I have become jaded- I think.

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I have become jaded- I think.

Postby Daiko-chan » Fri Aug 20, 2004 7:30 pm

-I don't feel completely comfortable with the title of this thread, but I think that that shall suffice. Aside from my pondering the title I've chosen, I should explain this, shouldn't I?

-earlier today, I was reading some of the lovely comments that Cobalt-chan had left me while I was logged in over at DA, and I was touched and struck in a way that I hadn't been before...

she really likes my artwork (while I do not feel satisfied with it)
and because of that, and how she showed me how much she's been admiring my efforts (despite the fact that they're not my best/as pretty or well-done as I wish them to be) she truly enjoys them and I, the artist do not.

Well, I might be misleading you by the way I phrased that...
I do love creating art, and working on it, and editing it, and making merchandise with it, and revising it, and critiquing it
but, I guess I've become like an elitist.

I see that it's become harder for me to enjoy art as simply and fully as Coby-chan does... but I remember that I used to be able to, when I was younger (and when I had less ability and knowledge in the art field).

Is this bad? In seeking God's will in this matter, He doesn't seem to be saying much at the moment- yet, I've noticed this within myself... and after further thought, I don't wish to be ungrateful for the creations made by the Lord's children.

I worship the Lord of the Big and the Small...
therefore, I should be able to appreciate a great variety of things
His works- the direct artwork from the hands of God
as well as the indirect art from the children of God

I don't know exactly where I should be with regards to this,
but maybe I should try to care more for my art
as well as the art of others
if I have respect for the effort that people put into their creations
this could help me

yes, I think I'm now on the right track.

Anyways, I rambled
but I made sure to upload something of mine for my fellow CAA-ites to enjoy.

I know that some of you have seen this before, but I don't think you'll mind seeing this again; and if anyone of you wish to see more of my works, you are free to visit me over at my place on deviantART (the link is in my signature, and my name is also Daiko-chan there as well)

Thank you in advance,
and strangely enough...
I take cricitism better than compliments
-I even prefer good criticism. :lol:

on the image:
this is a Seraphim, the first that I ever painted and inked in this style
I don't like the composition on this, I feel that I should narrow this more, and take away a little bit of that empty canvas area near the bottom of this piece

(ah! -almost forgot: this is a thumbnail version- you can see the larger, better version of this over in my deviantART gallery)

go ahead and give me your honest opinion on this.

Seraphim- literally "the burning ones"
these creatures have been labeled as "spirits of fire as swift as the wind".

(I want to become an excellent artist...)
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:thumb: GOOD totally FREE art programs:
[Art Rage] -emulates traditional media
[Pixia] -this is for digital art and photo editing...

I don't think I will ever post my own autobiographical story in the CAA's Who's Who or in the Welcome Area because as a forumite I was raised so that I should never do such a thing- I am open to change though...
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Postby olorc » Fri Aug 20, 2004 7:39 pm

Sounds like you have put a lot of thought in it and maybe even started to arrive at a way to move ahead. Cool thought process you kinda went though. Maybe try looking at your art and pretend you are that younger version of you that would have thought it was really cool. Figure out what you would've thought was so amazing and see if you still think those things are. i don't no if that helps, but you got me thinking about myself too. It's ok to be a perfectionist, just don't forget where you are and how far you have come in both your walk and in you art.
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Postby ClosetOtaku » Fri Aug 20, 2004 10:24 pm

Part of this used to be in a signature file I used about 20 years ago, but it is applicable today:

The Teacher is speaking:

"There have been men before now who got so interested in proving the existence of God that they came to care nothing for God Himself... as if the good Lord had nothing to do but exist! There have been some who were so occupied in spreading Christianity that they never gave a thought to Christ. Man! Ye see it in smaller matters. Did ye never know a lover of books that with all his first editions and signed copies had lost the power to read them? Or an organiser of charities that had lost all love for the poor? It is the subtlest of all snares."

(C.S. Lewis, The Great Divorce)

I sense you sense yourself drifting in this direction, and catching yourself. This is a good thing. Don't lose your first love! Criticism is good, and reaching that next point in your development as an artist is important -- otherwise, we'd never mature -- but don't let that criticism dominate your affection for what you do. (And, like the song says, if you can figure out how to do this, tell me how.)

My best wishes for your future success!
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ah, thank you!

Postby Daiko-chan » Sat Aug 21, 2004 6:58 am

Wow, I wasn't really expecting to get such replies- and so fast too!!
Thank you!!

-yes, because I got these thoughts of mine out into the air
I started being able to see where this was going
and I know that I can overcome this
and grow as an artist
and appreicate other peoples' works.


but, I was also hoping that some people would
share their opinions of the picture that I posted in this thread
and I'd like to hear from Cobalt-chan too...

(would say more, but is occupied with other matters at the moment
and is currently on deviantART this morning.)
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Christian ministries:
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Daiko things:
[online shop] [some artwork at DA] [blog of a saint in training]

:thumb: GOOD totally FREE art programs:
[Art Rage] -emulates traditional media
[Pixia] -this is for digital art and photo editing...

I don't think I will ever post my own autobiographical story in the CAA's Who's Who or in the Welcome Area because as a forumite I was raised so that I should never do such a thing- I am open to change though...
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Postby Archan » Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:10 am


Well, being overly cirtical of ones own art is natural for a striving artist. What it is (Give or take) is probably an artistic instinct to strive to be more then what you currently are. If you will ever meet these demands is soley up to your own determination.

However, if you do not feel for what you are creating, that can hinder your artistic insparation as well. Sometimes though, I feel that artist sometimes just need a break. There does come a point where one can draw too much, (I've done thins plenty of times) as we loose interest in the craft. So, I feel a good break is the trick to refresh, sitback, and enjoy other art rather then try to create. This tends to remind one of why they are drawing in the first place, and rekindle that spark of creative influence that keeps you striving to become better, harder, faster, stronger <-------(DAFT punk refrence there)

As for comments on your included art, I think it's a pretty graphic design. Though, I think less negative space would be better with your overall composition, but it is still very nice.

Anyways I hope my rantings helped a little....and if it helps i myself am a prime example of someone who critisizes themself possibly wwwaaaayyyyyyy too much. But hey, if I can wade by then I'm sure it'll be a breeze for ya! ;)

God bless,

P.S. Is that the featured artist photo I see at your Deviant art site????
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