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Happy New Year

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 7:07 am
by Bobtheduck
Well... It's New Years.

For me, anyhow. Yay. I spent it counting down on facebook and watching Everybody Hates Chris on FoxLife.

What's everyone else doing?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:53 am
by Etoh*the*Greato
We're having a soup dinner. My wife, housemates, and I are having some very close friends over for soup and drinking. My wife is intent on enjoying Martinis which she has never tried before. Me? I hate 'em. I have several bottles of whiskey (Including a freshly purchased Bushmills Black Bush), a bottle of Barleywine, a sixpack of Schalfy Extra Special Bitter, and a variety pack of Sam Adams that my lovely wife purchased for me to offer me some solace in the face of so much vodka.

My housemates got stuff for margaritas too. It comes in a bucket. lol

Is the intention to get drunk? Not especially, but we all enjoy the stuff.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:40 am
by EricTheFred
Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!

From my Norskie side, Godt Nytt År!

And from my wife, (and myself as an adoptive Filipino): Manigong Bagong Taon!

And in that bizarre tongue known as Texan, it is said as
Happy New Year, Y'all!

Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1363299) wrote:We're having a soup dinner. My wife, housemates, and I are having some very close friends over for soup and drinking. My wife is intent on enjoying Martinis which she has never tried before. Me? I hate 'em. I have several bottles of whiskey (Including a freshly purchased Bushmills Black Bush), a bottle of Barleywine, a sixpack of Schalfy Extra Special Bitter, and a variety pack of Sam Adams that my lovely wife purchased for me to offer me some solace in the face of so much vodka.

My housemates got stuff for margaritas too. It comes in a bucket. lol

Is the intention to get drunk? Not especially, but we all enjoy the stuff.

Margaritas in a bucket? Heresy! Visigoths!

Eh, oh well. Martinis are liquid heaven, but the world is now full of so many 'Martinis' with stuff other than gin and vermouth in them (many of them have none of either! Short of the glass, how are they a martini?) that I almost never have one anymore.

Sam Adams is wonderful, but I have Arrogant B*st*rd Ale, Sake and Champagne. Most of the house and guest are non-drinkers, so the Ale is for me, the Champagne for midnight, and the Sake because I always have a glass of Sake on New Years.

Traditions are abundant right now in the house: while my wife is running about getting all her traditional Asian stuff ready, I'm getting started with the brisket and the black-eyed peas. (In other parts of the world, these are called 'Cow-peas'. It's bad luck to not eat these on New Year's in Texas. The theory is, this is the poorest of poor food. If you don't get eating it out of the way on New Year's, you may find yourself eating it later in the year! Brisket happens to be one of the least desirable cuts of beef, so having it for New Year's may have started from the same theory.) And, I'll be doing the rice pudding (it's a Norwegian thing) a little later.

My wife has a bunch of different round fruits in bowls around the house. I don't know the purpose behind that, but it's a Filipino thing. For the same purpose, she's making siopao (that's the same thing that Japanese call 'manju', or pork buns. Basically pork inside a steamed roll.)

And, she will be doing spaghetti and pancit later (both of which have long noodles, imparting long life.)

And we will be partying and karaoke-ing and whatever until well after Midnight here. That's Norwegian, Texan, Filipino, and just about everywhere else, I guess.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:49 am
Well, we haven't exactly gotten ours yet, but we're getting close.

Today I went to have lunch at Parker's(A BBQ restaurant) with my dad and granddaddy.

I suppose I'll be watching the Twilight Zone all day. Then when the clock stikes 12 we will clang our glasses(filled with Red Grape juice. Couldn't get white grape juice this year.) together and then eat some crackers with cheese. And wish a good new year.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:06 am
by thisiskris89
May the Lord bless you all in the new year!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:32 am
by Roy Mustang
Right now, I'm going through pictures and deleting ones that I don't need.

Later I'm going to flip between The Three Stooges marathon, Twilight Zone marathon and college football bowl games.

Will be watching the Va Tech vs Tenn game at 7:30 tonight.

[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Red"]Col. Roy Mustang[/color][/font]

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:57 pm
by Etoh*the*Greato
EricTheFred (post: 1363304) wrote:Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!

From my Norskie side, Godt Nytt Å]

And from my wife, (and myself as an adoptive Filipino): [I]Manigong Bagong Taon!

