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Happy Anniversary CAA! Here's a present!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:29 pm
by Mithrandir
Dear CAA,

Today marks the 10 year anniversary of Christian Anime Alliance! Happy anniversary, everybody! We're throwing you a party today, and it's my great pleasure to be the one to hand out the presents.

First off, everyone has probably already noticed that the board is sporting some swank new graphics. Thanks to Mech, Goldy, Kitchen and Link for that! These guys have been working over the last few months to come up with something great - and it certainly shows. Kudos to them!

Second, you probably remember the Vic Chat Q&A thread from a while back. What you may not have known, was that this was another of our planned presents for you guys. Expect to see the edited audio up soon! EDIT: Here it is!

Third, if you haven't already checked it out, I would encourage you to take a look at the new reviews system. Over the last 5 years I've received a ton of comments and suggestions about how to make that better - and I've taken all that to heart. We're launching a brand new reviews system - completely recoded and designed to serve as an outreach tool. It's become clear that there simply are not enough hours in the mod staffs' lives to be able to keep up with all the reviews people have been submitting. In addition, we've received countless requests to get more, quality data up as soon as possible. The new system allows us to crowd-source the ratings and reviews, while still allowing us to maintain a high quality standard. We think you're gonna love it! You can still reach the old reviews system here:

Fourth, many of you have noticed some bugs cropping up on the board recently. We've patched a good number and will be working on some more in the up coming months. (As an example, you may have noticed the calendar is now working again!)

Finally, there are a lot of stale files kicking around the board - like that "parents" section and the "home" area. We're going to be upgrading these over the next few weeks, so look forward to some new, up to date copy!

I just can't believe it's been 10 years already... Time just flies past when you love what you do - and I certainly do love hanging out with you guys. Please join me and the mods as we pray for the board - that God's will presence will be felt and his love poured out on all who visit our little neck of the woods.

See you around!
Mithrandir and the staff of CAA

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:34 pm
by SincerelyAnomymous
Thanks for creating such a fantastic forum and keeping it up for all these years. And the new design is awesome ^_^

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:41 pm
by Furen
Thanks for the sweet new update Mith ^^

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:42 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Looks good, you guys! I'm looking forward to seeing the new changes come to fruition!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:46 pm
by Yoshi
Well, guess I might as well be the fourth to post here, ha ha! Cool new look--I was just about to go to bed, but I decided to go back to my new favourite site so it would come up first when I opened my browser next, and WHOA! Anyways, thanks for the good work you guys do here--it's one of the few communities of its kind that actually stays active, as I'm sure you all know so well...

Here's to another great decade!


PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:47 pm
by raider~joseph
Oh wow!Congrats to Mith and CAA!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:53 pm
by steenajack
Happy Anniversay CAA! You guys did great, and I love the new design so far. :3 This is really cool!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:55 pm
by mechana2015
Steena, try reviewing a series that's already been reviewed in the new system. ;)

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:13 pm
by Midori
I can't tell you guys how stoked I am about the new ratings/review system. Seriously. Your submissions won't sit and stew in the internal database for months or years anymore! Previous ratings won't block you from submitting your own ratings! One single person's opinions won't become incontrovertible fact! You won't have to write an essay in order to rate a title! It'll be great!

Thanks to Mith for taking the time to program this system, to give us and the whole Christian Anime community on the internet such a gift.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:15 pm
by steenajack
*this post has been deleted because the author changed her mind after actually giving the reviews a good look*

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:38 pm
by steenajack
Okay, after actually looking at the reviews, they're not as bad as I thought they were. They're actually pretty decent and helpful...more so than other sites that I've seen that use similar approaches. So, never mind my complaining. This is actually quite nice. :D

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:43 pm
by mysngoeshere56
Whoa! I totally didn't know that the 10 year anniversary was coming up! Then, I saw the new banner on top, and decided to check around the boards to see if I could figure out what it was about...

I love the new banner!!! It looks so cool! :) Thanks to all the hard work you guys have put into this site for the past 10 years. It's great so far, and I'm sure it'll get even better in the years to come!

Happy birthday CAA!!!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:53 pm
by ChristianKitsune
yaaay! Happy Anniversary, CAA! Thanks to everyone for making this day possible! ^_^ Mith, Mech, Goldy, and Link! you guys did such a great job with the site. ^_^ it looks fabulous.

Definitely praying that CAA will continue to grow and that Christ's love will be shared with our fellow anime fans! :)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:07 am
by acgifford
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY CAA!!! thank you to all the mods and our admin mith! the site looks awesome! i love you guys. thanks for all you do! thanks for giving Christians who like anime and manga a place to go and have fun. even people who arent into anime so much can find something here. the people here rock! the staff rocks! *hugs all of the staff* thanks for keeping this site safe and doing such a great job! :D

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:15 am
by AnimeGirl
10 years?? Nice!!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:17 am
by Nami
WOO! Happy Anniversary CAA!! You all rock! :D

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:59 am
Happy 10th CAA!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:04 am
by MrKrillz0r
Wooh :D

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:05 am
by Sheenar
The new top banner/links looks great! Thanks staff and mods for all you do. :)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:13 am
by Saved Gamer
Happy anniversary! Let the awesomeness continue!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:22 am
by Okami
Looking great so far! ;) Thanks for all the work the staff continues to put into this site...I know it's much appreciated.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:25 am
by Xeno
[quote="Okami (post: 1494435)"]Looking great so far! ]


PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:40 am
by mathgrant
I love the new logo. It looks so bright and shiny.

I hardly consider myself an anime fanatic, but this community has shown me at the very least a simulacrum of God's love, helped me to discover at least one entertaining manga series, and most importantly been a good place to goof off. So thanks. :)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:50 am
by armeck
i think now would be a good time to give a shout out to all the mods who made/make this site happen

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:02 am
by GeneD
The new additions look awesome! Happy 10 years CAA! Thanks to all the members and staff for making this site such a fantastic place to be.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:14 am
by Ally-Ann
Yayz! The new additions look fantastic! Happy anniversary to my favorite site on the 'net, a.k.a, CAA!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:42 am
by Mouse2010
Thanks! I'm really excited about the new reviews system. :-)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:31 am
by Atria35
Okay, after clicking around and figuring out what was going things worked- VERY NICE! ^.^ While I'll need to rework some of my own reviews for this, I rather like how this is set up. Great job, guys!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:34 am
by TopazRaven
Yay, happy anniversary CAA! I LOVE the new review system, I just wrote my first review I was so excited. xD

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:05 pm
by Hiryu
The banner is the most impressing thing so far. It's totally awesome.