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PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:12 pm
by Mister
ok, so i'm in a questioning mood. so i'm going to ask a question or two that i already know MY answer too. reason being is that i want to know YOUR answer to it. i really want to know more about the people i interact with here, and how they think. so participate! THAT'S AN ORDER!

1). What is the true meaning and objective of a Christian, Spirit filled, and God focused, life?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:23 pm
by armeck
to follow God's calling for their life

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:43 pm
by Mister
..... what's the process and outcome of biscuits?...... open package, place on pan, bake in oven till golden brown..... DETAILS! lol

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:59 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
I don't think anyone can really know for certain.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:56 am
by Bobtheduck
To love the LORD your God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul and all you strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. And for all the myriad of times you screw that up, to trust in Jesus, his life as a person, his death, and his resurrection... which is part of Loving God anyhow.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:40 am
by Atria35
Me being the total hippie that I am, I'd have to say to love one another as God loves us. It's one of the most important, yet hardest, bits to follow. The Bible is filled with so many examples and stories highlighting how it's important. Yet I have seen so many Chrisitans just reject those who don't believe out-of-hand, decrying them as 'heathens' or 'devil-worshipers' (this last one I saw in person- I was so embarassed and ashamed), that I know that whatever else is in there, it's the one that people don't seem to know how to follow.

I cannot answer further, as I have not yet died and therefore cannot answer with any surety.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:54 am
by armeck
God's calling is different for each person. 10 people could give you different answers and they all be right

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:39 am
by Radical Dreamer
You guys this thread is awesome so far. Keep that up, but seriously, I am so stoked with the way this is being handled thus far. XD

Also, I think BobtheDuck said it best. Also you, Atria. XD

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:55 am
by Nate
I don't know what Caesar thought
When he got to the Ides of March.
I don't know what Houdini bought
When he went to the store but I sure do miss the 80s.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:31 am
by Mister
i agree with radical. so far you guys have given some awesome answers. i agree with Atria, i've seen a lot of hostility from Christians towards the heathen/non-believers.

one very important aspect of the call of God, is a general call that we all have. this general call is located in Matthew 28:19, and also in Mark 16:15. this aspect is vital to our Christian life. as Christ himself spent most of his time on earth reaching people, so must we.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:10 pm
by TheSubtleDoctor
Mister (post: 1410947) wrote:What is the true meaning and objective of a Christian, Spirit filled, and God focused, life?
Disclaimer: **answers given are by no means believed to be absolutely or universally true, nor are they beyond reproach**

(1) the meaning - I think this part of the question has been somehow ignored, perhaps b/c it is inherently trickier. Meaning is such a difficult term to define...the way it's used in the public consciousness now is to denote something like significance+beauty. So, bearing this in mind, I believe that the Christian life holds meaning that all forms of religious life share to some degree. Living, really, actively living one's life not solely for oneself or one's appetites (not that those are inherently bad) but, instead, in view of something eternal (or at least atemporal), something greater than your single self]do [/B]in such a life? Here is where my answer becomes much less original: love. Love God, love mankind, (this act contains much more than a feeling for the collective of human beings; we are meant to love each individual) and love the whole of creation. Communal love pre-dates creation, for the Trinity pre-dates creation and there was love by each person of the Trinity for the other two. We can never adequately repay Christ or express our gratitude; however, we respond to His love with our own love...not fear, bitterness, resentment, feelings of unlovable-ness, or anxiety. We are to commune with God in love. We love others through giving ourselves: we are each a sort of sacrifice, meant to give ourselves to people in love, as Christ did for us...drink offerings poured out upon our neighbor. Is this possible? Only one person has succeeded, and we can only imitate. God is good; thus what He creates is good b/c it is from Him. He has created much for Himself but also for us and our enjoyment. I believe embracing creation to be an important part of embracing God and His goodness.

As far as occupational objectives go, I have come to believe that , while there is indeed a certain job that will make us most happy and is meant for us, possessing that job isn't necessarily an essential objective of the Christian life in and of itself. Participating in our calling is simply a vehicle to put us in the place God has designated for us to love (Him, people, creation).

...Other than that...I got nothin'...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:07 pm
by armeck
oooooh general calling. yeah preach the gospel to all the world XD

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:34 am
by Mister
arm... XD

Doctor's post was awesome, i'm truly glad someone took the time to make an educated post on this topic, i do have some questions for Doctor, but i will save them for a personal post.

keep it up guys!/gals!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:45 am
by TheSubtleDoctor
Mister (post: 1411286) wrote:i do have some questions for Doctor, but i will save them for a personal post.
PM me any time =)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:07 pm
by Hohenheim
I'd personally have to go with what Bob, Atria, and Doc had to say on the matter. Very insightful stuff. It is a matter of interpretation, though, so different people may have different ideas.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:03 pm
by Dante
1). What is the true meaning and objective of a Christian, Spirit filled, and God focused, life?

Ooh oh, I know this one! Shame I don't implement it though more often, simple. difficult. Two words, two simple words, nothing more... nothing less. Maybe you should ask God to tell you, but seeking your purpose can be dangerous. You might not find an answer so easily, it may consume you. It most certainly can. For there be treasure, but where there is treasure, there are also dragons.