And in that bizarre tongue known as Texan, it is said as
Happy New Year, Y'all!

Margaritas in a bucket? Heresy! Visigoths!

Eh, oh well. Martinis are liquid heaven, but the world is now full of so many 'Martinis' with stuff other than gin and vermouth in them (many of them have none of either! Short of the glass, how are they a martini?) that I almost never have one anymore.

Sam Adams is wonderful, but I have Arrogant B*st*rd Ale, Sake and Champagne. Most of the house and guest are non-drinkers, so the Ale is for me, the Champagne for midnight, and the Sake because I always have a glass of Sake on New Years.

Traditions are abundant right now in the house: while my wife is running about getting all her traditional Asian stuff ready, I'm getting started with the brisket and the black-eyed peas. (In other parts of the world, these are called 'Cow-peas'. It's bad luck to not eat these on New Year's in Texas. The theory is, this is the poorest of poor food. If you don't get eating it out of the way on New Year's, you may find yourself eating it later in the year! Brisket happens to be one of the least desirable cuts of beef, so having it for New Year's may have started from the same theory.) And, I'll be doing the rice pudding (it's a Norwegian thing) a little later.

My wife has a bunch of different round fruits in bowls around the house. I don't know the purpose behind that, but it's a Filipino thing. For the same purpose, she's making siopao (that's the same thing that Japanese call 'manju', or pork buns. Basically pork inside a steamed roll.)

And, she will be doing spaghetti and pancit later (both of which have long noodles, imparting long life.)

And we will be partying and karaoke-ing and whatever until well after Midnight here. That's Norwegian, Texan, Filipino, and just about everywhere else, I guess.

My brand of choice is a local Brewpub turned Microbrewery called Schalfly's. The founders pushed for the laws banning brewpubs to be repealed in our state back in 89. When the laws were finally removed in 90, they already had equipment, a location, and a batch ready to start selling. lol. They're actually really solid with a lot of different varieties and flavors. I had the ESB a few weekends ago at their taproom and brought some bottles home for tonight. Beyond that, it's Whiskey for me. Couldn't get behind Sake, but I'm always up for a Whiskey regardless of what kind it is.

Dunno if I mentioned, but we're doing a soup dinner between four couples this year. My lovely wife is providing Chicken and Dumplings for which I am EXCEEDINGLY excited. My housemates have Tortilla Soup on the mixer, another couple is bringing a desert strawberry soup, and we're all hoping the fourth couple decides not to make Hot and Sour Soup.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:24 pm
by Makachop^^128
yay! we are going to play risk! and settlers of catan.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:03 pm
by blkmage
I'm at Urbana 09 and I'll be ringing in 2010 by having communion with 16000 other brothers and sisters in Christ.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:05 pm
by Cognitive Gear
Tonight, I will be getting together with some friends to celebrate the new year. The guys will be sharing a bottle of scotch, and the women will have margaritas. We will be toasting to the new year at midnight with champagne, of course.

Other than that, I think that one of my friends is fixated on watching the ball drop three hours late, so that will probably be on the telly. Anything else we do will likely be a mix of board games and Beatles Rock Band.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:19 pm
by Htom Sirveaux
Tonight, probably just sit here at home, alone and bored. I dunno, maybe read a book or watch a movie. I see no reason to stay up 'til midnight if it's not a social occasion.

Tomorrow, work. Ain't it a drag.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:23 pm
by Riggidig
Me and some friends had a barbeque, then went to the beach to watch the fireworks that were shot off at midnight. It's 1:20 at the moment and we're having some cake and coffee. Hope you guys have a good one too :-)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:05 pm
by Warrior4Christ
blkmage (post: 1363336) wrote:I'm at Urbana 09 and I'll be ringing in 2010 by having communion with 16000 other brothers and sisters in Christ.

09? That is sooo yesterday. (That sounds massive though.)

I went to a friend's house with a decent number of other people, and there was much Guitar Hero/Rock Band/Lips (like SingStar) occurring.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:21 pm
by ChristianKitsune
Probably be playing cards with my parents and older sister :D.

Does anyone else find New Year's kind of depressing? I sort of do... ._.' I don't like saying goodbye to old years, The new year seems so open! So in a way its also exciting.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:07 pm
by Mr. Hat'n'Clogs
blkmage (post: 1363336) wrote:I'm at Urbana 09 and I'll be ringing in 2010 by having communion with 16000 other brothers and sisters in Christ.

