Comic starting for any interested artists. :)

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Comic starting for any interested artists. :)

Postby GhostPoet » Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:39 am

If this is the wrong forum for sorry!
I figure it's art related forum. =P

I'm a writer working on a couple comic series. I was originally going for your basic comic style..but now I want to go with a more Manga/American mixed style. Both are fairly gritty...but very epic and action packed with character driven old artist had to leave for family reasons and now i'm on the hunt for a new artist. The work doesn't need to be super professional..but close and possibly in color...unless your B&W is fantastic =)

I wanted to let you guys know because this is a good chance for an artist to create a strong portfolio, but also have a chance at getting their foot in the door of the industry as my cousin knows a few people in the industry who could likely get us at least a viewing. :)

(again, sorry if this is the wrong forum! Just wanted to give someone here the opportunity...)

Just send me a private if you are interested in working on this with me. =)
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Postby Dont-Lose-Heart » Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:48 pm

i might be interested although i'm not sure how much time i could spend working on it.
i've got art posted in my art thread here
and a few things in the gallery from before i started the thread
but the easiest place to check out my stuff incase you want me to help would be my deviantART gallery
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Postby GhostPoet » Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:03 pm

anonymous wrote:technically this would go in the Projects/New Ideas forum but s'ok. :) can we see some samples of what we would be doing (like the script or whatever you've done) if someone here picked this up? and maybe a bit of the previous artist's work?

I can't post the script..i'm really over-protective of my work =P But I can give you the summary of the said I have 2 stories..this is the one that's the most developed...infact, I have the first issue written out already. The other is still in the planning stages. There are A LOT of interesting little twists in the story to give it a very unique feel.

"Griffen - The Opposing Saga is an independent comic seeking a comic artist located anywhere in the US.
The previous artist was unable to fulfill his duties due to more important matters (such as work and life, kind of important)

Summary: It's centuries in the future. Mankind is still suffering the effects of the last world war. A few large corporations are now in charge after toppling the remaining governments. Not content to merely be a powerful business, they have made themselves into small governments with armies to enforce their own-made laws.
High Technologies are rare, leaving only a few rich to own them and an even smaller amount who know how to work with the tech.

A large portion of the known surviving world uses a form of Steam technology for everything. Vehicles and power-sources as well as robots are converted to this steam tech in order to make survival possible.

The world somewhat resembles a time if World War II and the old west (with a mix of sci-fi thrown in) all combined to make one, harsh existence. The story contains lots of character growth and interaction, interwoven plots, betrayal and gritty violence where the bad guys are not bad simply because they can be...but because of motives that drive them to be. The story itself is very epic."

I WOULD show the previous artists work..but I am hoping to go for a differenent style than what he it wouldn't really apply. :) His was a bit more cartoony...proportions were more exagerated..i'm hoping to go for something along the lines of Gungrave style in look..but more than willing to look at other styles.=)
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Postby GhostPoet » Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:26 pm

The other VERY ships, various planets and races with their own political and physiological AND physical differences.
The story centers around a squad of special soldiers. You see, their home planet is the only planet in the galaxy where a random occurrence happens every few years..a strange energy wave travels across the planet and alters the dna of a handful of people...imbuing them with abilities...or more rather increasing abilities that already exist...strength...mental powers, etc..
Strength is the most common...some are given a little strength but alot more in the ability to read minds. Those are the two most common. These few are trained and placed into special squads to enforce galactic law.

The races are pretty race uses magic for everything..from powering their starships to powering their weapons...they are an aggressive species. Another was an energy race that was dying out..the only way they could survive was by promising a less advanced alien race advanced technology in return for allowing them to merge into their bodies...the aliens tricked them and the remaining aliens took over the less advanced species using their own people and weapons. The less advanced race is now used as soldiers or as hosts when new energy beings are "born". One of the others is a race that has enslaved a crystal-like race..using their life-essence as fuel to power their ships and weapons.

Lots of interesting plots...the first story is actually a mix of sci-fi adventure meets film noir. =P
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