Song: desperation

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Song: desperation

Postby Gleph » Mon Jul 21, 2003 11:33 pm

I came up with this just recently. It makes me feel better when i'm down

I cried and cried, O Lord
But you never came
I looked and looked,
but never found

Where are you Lord?
Where are you in my moment of need?
My enemies surround me
I look to you,
but I can't find

I want you Lord,
I want to feel your presence again,
I thirst for you Lord,
I thirst for that living water only you can provide

I hear these words of Praise and Worship
I once glorified your name,
I put my past behind me and followed you in all I did
But where are you Lord,
Where are you in my time of need?

This life is a barren, desolate land
It picks me up, and throws me around like
A ship in the raging waves of sea.
I look to you,
but I can't find


Wonderous will be the day, that I pick up my cross again
Follow you in all my ways, and share your word with
the people around me.

Surely this will only bring praise and glory unto your Holy name!
Surely this will take the barren, desolate land and turn it anew
Unto your holy name, O Lord


Surely your will be done and flocks will come
To Praise and Worship you
Surely they will turn from their ways and come
To the loving arms of you

God Bless
Isaiah 40:31
"But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint."
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