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Do you swap Christmas presents?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:51 am
by Sammy Boy
Just wondering if you swap gifts during Christmas?

My family does not really, we just like to hang out for a meal together.

Since I've had two nephews though, I've decided to give them some of my LEGO sets each Christmas.

For myself, as I am still into toys, I decided to get myself a He-Man figure (from the new "classics" line).

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:14 am
by Atria35
Yep. My mom is still big into giving my brother and me presents from 'Santa'. But now that we're older, my brother and I give presents back to our parents.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 11:09 am
by Rusty Claymore
We've always given gifts to eachother at my place, for as long as I can remember. 'Course, as we get older we have to start using our own money! T.T

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 11:14 am
by mechana2015
Nah I just swap the labels to make sure I get what I want. :P


PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 11:46 am
by ShiroiHikari
My dad's side doesn't really do gifts anymore except for the kids. My mom and sister will usually give me some candy or lotion or something. My husband's family gives gifts every year and I kind of wish they didn't, frankly. I usually make cookies or bread or something for family and send cards to my friends.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:49 pm
by steenajack
My family swaps gifts with eachother. I especially like to make homemade gifts for them. :3!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:29 am
by Furen
Yeah, we enjoy doing it, as long as we remember the symbolism behind it.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 3:04 pm
by FllMtl Novelist
Last year I made cards for everyone, and this year my sister and I are making some... items for everyone. >.> It's a secret... <.<

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:02 pm
by Furen
hiding the item's name because of siblings here?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:07 pm
by Htom Sirveaux
My family does a gift exchange every year, but we don't exactly shower each other with presents. We usually end up with about 2-3 items/person.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 4:57 am
by Warrior 4 Jesus
Generally, only our immediate family give presents to each other (resulting in several gifts each), besides the occasional hamper from relatives.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:36 am
by christianfriend
Indeed, me and my family exchange gifts :D This year it was extra special due to my Sister getting Married and bringing in her Husband to our family. We welcomed him with open arms and made it the best Christmas ever!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:15 am
by CrystalChalice
Do you mean swap gifts like Secret Santa? If it is, then yes. Every Christmas party I have been always has a gift exchange, sometimes they even put in price limits on our gifts.