CAA art school - introduction discussion
PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:53 pm
This is from an idea spawned in this month's Coloring Contest thread.
As you may have noticed, we have more talented artists here at CAA than you could shake a stick at. Everyone has their own talents that make their art special - a good eye for anatomy, beautiful ink or pencil technique, a unique coloring style. I thought it would be fun to discuss amongst ourselves problems that we may have, artists whose technique(s) we would like to learn, special methods we've learned that we would like to share, etc.
My thought was to round up a group of artists willing to participate, and for everyone to bring up problems they have been having or things they'd like to learn, and after compiling a list, choose a particular topic and an artist or artists who have solved it well. The artist(s) would then put together a tutorial and make a discussion thread to answer additional questions - and those participating would post projects that they did utilizing that technique.
This could be done every month or every other month - depends on what everyone thinks would be a good time span. And at the end of each time span, the tutorial would be put up at the dA CAA club with a compiled image of all the projects everyone did for the tutorial. ( )
One of the better tutorial formats I've seen is the format that dA uses, if you don't know what I'm talking about let me know and I'll post an example or two.
Anyway, to kick it off - I'd love to learn some colored pencil techniques, as well as coloring techniques for hair.
General Requests:
-Manga style art
-Colored pencil technique
-Coloring techniques for hair
-Digital coloring
-Inking (digital and traditional)
-Facial structure
-Complex shadows
-3D perspective of characters
Specific Requests / Volunteers:
Shao Feng-Li: (committed)
-Colored pencil technique
-Character creation
-Clothing folds (DONE) link
Esoteric: (committed)
-Backgrounds (DONE) link
-Composition (DONE) link
-Ink (lineart technique)
soul alive: (committed)
-Cell shading (digital) (DONE) link
-Faces and hair (realistic)
-Basic anatomy (realistic)
-Architectural hand drawing
chibiphonebooth: (committed)
-Facial expressions
-Digital art
-General techniqe (specific requests?)
EireWolf: (committed)
-Sculpture basics (polymer clay)
Ultra Magnus: (committed)
That Dude: (committed)
-Basic anime/manga style; esp. faces
-Facial structure
ChristianKitsune: (committed)
-Colored pencil technique
Vernhal: (committed)
-Digital inking
Jaden Mental: (committed)
-Abstract Brushes (DONE) link
-Realistic Metal effect
Warrior 4 Jesus: (committed)
-Unique Creatures
Photosoph: (committed)
-Tri-color shading
-.gif format animation (DONE) link
CreatureArt: (committed)
SnoringFrog: (committed)
-Digital water
KhakiBlueSocks: (committed)
-Digital photography basics
Mechana2015: (committed)
-Vectors (photoshop)
Kokoro Daiske:
White Raven:
-Digital hair coloring
-Anatomy of hands
taboo: (committed)
-inking (DONE) link
MyrrhLynn: (committed)
-Graphic Design - wallpapers, layouts, etc.
josh_manga: (committed)
-Photoshop basics, handling lineart
(If I've missed anything, let me know)
February A: Photosoph "Gif Animation"
February B: Esoteric "Composition"
March A: taboo "Inking"
March B:Jaden Mental "Handling Abstract Brushes"
April A: soul alive "Simple Cell-Shading"
May A: Shao Feng-Li "Cloth Folds"
May B: Esoteric "Backgrounds"
June A:
June B:
July A:
July B:
(More months will be added once these have filled up)
As you may have noticed, we have more talented artists here at CAA than you could shake a stick at. Everyone has their own talents that make their art special - a good eye for anatomy, beautiful ink or pencil technique, a unique coloring style. I thought it would be fun to discuss amongst ourselves problems that we may have, artists whose technique(s) we would like to learn, special methods we've learned that we would like to share, etc.
My thought was to round up a group of artists willing to participate, and for everyone to bring up problems they have been having or things they'd like to learn, and after compiling a list, choose a particular topic and an artist or artists who have solved it well. The artist(s) would then put together a tutorial and make a discussion thread to answer additional questions - and those participating would post projects that they did utilizing that technique.
This could be done every month or every other month - depends on what everyone thinks would be a good time span. And at the end of each time span, the tutorial would be put up at the dA CAA club with a compiled image of all the projects everyone did for the tutorial. ( )
One of the better tutorial formats I've seen is the format that dA uses, if you don't know what I'm talking about let me know and I'll post an example or two.
Anyway, to kick it off - I'd love to learn some colored pencil techniques, as well as coloring techniques for hair.
General Requests:
-Manga style art
-Colored pencil technique
-Coloring techniques for hair
-Digital coloring
-Inking (digital and traditional)
-Facial structure
-Complex shadows
-3D perspective of characters
Specific Requests / Volunteers:
Shao Feng-Li: (committed)
-Colored pencil technique
-Character creation
-Clothing folds (DONE) link
Esoteric: (committed)
-Backgrounds (DONE) link
-Composition (DONE) link
-Ink (lineart technique)
soul alive: (committed)
-Cell shading (digital) (DONE) link
-Faces and hair (realistic)
-Basic anatomy (realistic)
-Architectural hand drawing
chibiphonebooth: (committed)
-Facial expressions
-Digital art
-General techniqe (specific requests?)
EireWolf: (committed)
-Sculpture basics (polymer clay)
Ultra Magnus: (committed)
That Dude: (committed)
-Basic anime/manga style; esp. faces
-Facial structure
ChristianKitsune: (committed)
-Colored pencil technique
Vernhal: (committed)
-Digital inking
Jaden Mental: (committed)
-Abstract Brushes (DONE) link
-Realistic Metal effect
Warrior 4 Jesus: (committed)
-Unique Creatures
Photosoph: (committed)
-Tri-color shading
-.gif format animation (DONE) link
CreatureArt: (committed)
SnoringFrog: (committed)
-Digital water
KhakiBlueSocks: (committed)
-Digital photography basics
Mechana2015: (committed)
-Vectors (photoshop)
Kokoro Daiske:
White Raven:
-Digital hair coloring
-Anatomy of hands
taboo: (committed)
-inking (DONE) link
MyrrhLynn: (committed)
-Graphic Design - wallpapers, layouts, etc.
josh_manga: (committed)
-Photoshop basics, handling lineart
(If I've missed anything, let me know)
February A: Photosoph "Gif Animation"
February B: Esoteric "Composition"
March A: taboo "Inking"
March B:Jaden Mental "Handling Abstract Brushes"
April A: soul alive "Simple Cell-Shading"
May A: Shao Feng-Li "Cloth Folds"
May B: Esoteric "Backgrounds"
June A:
June B:
July A:
July B:
(More months will be added once these have filled up)