
I have none to recommend(other than Kenshin or Shaman King) but I can tell you now that Bleach is not for a twelve-year old boy. It has quite a few crude comment and in later chapters, undetailed nudity and some partial nudity. Several of the female characters are over-endowed and only one (usually) has the decency to cover herself. The blood and violence might also be too much for your brother to handle(I know I wouldn't let my brothers read it). Every character who fights spills enough blood to have died twenty times and are still walking around. There is also a very perverted lesbian.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:59 am
by GrubbTheFragger
DNangel is the best i can come up with

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:24 am
by Heart of Sword
Dragonball/Dragonball Z has nudity...Dragonball has Goku naked, full-body male nudity...of course, since he's a little kid, it's no big deal, but just a warning. Also Master Roshi is a pervert.

Rurouni Kenshin's good. No sex or nudity or anything. Just a LOT of violence, and a LOT of blood. Language, but nothing too bad...the worse thing is sometimes a middle finger pops up. There's a transvestite later on. There are a few Buddhist references, but I don't think it's anything bad enough to harm someone spiritually.

From what I've seen, One Piece is safe.

DNAngel = very safe.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 1:32 pm
by Tommy
MasterDias wrote:Yeah, in like the first four issues and even then it was fairly mild. Viz toned it down in later volumes to the point where it comes off absurdly watered-down.

I said "Plentiful" not 'Bad". They say minor swears alot;Never bad ones.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:10 pm
by rii namuras
(I would think DNAngel would be too "girly". Though my brother did like it, and he probably hates "girly" stuff more than your brother does. ~_^. Regardless, I haven't read enough of it (though I wish I have - dang Interlibrary Loan) to make a decision on that.)

(I'd recomend Tsubasa Chronicle as well. The first few chapter may be a bit girly, but the rest is all fighting-esque. I had to take a black pen with some words (with Kurogane) before I'd let my brother read it, but it'd probably be okay for yours (nothing above a b). But again, my brother liked it. (I'm talking about Mega, if that helps at all. Yeah, you all know him. Wait 'till you meet him in person.))

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:41 pm
by Kuro-Mizu
hmmm.. not any real new suggestions but I would reccomend bleach also... as long as he can understand its set in a fantasy world and that the dead dont really come back as hollows/ghosts... I guess there is one lesbian who talks about being lesbian... and maybe a few swear words... But I dont think there is any nudity whatsoever!

Also Case closed would be good if he likes action/mystery! theres also some soccer in there which he might like if he likes sports...

I would say ravemaster... Not my favouriote series anymore but I liked it when I was like 13 so he might to... lots of action!

I would definitely NOT reccomend Dnangel if he doesnt like girly... He would prolly be boredw/iyt and think it was to girly! I did LOL

Rorouni kenshin has LOTS of violence but is a good series for action that has no nudity.. although the middle finger frequents the later volumes ( it is rather unnoticabe.. I missed a few of them the first them) And As I said before lots of gore.. But kenshin is a very heroic character w/ alot of good morals which I find rather rare in manga..

Thats about all... nothing new.. but they would be worth checking out!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 3:04 pm
by Tommy
DB had nudity.

DBZ was free of it.