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christian japanese music?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 7:05 pm
by RefractedAhav
Any one know of any?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 7:17 pm
by supa dupa ninja
hmm, this is an impossible dillema.
japans a little on the short side with christian entertainment being buddhism a major religion in japan. but I'll gladly post one if I ever see one (which I will, thanks to the power of google :thumb: ...and GOD(of course) )

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 7:25 pm
by ShiroiHikari
I don't know of any.

BTW, this thread is moved to the music section.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 8:20 pm
by TheMelodyMaker
Maybe one of our Japanese language specialists here could write some! Just a thought. ^_^

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 11:09 pm
by Benu
Nope none to my knowlegde but I've been thinking about puting together a band that does christian Japanese Music so maybe someday

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 5:31 am
by Heaven's Cloud
According to books, around the time that samurai were still alive in Japan, and legal, Christianity was not aloud and Japan. Then they stopped the Samurai, and the Christianity. You now either have to be Shinto od Buhhists, or maybe little Christianity today. I am notre.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 6:02 pm
by Bobtheduck
Um, the missions group I was a part of has songwriters in almost every country, making worship music... No non-worship stuff that I know about. If you want to have some Japanese worship stuff, try a Japanese church, or I can try to get some stuff from that organization.

Dut in part to reconstruction by the US after world war II, Japan has freedom of religion... So most Japanese people are Buddhist and Shinto like most americans are christians: By lip service only. They perform the rituals like 5 times in their lifetimes and other than that, it's just life as usual.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 5:10 am
by Technomancer
It goes a bit deeper than that. The absolute discrediting of the Japanese military authorities and their policies (which heavily emphasized Shinto) also greatly discredited much native religious sentiment. At the same time, the incineration of Japanese cities by Allied bombers from the Christian West did much the same for Christianity.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 5:16 am
by Bobtheduck
Technomancer wrote:It goes a bit deeper than that. The absolute discrediting of the Japanese military authorities and their policies (which heavily emphasized Shinto) also greatly discredited much native religious sentiment. At the same time, the incineration of Japanese cities by Allied bombers from the Christian West did much the same for Christianity.

hehe... I was "lurking" until you posted this... In any case, you're probably right but everyone has a reason or another (whethere legitamate or not) to have something against Christianity. If there were no VALID reasons, that wouldn't stop there from being reasons. I'm trying to remember where it was, but Paul said something to the effect of "foolishness for the greek and stumbling block for the jew" or something like that... Without help from the Holy spirit, our faith when examined in whole will look foolish to people. It's just going to happen. Whatever legitamate reasons for that there are, they are not the cause in the end. The cause is Satan's overwhelming deception of all the world.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 3:04 pm
by Vincent III
If there is an Anime form of the Bible (which there is O_Oi) then there probally is a christian Jpop/Jrock song out there. Good luck finding it tho. Most Jrock is more Visual Kei (japanese goth, but really cool looking, and not graphic or cheesy), but you do have a few non Visual Kei Jrock bands.
Plus to go into the topic of religions in Japan. Christianity is one of the major religions there. Christmas is also celebrated in almost all of Japan. But there still are a lot of Buddist and Shinto followers.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 7:41 pm
by shooraijin
I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that since there's an observance of Christmas in Japan, there are a lot of Christians.

What put this in perspective for me personally was the Tendo Family Christmas Scramble OAV (Ranma 1/2) where Kasumi calls it "Santa Day" (and this is in the Japanese audio, too). Christ hasn't much to do with it -- to them it's a neat little Western holiday, and I suspect to most Westerners it's just a neat little holiday, too. :(

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 8:03 pm
by RefractedAhav
From wht i understand jesus was born in the spring, not in winter around th time of the roman winter solctace(I know I didn"t spell that right :sweat: ) anyway.

But even if this is true, I guess celebrating His mortal birth around a pagan holiday does kind of provide an alternaiteve for the solctace, but channuka is also around that time anyway so their already was an alternative.

Anyway even if christmas was ment as a "God -honoring substitute", for many people in the world it has just become a modern solstace. :( :stressed:

I guess it is alright to continue to celibrate his birth on it winter date aslong as we remebre it is supposed to be a reminder of how much he cared about us. Also I guess it is alright because another date has been moved.... many of us observe the sabbath on the first day of the week rather than the seventh wich God set aside as the day of rest. :bang: :rant:

I hope not to offend any one only to inform. If I did offend any one I truly appaligize. :( :sweat:

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 7:31 am
by Aibou

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 3:47 pm
by RefractedAhav
what anime was that used in?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2003 8:53 am
by Aibou
Steam Detectives. No idea what it's about!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2003 3:02 pm
by WhiteÃ…ngel
I had found some in the past, but cleaned off the hard drive and lost them.

here is one.