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A Question for Those of You in a Steady Relationship

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:57 pm
by Riggidig
For those of you who have been involved with someone for a reasonable amount of time (dating/engaged/marriage), how did the two of you meet? Were you looking for someone (internet, blind dates, etc.) or did they come across your path when you were least expecting it? Thanks.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:32 pm
by Htom Sirveaux
My relatonship with my girlfriend has been a long time in the making. We first met at work (a local hospital), she was a food service hostess and I a housekeeper. But back then, we hardly knew each other. She left for another job, I forgot about her. A couple years later she's working for a home care organization for the elderly, and she's assigned to my grandmother, who lived then with my parents. One of her regular days there coincided with my own visits so that for 3 hours every other Friday, I'd see her. Over the next year, we went from recognition to familiarity to friendliness to friendship to feeling quite comfortable with each other. Eventually we realized we were developing feelings for each other. We tried a couple experimental "dates", decided we liked each other very much indeed, and as of now we have been seeing each other for between 4 and 5 months.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:48 pm
by Riggidig
Htom Sirveaux (post: 1500723) wrote:My relatonship with my girlfriend has been a long time in the making. We first met at work (a local hospital), she was a food service hostess and I a housekeeper. But back then, we hardly knew each other. She left for another job, I forgot about her. A couple years later she's working for a home care organization for the elderly, and she's assigned to my grandmother, who lived then with my parents. One of her regular days there coincided with my own visits so that for 3 hours every other Friday, I'd see her. Over the next year, we went from recognition to familiarity to friendliness to friendship to feeling quite comfortable with each other. Eventually we realized we were developing feelings for each other. We tried a couple experimental "dates", decided we liked each other very much indeed, and as of now we have been seeing each other for between 4 and 5 months.

Awesome. Hope it works out between the two of you :)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:03 pm
by K. Ayato
Hubby and I met outside the cafeteria at community college. He looking in on a game played by some other students and I picked up his name during the conversations. It wasn't until a fall-out between me and the "drama squad" students that he and I started hanging out on campus. There was definitely chemistry between us, but due to my upbringing and naivete, I wasn't aware of what it was and there was trouble dealing with it. Our relationship had ups and downs, but the result was worth it. He and I have been married over a year now :). First year came with challenges, but we came through them all. I can't wait to spend more years with him :).

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:12 pm
by Riggidig
K. Ayato (post: 1500730) wrote:Hubby and I met outside the cafeteria at community college. He looking in on a game played by some other students and I picked up his name during the conversations. It wasn't until a fall-out between me and the "drama squad" students that he and I started hanging out on campus. There was definitely chemistry between us, but due to my upbringing and naivete, I wasn't aware of what it was and there was trouble dealing with it. Our relationship had ups and downs, but the result was worth it. He and I have been married over a year now :). First year came with challenges, but we came through them all. I can't wait to spend more years with him :).

Congrats! May it be blessed :)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:36 pm
by Rusty Claymore
A Question for Those of You in a Steady Relationship
Whoops, guess I can't say anything. She's really clumsy... XD

...ok, no, I have no girlfriend, but I couldn't let that pun slip by. n_n' ごめん!ごめん!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:19 am
by Riggidig
[quote="Rusty Claymore (post: 1500768)"]Whoops, guess I can't say anything. She's really clumsy... XD

...ok, no, I have no girlfriend, but I couldn't let that pun slip by. n_n' ご]


PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:04 am
by ShiroiHikari
My husband and I met through a mutual friend sometime in 2003. Said mutual friend used to throw a lot of nerd parties-- basically, everyone would come over to his house and play video games and other nerdy stuff. Anyway, my not-yet-husband and I would always end up engaged in long conversations, but I had a boyfriend at the time, so nothing happened between us, and we only saw each other at these sorts of gatherings (i.e., a couple times a year).

A little while after the relationship with my then-boyfriend finally ended in 2006 (it went on a lot longer than it should have), Husband and I started spending more time together because I had moved in with Mutual Friend, and Husband would usually hang out there every weekend. I had intended to stay single for a while after my recent breakup, but...well, it didn't take long for me to develop a huge crush on Husband. So we started dating, and in 2008 we got married.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:18 am
by Juliannesan
Hoo boy! This could take awhile!

I'll try to make it as short and sweet as possible as others have so far.

Me & Tim(my husband) met at a Christian teen retreat in 2006. Which ironically was the same weekend I had broken up with my first boyfriend, and I was getting over the pain of losing my ex, so I when I met Tim, I wasn't really thinking of him as anything more than an attractive young guy who happened to be volunteering at the camp at the time, and I was there with my Youth group as a chaparone. Beside that, almost every girl in my youth group had a crush on him, so I decided that I'd just take a few pictures of him for memories sake and move on with my life.

A year later, I ran into him, randomly at a concert, but didn't talk to him or anything, one of my friends that was with me and recognized him as well did though.

And then in 2008. I went again to the winter retreat, and I saw him again volunteering at the same camp. And something told me to say hey, and I just didn't want him to get the wrong idea, so I didn't.... Until we were about to leave, and I noticed my brother and his friend were missing just before we were about to leave, and I ran into Tim and we ended up talking for a lot longer than I anticipated we would, and then we kept contact online.

About a month or so later, I ended up volunteering at the same camp, and he told me his feelings, and I had already began to like him, so we started going out.
We got engaged in 2009, and in Sept of 2010 we were married. We're almost at our one year! :)

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:50 am
by aliveinHim
Congrats!!!! I"m just single and happy. I'm way to young and too busy to worry about relationships right now.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:29 pm
by Mithrandir
Somewhere around here I wrote a bit of prose that includes a snippet about the first day I met my wife. Anyone in the Lazyweb wanna drag up a pointer?

The short version is: we just met one day it it was a pretty major shocker for me. I don't think it was love-at-first-sight, but... How to explain this... I felt like something momentous had happened and I was struck by the enormity of it. We married 3 years later and have been together over a decade. Time marches on, I guess.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:08 am
by Riggidig
Thanks to everyone for their responses so far. Blessings for many more happy years to come :)

PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:00 am
by DrWhoof
I met my SO online. We've been dating for a year. :3

PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:25 pm
by Bobtheduck
I met my wife at a Church anniversary Barbecue. On 9/11. Our relationship went really fast because I was going to be done with my contract in about a month, and I would have had to head back to the US and wait for another job (or try to get into grad school)

She ended up coming back to California with me, and we got married there the day before returning to Korea.