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Christian music

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:20 pm
by Dr.Faust
What song got you in to christen music. It dosen't matter if its pop,rap,pock,meatl,ect.For me it was Skillet's A little More

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:33 pm
by USSRGirl

This title epitomizes my reasons for disliking Christian label music.

On a relevant note: I recently found one [only] Christian themed song that was actually good: Nightwish's Gethsemane.

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 6:15 pm
by Peanut
USSRGirl (post: 1309511) wrote:On a relevant note: I recently found one [only] Christian themed song that was actually good: Nightwish's Gethsemane.

:thumb:X 10000000000000000000000 For Nightwish...though the song and the band is in no way Christian...nor really Christian themed outside of the name for that one song...but still it's a good song from a good band that everyone should listen to...even though they aren't Christian they still have really clean lyrics and yeah...Nightwish...

As for me, PODs Satellite is probably what got me into Christian music...both the song and the album...

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 6:24 pm
by Fish and Chips

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 6:29 pm
by Peanut
Andrew you never cease to amaze go get your computer fixed...

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 6:41 pm
by Raiden no Kishi
Oddly enough, this KISS tune, of all things.

I'll say this: dc Talk, the Newsboys, and my mom not really wanting me to listen to much but "Christian music" as a kid got me into it. Classic rock and the dismal state of "Christian radio" in my hometown got me out of it for life.


PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 7:04 pm
by ShiroiHikari
My mother didn't like me listening to secular radio, so I started listening to...shudder...Carman. Not long after that, I bought the Seltzer compilation CD, which featured artists like Newsboys, dc Talk, Jars of Clay, Plankeye, PFR, and the OC Supertones. That stuff kept me listening for several years. I stopped listening several years ago when they started playing nothing but drivel on the local Christian radio station. The only Christian band I listen to these days is mewithoutYou, though I still break out my old CDs sometimes.

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 7:18 pm
by LadyRushia
I started out with Superchick and now I listen to better things like Showbread, Thrice, and mewithoutYou.

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 8:26 pm
by USSRGirl
Peanut (post: 1309523) wrote::thumb:X 10000000000000000000000 For Nightwish...though the song and the band is in no way Christian...nor really Christian themed outside of the name for that one song...but still it's a good song from a good band that everyone should listen to...even though they aren't Christian they still have really clean lyrics and yeah...Nightwish...

Yeah, I tend to go for the non-explicitly "Christian" stuff. You tend to get more quality artists whose work has elements of Christian inspiration.

But yeah, Nightwish tis good. ^___^

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 9:10 pm
by Radical Dreamer
ShiroiHikari (post: 1309544) wrote:My mother didn't like me listening to secular radio, so I started listening to...shudder...Carman. Not long after that, I bought the Seltzer compilation CD, which featured artists like Newsboys, dc Talk, Jars of Clay, Plankeye, PFR, and the OC Supertones. That stuff kept me listening for several years. I stopped listening several years ago when they started playing nothing but drivel on the local Christian radio station. The only Christian band I listen to these days is mewithoutYou, though I still break out my old CDs sometimes.

HAHAHAHAH CARMAN. Oh gosh those were the days. XDD Shudder indeed. XD

I remember listening to stuff like Newsboys, and I enjoyed this one group, Avalon, a lot when I was 10 years old and younger. Before that, even, I was sporadically listening to MxPx. I heard P.O.D. back in 8th grade or something and thought The Fundamental Elements of Southtown was pretty "BA" (LOL), but I quickly grew out of them and moved on to other things (though I listened to some POD the other day and lol'd for nostalgia's sake XD).

After that, I didn't do much in the way of Christian music except with things like Mae's early work, which had some Christian overtones. Now though, I enjoy a good bit of Tooth & Nail bands (such as Showbread and mwY), and other music with Christian overtones, like Thrice. I also LOVE My Epic and Edison Glass. I don't ever listen to CCM anymore, though; I just don't like it. XD

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:31 pm
by Scarecrow
Peanut (post: 1309523) wrote::thumb:X 10000000000000000000000 For Nightwish...though the song and the band is in no way Christian...nor really Christian themed outside of the name for that one song...but still it's a good song from a good band that everyone should listen to...even though they aren't Christian they still have really clean lyrics and yeah...Nightwish...

Well... they did have that one song about Jesus... The Carpenter or whatever. But ya they aren't Christian. And I really don't like the new singer >.< I have every album they ever made but Dark Passion Play rarely ever gets played. The only two song from "New Nightwish" that really reach the awesomeness of Old Nightwish aren't even on that album (The Escapist and While You're Lips Are Still Red).

I don't really listen to much "Christian" labeled music. Helloween is a secular metal band but I'd say about 30%] the Night:

"We are strong. We're alive. We have faith in His might. We believe in the Everlasting Light. Any time, anywhere, we will always be there. We fight for what's just and what's right. We **** the night" (It's about a group of angels watching over and guarding a guy's soul who's feeling lost and alone in the darkness of his mind)

They are considered Power Metal gods in the metal realm so I really think it's cool they have so many faith based song. They do have a lot of weird or really dark songs too though... Like Mr Torture (great song though). But generally they're really clean and positive.

Really many Power Metal bands have a lot of religious themed music though it's more of a story telling thing. Not exactly reflecting any kind of beliefs more of a mythical story telling device or poetic imagery.

Oh and to get back on topic a bit more... Rob Rock, Theocracy, and Harmony are quite excellent Christian metal bands I've found. Rob Rock I've actually seen as a guest singer on a couple of secular band albums. Mostly from Edguy/Avantasia... I'm guessing Rob Rock and Tobias Sammet (lead singer from Edguy/Avantasia) are good friends seeing how they both appear on each other's albums.

