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Postby Murphy » Wed Sep 17, 2003 8:27 pm

Me and a group of friends decided our school needed a tabloid. But the trouble is, we have nothing to write about. WE are having arguments over if we want to be like some spaced out one or like the onion which is a magazine about absolutely randome things. Arg what to do what to do? And on top of that we are having a spot of trouble locating a teacher who will support a tabloid.


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Postby Ashley » Wed Sep 17, 2003 8:49 pm

Well, first off all, I've been involved in high school journalism for 3 years now. You have to be absolutely careful about what you chose to print. So many students think the first admendment gives them the right to write/publicate whatever they want to, and that's not true. Numerous court cases decided that a school newspaper/magazine IS able to be censored by the school. Even if you print it off campus and bring it in by yourselves to distiribute you cannot just print whatever you'd like, like "Principal Satan In Disguise" or whatever.
The main thing is, you have to represent the truth, and you have to have evidence for it. You also have to play a bit of politics and make sure that if you're writing about the school, you can't get opinionated and blame it on them. For example:
My paper got in trouble for writing a story about the counsellors and how they can't help seniors. This is true, but we wrote it in such a way it made the school look bad.
We ran a story this year about the new bell schedule, and merely stated facts. No blame. We talked to the administration, and students who were both for it/against it. That way, you let your readers decide for themselves.
The kind of story you run also dictates what's appropriate. You couldn't run a news story with opinions in it like "I think if the school was bigger we'd be better off". That sort of stuff is reserved for editorials and possibly a feature. If you need help deciding what story is what, lemme know...I can get you info.
Basically, I'd say if you want to get involved with school press, join the newspaper staff. A tabloid really wouldn't fly too well; it leaves a lot of room for hurt feelings and shattered reputations, even if done in jest.
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Postby Murphy » Wed Sep 17, 2003 9:04 pm

Even a tabloid with complete random information like. . ."Sophmore Ashlynn K. . . .(me) has finally decided on what to name her matress. . ." We are just tired of having information that means nothing to us. I know what we would talk about wouldn't mean much to some students but hey, the Onion made it didn't it what can't we?
Pretty please?
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Postby Ashley » Wed Sep 17, 2003 9:12 pm

Like I said, join newspaper. We started running more widespread stories and goofy stuff too...adn we didn't cover just the popular kids either. I bet your staff would LOVE to have more random stuff like that too.
Another option is doing stuff e-zine. Again, even writing fluff stuff with semi-malicious content online can be dangerous libel, but it's an option if you don't want to join something.
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Postby Murphy » Wed Sep 17, 2003 9:20 pm

I was interested in newspaper but like I went after school one day to check it out and all the kids were like "Raar Attack and maim her with rubber duckies!" Actually they weren't but they made me feel all odd becuz they were all rude and stuff. Sos I'm not goin back.

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