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Dc Talk

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 3:32 am
by Gleph
Since i Met you was the first Christian song i heard (aside from Hymns) Actually, it was on a Vandread AMV, and had no clue that Dc Talk were christians, and that Since I Met You was directed towards God. But God used it anyway. heh.

This was about September or so last year. I've tried to find songs of theirs since i found out about them. Many favourites. But Red Letters, Jesus Freak, Supernatural, and Since I Met You have special significance to me.

I recently bought their Free at Last, Jesus Freak, Super Natural and Intermission Albums. All top stuff, and God's using them lots too. Bless him ^_^ I just started listening to Jesus Freak again recently. Great song.

So how do others feel about this band?

God Bless

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 7:58 pm
by Psycho Ann
One of my fav bands ^^ I have the Supernatural and Intermission CDs. Recently their members are going solo right?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 8:09 pm
by Stephen
There doing solo shots (me thinks its a money making thing, they will reform DC Talk and sell lots of CDs.) Into Jesus was the first Christian song I ever I will always be a fan of there early be honost I kinda feel there selling out for cash...but I think a lot of Christian bands are doing whatever...Not a big fan of solo shots other then Kevins...his was the best. Shrug, to each his own. Supernatural was a good cd.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 9:24 pm
by ShiroiHikari
Jesus Freak was one of the first Christian rock songs I loved. Heh, I've been in the game a long time :P Lol.

My fave dc Talk album is um...prolly Jesus Freak. Good stuff, one of the first albums I bought...Free At Last and Supernatural are good too though.

I liked Kevin Max's solo stuff and Toby's too. :] Kevin is very talented, I wanna see more of his stuff.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 12:55 pm
by Jephtih Mullins
Im doing an AMV to their song Jesus Freak ^_^

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 1:01 pm
by Shinja
yes i got to see DC talks last show togeather, and i got to bring home kevin max's water bottle, he threw it into the crowd half full and hit a girl in the face with it.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 1:53 pm
by Gleph
LOL. You make it sound intentional... I really like tobyMac. God's been blessing me with the songs on that album too.

I managed to get the limited edition Supernatural album with their signatures on it. It's all good ^^

Jesus Freak is great, too. I really like Mind's Eye and the end poem. Of course Jesus Freak is a cool song too. The whole CD is awesome :)

God Bless

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:02 pm
by Jimmothy
They used to be one of my fav. bands. I liked thier old stuff all the way to Welcome to the Freak Show. After that my music tastes changed so i don't listen to them any more.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:14 pm
by Shinja
Gleph wrote:LOL. You make it sound intentional...

nah it wasnt intentional, but it was rather a poor idea to throw a half full one in the crowd, plus he also chunked at least 1 full one. i just think its cool that i got the bottle that he actully hit some one in the face with. it makes an intersting conversation piece,
oh and she wasnt hurt either just surprised that she got hit by a water bottle.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 4:33 pm
by Mineko
heh, I don't get why excactly they throw their water bottles, but oh well.
I love dcTalk. They've got to be one of my all-time favorite bands. I was sad when they broke up. I really hope they get back together and SOON!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2003 7:51 am
by Christianotaku
i consider dctalk part of the christian music evolution (not sure if using the correct name but oh well XD)

first was early dctalk then they slipped out of popularity

then came newsboys and then they slipped out of popularity as dctalk released supernatural which is probably one of the best christian music albums of all time.

then P.O.D. came and ruled the christian rock music scene

so it a revoevolution

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2003 10:25 am
by majanthehun
okay to clear up a few things-DC Talk has not split up, they're just doing their own thing (one of tobymac's lyrics says "somebody told me that your taking a break, a sabbatical from rhyming on the records that you make, a little birdy said that wasn't the case, blamed your exodus on DC partners Kevin and Tait" and then Toby says "hold up, i didn't say all that") theyr'e still a band.

i own a lot of their cd's -nu thang, free at last, jesus freak, supernatural, solo, and tobymac's momentum. ive also seen tait in concert and ive seen dc talk in concret.

i love dc talk! those guys are my fav.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 5:29 pm
by naf26
I just got Free At Last 10 year whatevuh thingy (that's not really what it's called, heh) and so that makes all of 'em for me! Well, excluding the singles and that obscure Christmas "Yo Ho Ho" thing they did in '88. I am glad they added to their style instead of either 1) keeping it exactly the same or 2) completely changing it. They're maturing, really. Good stuff. My fave band.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 2:47 pm
by Mave
DC Talk first got me hooked to 'Christian music'. I'm not crazy about SuperNatural but I give them credit for all the masterpieces that they've ever produced. :) As about their so-called 'splitting', I kinda like their style when they're together rather than their solos...but of course, just me opinion..they're great either ways.