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Here are some pictures...

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 5:06 am
by darkoon
God Bless all of you, I havent posted anything in.... about 5 months, and I feel embarrased. That doesnt mean Im not training or anything like that.
Here are a couple of sketches and pictures that I have drawn, there are some on pencil, and others inked and then colored with Prisma markers. Please tell me your opinions!


PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 5:43 am
by ShiroiHikari
You wanna know what I think? Well, I'll tell you what I think. I ROCK ^__^b Your coloring is so good :O

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 7:19 am
by darkoon
Thanx, I appreciate your thought. I was wondering if you can tell me how to put little face near my name, everyone has an image of their favorite character, and I wish I can have one too, so that I can feel better sending stuff... ;)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 7:23 am
by ShiroiHikari
You mean an avatar? Do this:

· Click "user cp" up at the top of the forums
· Go to "Edit Avatar"
· Once you're there, you can link to an avatar that you have on your web space, or upload one from your hard drive. It says there is no limit in size but it's actually 110x110 pixels (technical problem :p)

Hope that helped :]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 8:03 am
by Mave
*falls over* OMGosh, you're a natural!!! It's beautiful and more anime/manga than my style! I'm assuming those are your own characters? I would love to see more of your works! *saves drawings in hard drive to keep for eye candy* ^^

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 8:05 am
by HikariChan
pretty pictures:jump:

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 8:25 am
by Danyasaur
*looks at pics* . . . . . . . . . . *faints* so. . . good. . . . my new. . . hero

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 8:53 am
by Shinja
those are really good. :thumb:

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 10:37 am
by Mr. Rogers
these are great :thumb:

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 11:12 am
by Elric_kun
awesome, very very good!!! :thumb: :thumb:

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 11:26 am
by Reverie
Wow. Those sketches are unbelievably good.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 7:27 pm
by shooraijin
Yes, they are. You have incredibly good talent. Whatcha gonna do with it? ;)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 8:01 pm
by true_noir_chloe
Those are FANTASTIC! I'm going to have to keep checking back on your art thread. So, awesome! ^_^

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 10:31 am
by CobaltAngel
WOW! Those are amazing! *dies* I wanna draw like you someday. ._.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 10:36 am
by glitch1501
wow, your awesome

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 10:57 am
by inkhana
darkoon wrote:God Bless all of you, I havent posted anything in.... about 5 months, and I feel embarrased. That doesnt mean Im not training or anything like that.
Here are a couple of sketches and pictures that I have drawn, there are some on pencil, and others inked and then colored with Prisma markers. Please tell me your opinions!


*dies* Oh gosh, Mave, we got one upped...:lol:

Geez laweez, you're good. How long you been doing this, for crying out loud? LOL

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 11:52 am
by wiggins

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 12:23 pm
by Mave
inkhana wrote:*dies* Oh gosh, Mave, we got one upped...:lol:

Geez laweez, you're good. How long you been doing this, for crying out loud? LOL

God is Good! He knows we always need to be humbled and inspired by others. His kingdom needs more talented hands and willing hearts. :thumb:

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 12:30 pm
by mechana2015
Definately need more inspired manga artists, and boy are those awesome... Wow. Better go practice more.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 2:13 pm
by chibi_chan
There soooo cool! I like the prismocolor one^^

thanks a lot guys...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 10:30 am
by darkoon
God bless you all, and thanx for the comments. Im sorry I dont respond quickly, thing is that I dont have internet access, and I wait for school for me to send anything. These are my original characters from numerous comic books Im making, and I color them, ink them and everything by hand, even though Im good using photoshop. The reason is because I am a fan of hand drawn stuff, slowly computers are taking the place of man, and nothing can beat the human mind, since GOD created it as his image. I feel robbed when I use a program to do so.

I exsort all artists who love Jesus Christ, DO NOT FEAR THE PENCIL,INK,OR ANY HAND PROCCESS! You become intimidated by the fact that you might not ink, or color, and therefor depend on machines. But that is not true! it might be the easy way out, but it makes you to stop thinking more, and make eyecandy only.

Well, here are a couple of sketches, thanx a lot everybody, and GOD bless all!


P.S THANX for telling me how to put pictures as my face.

You draw too!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 10:45 am
by darkoon
Can you please show me some of your artwork? Im looking for artists in this fine comunity for me to talk to, ANYONE!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 10:51 am
by mechana2015
I have about 10 or so pictures in here.... soooo... linkage.
Oh, and I am getting a pic ready to post thats all hand inked and photoshop or other influinces... but itll be a while before I have it up. (Homework...:sweat: :shady: )

ohhh and kinda off topic... do you know a lot about NYCity?

Yes I do

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 11:29 am
by darkoon
God bless, I do know a lot about NY, why the question? dont you live here?????????????

Nice artwork, are you making a comic yourself?


PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 1:01 pm
by mechana2015
I live in California, so no I don't really know a lot about NYCity. Yes I am making a comic of my own, and part of it's set in NY (both the city and upstate), hence the question...

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:00 pm
by Key_blade
I don't use machines to do my work.....AND YOUR WORK IS SOOOOOOOOOOO KAWAII! I love it! :thumb: :dance: :dance:

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:02 pm
by inkhana
darkoon wrote:Can you please show me some of your artwork? Im looking for artists in this fine comunity for me to talk to, ANYONE!

Here's my art thread if you're interested...:) Your new pics are really cute!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:41 pm
by Enthralled
wow! Darkoon, I love your style! Especially the hands and hair! Very cool.
I also don't like using computer programs, although if I do, there is only one that I will use. And it is the old fashioned 'Paint' prog. that comes with the computer haha!
here is a link to some of my old art:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 6:39 am
by Vampi
......why have you been hiding this wonderful talent of yours? You shame some professional artwork I've seen. (Btw.....You don't, and won't, want to see my artwork...........)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 8:33 am
by uc pseudonym
That's some very good work. I especially liked the first sketches. Glad to have you back with us, Darkoon.

And I have no art, so that's a moot point for this one.