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The Rules of a Gentleman

PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:53 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
I stumbled across this neat little website. Thought you guys might like it :D

There just isn't enough class out there.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:08 pm
by SailorDove
Got a kick out of #30 & #13 and #2 is so true.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:12 pm
by Nate
I was reading these and I thought "Okay these are pretty sound" until I got to this one.

"Your style is defined by what makes you feel most comfortable."

Which yep, I agree with that. Makes sense. But then it says,

"Please Note: Leave the fanny pack at home."

So which is it, Rules? Should we do what's comfortable or do what you say? "Have your own style as long as it's exactly what we like" is not a good rule.


"Opening the door for a lady is not optional, and will never go out of style."

Should be changed to "Opening the door for anybody" A guy who would open the door for a lady but let it slam shut in the face of another dude is no gentleman.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:48 am
by Dante
For the note on Rule #28 (Opening the door for a lady is not optional, and will never go out of style.), "This means any door", I am compelled to ask. What about automatic doors? Or fire-escapes? Doors leading to bottomless pits... oh wait, I suppose most people don't have an evil lair like me.

Overall though, I think the Australian motto is better. No rules. Just right. :P

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:55 am
by armeck
Nate (post: 1440512) wrote:"Have your own style as long as it's exactly what we like" is not a good rule.


"Opening the door for a lady is not optional, and will never go out of style."

Should be changed to "Opening the door for anybody" A guy who would open the door for a lady but let it slam shut in the face of another dude is no gentleman.

true that!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:26 am
by Shao Feng-Li
Nate (post: 1440512) wrote:I was reading these and I thought "Okay these are pretty sound" until I got to this one.

"Your style is defined by what makes you feel most comfortable."

Which yep, I agree with that. Makes sense. But then it says,

"Please Note: Leave the fanny pack at home."

So which is it, Rules? Should we do what's comfortable or do what you say? "Have your own style as long as it's exactly what we like" is not a good rule.


"Opening the door for a lady is not optional, and will never go out of style."

Should be changed to "Opening the door for anybody" A guy who would open the door for a lady but let it slam shut in the face of another dude is no gentleman.

I think they're also meant to be humorous.

I suppose it's assumed that you would hold the door open for anyone.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:29 pm
by goldenspines
They are rather contradictory, sadly (in humor, I suppose, but it's not a "Haha! That's clever!" funny as much as a "haaaaaaha, okay..." funny). Most of them give good advice, I suppose.

If I followed some of the rules, does that make me a gentlemen? :D

I like this one:
rule No. 15 wrote: Never trust anyone with two first names.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:30 pm
by Lynna
Rule number 15) wrote:Never trust anyone with two first names
Do middle names count?
And I think opening the door for people, ladies or otherwise, is super!
I also like the one about confidence and arrogance, and the one about kindness going a long way

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:00 pm
by musicaloddball
I thought those were quite amusing. :)

Nate (post: 1440512) wrote:Second:

"Opening the door for a lady is not optional, and will never go out of style."

Should be changed to "Opening the door for anybody" A guy who would open the door for a lady but let it slam shut in the face of another dude is no gentleman.

Common courtesy has always been expected from a gentleman (i.e. handing the door to whoever is behind him so it doesn't slam in whoever's face), but gentlemen have also been expected to have a special respect for women (i.e. opening doors for ladies, letting ladies go first, etc.)

I am NOT against men holding doors open for men. I'm just saying, a gentleman is expected to give special respect to women, and opening doors for women is a way of showing respect. If a man wants to show special respect for another man, fine, but that's not normally expected.

I could go into the "why" of it all and why I agree completely with the Rules of a Gentleman site, but that would be long and tedious for everyone. :hits_self That site is largely a reflection of traditional culture and that is the way our culture was for a very long time.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:01 am
by Shao Feng-Li
goldenspines (post: 1440677) wrote:If I followed some of the rules, does that make me a gentlemen? :D

We need to start "Rules of a Lady" XD

I am NOT against men holding doors open for men. I'm just saying, a gentleman is expected to give special respect to women, and opening doors for women is a way of showing respect. If a man wants to show special respect for another man, fine, but that's not normally expected.

Not to mention, girls like chivalry. At least I do :D