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How ya doing CAA?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:57 am
by Sparx00
Yeah, how are you doing? I haven't been around lately what with my senior project and all. So, I thought I'd ask the many members what they think of the site and how they're doing with their walk with the lord. While we're on the subject, why not share a testimony about how this website has effected you?

Ready? Go!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:29 pm
by FllMtl Novelist
XD I'm alright.

As for this site, it's been awesome for me. I've made some fantastic friends on here.

Also this site has helped my writing. Before this site, I never talked to any guys... ever. Except for those in my family. Actually, nearly the same thing goes for people in general. But since joining and talking to a lot of people, I'm able to create better characters, because I have a broader knowledge of how different people can be. Does that make sense? XD

And yes, I think this site has helped with my 'walk with the Lord', in some other ways. It's been a Godsend. I'm glad I joined. :)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:00 pm
by ABlipinTime
I feel abit more open here. I can be honest (and expressive about some things) and not feel like people are just waiting to find something stupid about what I say or do. It's a very pleasant site to be on; I'm glad I joined.

I posted my first prayer request not too long ago, and God has answered members' prayers, so I'm very happy about that. :D

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:25 pm
by samurai10
I love this site. I've made many friends here, and everybody seems to be a pretty cool person. XD I like ebbewybody! XD

Idk. XD I haven't been on here long enough. XD

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:02 pm
by Furen
I love it here, I would say it's been the best resource for fellowship I've had in a while (I do have a church, but they live in another town and I'm not exactly the most popular there)

that wonderful prayer room helped me so much when I started getting back into praying like I should. Still want to start a reading group, not a study as much as a discussion group as we don't have a leader or pastor/reverend.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:25 pm
by Okami
I've been alright overall...God's really brought me to a place of full reliance and trust of Him and I've been working through what it means to be celibate and been working through just how insecure I am...It's tough work, but I've been so spiritually fed. :]
The people here have brought some pretty awesome discussion!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:17 am
by steenajack
I'm doing pretty awesome.

This site really changed me as a person. I've gone from, "Okay this is the internet so everyone's a creepo, and I should never make friends online," to
"Y'know, not everyone is a creep here afterall.XD" to "OMGSOH! God has blessed me with some of he best friends EVAR!"

Yeah, before this site, I really didn't have any "close friends", y'know? Really I didn't. Being a bit socially challenged didn't really help much either. But, through the people I've met on this site and through God using everything I went through, I've really grown socially, spiritually, and just as a person in general. I've been here for almost 2 years now, since I was (insert certain age here). Let's just say I've really decided on just what I really want in life. I've grown in my relationship with God A LOT, and He's really shown me some things that just...blew my mind. There were things I believed that I realized were lies, and no longer do I believe them anymore.

One of the lies that God revealed to me was the lie that said, "I can never be a good friend because of my socially challenged awkwardness, and will never have a real relationship with anyone," Well, God really proved that wrong through the friends I've made here, and I thank Him everyday for what He's done.


PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:50 am
by CrystalChalice
I'm doing really fine, thanks for asking.

I love it here in CAA! Out of all the forums I joined, this is the only one that I've ever posted on a regular basis. The members here are awesome, too! You guys are the sweetest people I have ever met online. :)

When I look back to the time I joined this forum last year, I can definitely say that I have grown, both spiritually and socially.