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:44 am
by rocklobster
I started by listening to Creed. I realize they aren't considered Christian because of Stapp's past with drug addiction (really, that's pretty hypocritical to me, but I digress), but that really opened my eyes and made me wonder what other spiritual bands may be out there besides Creed and U2. So on a whim, I started listening to a local Christian radio station. I think they played Superchick's "Stand in the Rain" song because I like "WOW! this song's pretty heartfelt." Now, it's pretty much all I listen to. I really don't like how dark the current rock scene's slowly becoming. I like more bright-hearted, optimistic sounding music.

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 6:27 pm
by Dr.Faust
few of creed's songs were about christ. "higher" was a hope song to help people get throught their pain no matter who their god was or weather they beleave in one or not.

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 12:51 pm
by That Dude
I grew up with it. Probably the only real "good" ones were Bryan Duncan and Steve Camp and Petra. I also got into Michael W. Smith and DCTalk and Audio Adrenaline back when people didn't actually know much about them...Anyway nowdays I listen to whatever I like...As long as it sounds good and the lyrics aren't to risque.

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 5:30 pm
by Scarecrow
So you got into Michael W Smith when you were like 3? :D Cause he was quite big by 1990ish after going solo from Amy Grant's band... Me and my mom saw Amy Grant on her Lead Me On tour (I was like 5) and he was still just her opening act and then played keyboards the rest of the show... I was a huge Michael/Amy fan till I was like 10... I still have Michael's first two live concert videos somewhere... I thought Amy Grant was the most beautiful person on the planet. I wanted to marry her :P I still think she's beautiful but looking back at like that Find a Way video... wow she was really hot... no wonder I wanted to marry her...

This was my favorite Amy video/song when I was little. I'd get up on the coffee table and sing a long.... I was like 3 or 4

And I remember really liking this song from Michaels Big Picture Tour video...

I guess I still like Amy's old poppy stuff from the 80s and Michael's early stuff but I can't stand anything either have put out recently.

Omg I had this video too... Change your world live video or whatever. (Sorry, I'm going through youtube... I haven't seen these videos in many many many years and I forgot about this one....)

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 10:01 pm
by ich1990
My parent's blasting Audio Adrenaline's album "Bloom" -- at top volume -- to wake us up on Sundays, is what got me into Christian music. From there I went to CCM and then quickly grew out of it. Now, I just have a dozen or so bands that I follow, most are Christian.

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 11:31 pm
by That Dude
Scarecrow (post: 1310445) wrote:So you got into Michael W Smith when you were like 3? :D Cause he was quite big by 1990ish after going solo from Amy Grant's band... Me and my mom saw Amy Grant on her Lead Me On tour (I was like 5) and he was still just her opening act and then played keyboards the rest of the show... I was a huge Michael/Amy fan till I was like 10... I still have Michael's first two live concert videos somewhere... I thought Amy Grant was the most beautiful person on the planet. I wanted to marry her :P I still think she's beautiful but looking back at like that Find a Way video... wow she was really hot... no wonder I wanted to marry her...

This was my favorite Amy video/song when I was little. I'd get up on the coffee table and sing a long.... I was like 3 or 4

And I remember really liking this song from Michaels Big Picture Tour video...

I guess I still like Amy's old poppy stuff from the 80s and Michael's early stuff but I can't stand anything either have put out recently.

Omg I had this video too... Change your world live video or whatever. (Sorry, I'm going through youtube... I haven't seen these videos in many many many years and I forgot about this one....)

Well...Actually MWS was a little later...Around 93 or so, about the same time as I got into AA.

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 11:46 am
by -Frail-Dreams-
I pretty much grew up listening to DC Talk, Switchfoot, Relient K, Project 86 and a few others. I've branched out, I'm now more of an indie fan than pop/punk.

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:24 pm
by Cognitive Gear
When I was in Jr. High, I started listening to Supertones, MxPx, Valu Pac, and Five Iron Frenzy. Since I went to a private Christian school, I had no real exposure to music outside of the Christian labels.

When I got into High School, however, I spent my most of my freetime time playing video games or watching anime, so my music tended to reflect that. It wasn't until my senior year of High School, when I heard that Five Iron Frenzy was breaking up, that I got back into music, but it was mostly secular with a spattering of Five Iron Frenzy.

Now most of my favorite musicians are either blatantly Christian or have heavy Christian overtones. Bands like mewithoutYou (responsible for bringing me back to the Christian music scene), Thrice, Showbread, and Five Iron Frenzy are truly great.

Previous this post, I did not realize what a consistent and considerable impact Five Iron Frenzy has had on me. huh.

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2009 1:37 am
by the_wolfs_howl
Michael Card. I still love his album Scandalon, though I can't seem to find a CD of it anywhere.... My favorite song went like this:

"And the Lamb is a lion who's roaring with rage
At the empty religion that's filling their days
They'll flee from the harm
Of the Carpenter's strong arm
And come to know the scourging anger of the Lord."

Ho yeah! :jump: That was basically all the music I listened to as a small kid - that and classical music. Then my friend gave me a CD on my eleventh birthday, of an unknown Canadian Christian pop singer called Nikki Leonti. That was pretty much what got me into music, period. I still listen to it every now and then for nostalgia.

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2009 10:21 am
by mechana2015
Most undoubtably a Five Iron Frenzy or Supertones song, though I don't know which one exactly. If I had to guess it was probably Handbook for the Sellout by FIF. I know that FIF Newsboys and DC Talks concerts cemented that interest for a time.