That sounds pretty epic. Lucky you.

I'll be spending it probably just browsing the interwebs and possibly playing some Soul Calibur II with my brother. At least I can stay up this year.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 7:13 pm
by KhakiBlueSocks
ChristianKitsune (post: 1363365) wrote:Does anyone else find New Year's kind of depressing? I sort of do... ._.' I don't like saying goodbye to old years, The new year seems so open! So in a way its also exciting.

I look at it as a time for being thankful to God for seeing us through another year and that, no matter what happens He will be with us each and everyday through the new year.

I'm currently at work, but I will make it home before midnight to do...well...not much. Just surf the web, chat with friends, and go to bed.

Question to everyone: What are you going to watch as your first anime of 2010?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:00 pm
by Jingo Jaden
Happy new years people. :) God be with you.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:00 pm
by Tsukuyomi
*Hugs you all*


PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:16 pm
by Davidizer13
I'm spending it at home, with the Twilight Zone marathon, and my family around. (Except for my sister, who's too good for us and is out at a friend's party.)

As for the anime question, I've still got 3-5 episodes of Gurren Lagann to go, and if these past few episodes are any gauge, awesome is going to result. And after that, I'll probably poke around Hulu for something new. Anyway, God bless everyone through the next decade!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:30 pm
Happy New Years everybody and here's also to Happy New Decade! Let's make this one brighter!

~Auld Lang Syne~

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:50 pm
by NothingClever
Just sitting here reflecting on the past year while I wait to make sure the fire in the wood stove is going to stay going. My family doesn't celebrate New Years so everyone else went to bed ages ago.

As for new anime, I randomly started Erin just because I ran across a link to it. I vaguely remember some positive comments somewhere on the internet so I'll give it a shot.

Hard to believe it's already 2010.
Happy New Year Everyone!!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:54 pm
by Ante Bellum
Ringing in one o'clock with making up my own lyrics to corny 80's music...I can't even sing, my poor friend is suffering.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:39 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Spent New Year's with Arrested Development and season 5 of The Office. Not a bad way to spend it, I guess, given that I was honestly too exhausted to go anywhere. XD Happy new year!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:52 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
Me and three friends had a midnight toast with some sparkling wine in... plastic solo cups. Haha. But oh man, was it delicious. <3

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:19 am
by LadyRushia
Coke and rum, yummy champagne, and Taboo with friends and mom. This decade better not turn out to be a slushpile of fail.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 1:17 am
by ich1990
Spent the evening in Communion with my church family. We had food from each of our respective ancestral lands, which was quite original and somewhat disconcerting. Present were representatives from France, Britain, America, Malta, Holland, Denmark, and Greece. We then argued a bit about the role of personal moral judgments for soldiers in war and exchanged Christmas presents.

I was then drafted into repairing malfunctioning electronics. In this case it involved replacing a VHS player, a breed of electronic device that still exists apparently. We also watched two fine movies, The Endurance and 84 Charing Cross Road. To cap the night off, we spent a few moments in front of a wood fire, having seen The Endurance we felt the need to do so even though none of us were actually cold.

It is now 4:14 AM, and I think that New Year has involved me in enough celebration for one evening. Cheers to you all.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 2:51 am
by Nate
I mostly spent it losing friends by getting in a stupid argument with them.

For a less emo answer, I also spent it plowing through episodes 39-45 of Kamen Rider Den-O and playing a bit of Earthbound on the side.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 8:43 am
by Wyntre Rose
Spent it with my mom and cousin watching movies. Julie and Julia, The Scarlet Pimpernel and Newsies. :) At around midnight we paused Scarlet Pimpernel and toasted with sparkling raspberry juice in plastic cups. We'd tried chocolate wine earlier as a special treat, and mom liked it. I thought it was vile. lol. So, we decided to toast with something we all enjoyed.

1st anime of the year? Hmmm....either Baccano!, Aria or Tsubasa Season 2. It'll depend on what mood I'm in when I get home tonight. :)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:48 am
by ShiroiHikari
I plowed through the first half of Princess Tutu, made dinner and then ate it with my husband, and went to bed at about 12:45 AM. Much more subdued than last year, that's for sure.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:48 am
by Tsukuyomi
I just stayed home and watched the festivities going on in Time Square on tv with the folks :hug: