What's in your backpack?

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What's in your backpack?

Postby Gypsy » Mon Aug 18, 2003 1:23 pm

You can learn a lot about people by what they insist on carrying around with them. Many of you are in/going back to school, and some of us who are finished/not taking any classes probably still tote around some sort of carrying device. At least .. I do.

In the main pocket:

College rule notebook that is filled with spur of the moment ideas and thoughts for various creative activities.

The Message - New Testament (normally I have my usual NLT Bible, but I must have left it home.)

Zip-up daily planner with a small collection of those .50 cent anime style stickers inside the front meshing.

Bulging cd wallet

Wedding Peach vol. 1 GN

Saint Tail vol. 1 GN

A Crumpled August edition of GameNow (I ripped the cover off, and those of you who know what issue I'm talking about will know why ... how ridiculous)

A folder with all of my Pilgrims Progress art in it - along with all my other recent sketches

A cell phone with drained batteries *plugs it in to charge*

Random pieces of crumpled paper scraps with story ideas, sketches, and phone numbers with no names written next to them ... I should probably throw those away.

Front Pocket

Cd Player

Sinus medicine (muggy weather makes me so sad ...)

Various drawing utensils such as brush pens, .005 tipped inking pens, pencils, eraser pens, and ink eraser that I paid a lot of money for and it doesn't work

My glasses that I was looking for earlier and couldn't find,

A 5 pc precision screwdriver set (y'know ... in case I have to take something apart)

Plastic spoon.

Very Front Pocket


Tons of little balls of white paper that I think might be receipts ...

Clear mascara & natural colored eyeliner

A half full/empty pack of Orbit gum. *takes out piece*

Right Side Pocket

A teeny little flashlight

Spare keys

Left Side Pocket

A bag of popcorn flavored jelly beans! *spits out gum*

A grippy-handles screwdriver that the bottom pops off to put all the detachable heads in

A pack of playing cards

And other than a clippy watch snapped on the outside - that's all she wrote.
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Postby Rashiir » Mon Aug 18, 2003 1:42 pm

"The Message"
Sweet. Inspired Word of God right there. ;)

Oh and as far as backpacks go, I got nothin. I will when school starts, but pai won't have much more than school stuff and a Bible.
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Postby Gypsy » Mon Aug 18, 2003 2:07 pm

[quote="Rashiir"]"The Message"
Sweet. Inspired Word of God right there. ]

Well, I don't take The Message as the actual Word of God - but it does make a great devotional.

Nothing fun in your backpack? That's sad.
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Postby Mithrandir » Mon Aug 18, 2003 2:28 pm

Hmm. I don't take a back pack with me to work, but I do have one in my car with my guitar stuff in it. If I remember right...

Main Area:
* A song book with about 500 songs in, most from my website.
* A courdoroy-looking folder I got from Cisco that holds my music for the service this week and has a nice elastic strap.
* various pencils at the bottom...

Front Pocket:
* Genuine Fender tuner/winder.
* 'Quick Fret' slickener.
* Picks bought at a store.
* Picks made from old credit cards (they don't wear out!)
* 3-4 extra springs for a 2000 model Fender Strat (Mexican Ed.).
* Cheap Tuner
* 3 packs of D'Addario strings (Only the best...)
* No name guitar tuner in standard key (E).
* Mechanical Pencils.

That's all I can think of.
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Postby Rashiir » Mon Aug 18, 2003 4:25 pm

I was kidding about it being the inspired Word of God...
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Postby DoMiNiQuE » Mon Aug 18, 2003 4:28 pm

alright.. i like this question.. :D

in my backpack right now:

-Binder full of a folder, pencils, pens, scedhule, and paper
-5 subject notbook for US history full of boring notes.. blah. (well there kinda interesting...)
-File Folder full of pictures of Tom Felton (hehe.. dont ask.), some paper...
-Key for my home
-Portable CD Player that has Coldplay: A rush of blood to the head... ( I LOVE THAT CD!!!) :grin:
- some junk... aka trash... dunno from where.. :/
-Sponge Bob, Square Pants Playing cards... Whee. :D
-A spoon from todays lunch... hehe

thats it!!

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Postby Gypsy » Mon Aug 18, 2003 4:32 pm

Cards & a spoon ... woo hoo!
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Postby Gypsy » Mon Aug 18, 2003 4:36 pm

Rashiir wrote:I was kidding about it being the inspired Word of God...

Oh ... *smacks Rashiir upside the head*

Why? Because I can. ;)
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Postby Rashiir » Mon Aug 18, 2003 6:38 pm

You'd better watch out or I'll strike you with said inspired Word of God!!!
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Postby shooraijin » Mon Aug 18, 2003 7:17 pm

I'm boring. I hardly ever have a backpack with me anymore, just a wallet most of the time (and sometimes a Palm Pilot if I'm going to be sitting somewhere waiting -- call it a socially acceptable Game Boy with the illusion of redeeming business value).
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Postby Link Antilles » Mon Aug 18, 2003 8:22 pm

Backpack, eh?

Ok, boring school stuff:
3 Notebooks
5 Textbooks
3 Binders
Several folders
That advanced Calculator that's overpriced

Anti-boredom stuff:
GBA SP usually w/
- Advance Wars
- Zelda
- Tatics Ogre
- Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
CD Player
Pens, Pencils and Sketch book
Dune (my favorite book!)

When I'm outta School I usually just carry my wallet, two knives, watch, and GBA SP w/ a random game.
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Postby Saint » Mon Aug 18, 2003 8:42 pm

Well for College:
tons of mech. pencils and pens.
Change for vending machines.
Class books and notebooks.
CHAPSTICK (i carry my regular tube in my pocket... but what if it ran out??? being a Chap addict, running out would be torture).
GBA:SP with Advance Wars 2 (but i will have a bunch of new ones come Sept. 1st).
*with a Vash keychain on the zipperpull. (was Wolfwood first, but my 2 year old cousin liked it so much i let her have it as a toy. Her dad asked why his daughter was running around with a little guy with a cross and cigarette. I just want her to grow up right). ;)

For Jujitsu:
some pens,
CHAPSTICK. (this is a must).
Spare shirt,
New Skin (liquid bandage).
*had a Vash keychain, but is currently looking for a new tenant.
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Postby LorentzForce » Mon Aug 18, 2003 11:37 pm

School Bag

Main Compartment

-Extension 1 Math Book for Yr 11
-a black umbrallela
-a cap with NY on it
-saw with replacable blade/saw. why is it in here?
-a red flat lego piece

First Compartment

-book called Scales of Justice; it's my english class text
-blue pen
-custom modified and overclocked(?) scientific calculator
-looney tunes pencil
-a rubber/eraser with a balanced chemical equation on it

Frontest Compartment

-AA sized battery <-- technically, it's a cell :)
-a small nylon gear

there are two more compartments, but they are empty.

as for that, i need a new bag :P
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Postby Technomancer » Tue Aug 19, 2003 4:51 am

Not much at the moment:

"Wonderful Life" by Stephen Jay Gould (to be returned to the library)
An "Inspector Morse" video (library again)
pencil sharpener
empty HMV bag
several old grocery receipts
The scientific method," Thomas Henry Huxley once wrote, "is nothing but the normal working of the human mind." That is to say, when the mind is working; that is to say further, when it is engaged in corrrecting its mistakes. Taking this point of view, we may conclude that science is not physics, biology, or chemistry—is not even a "subject"—but a moral imperative drawn from a larger narrative whose purpose is to give perspective, balance, and humility to learning.

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Postby andyroo » Tue Aug 19, 2003 7:48 pm

I don't have a clue what's in my back pack. Just school stuff; nothing all too important (some may think otherwise). I do have another backpack that I take with me if I am traveling city to city though. It has alot of the stuff that I normally use at "home", mostly reference books and a manga or novel every so often.

The wallet and keys thing are understood.
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Postby DuelShocker3 » Wed Aug 20, 2003 5:36 pm

Mine is so boring. Since I start school again in a few weeks.

*4 binders with loads of paper
*Machanical Pencils and pens
*A small spirial notebook
*My Palm
*Algebratic Calculator
*2 small notebooks
*Change for vending machines

I plan to add much more to it. Including manga to read during study hall. :)
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Postby Shinja » Wed Aug 20, 2003 6:32 pm

wow some of yall have alot of stuff in your back pack, i wonder whatb all i carry why dont we go find out, i make going to school fun....

hmm lets see ive got 2 school class books- math and welness (yuck), all my enrollment information, a notebook 3 subjects, a grafing pad mostly full of drawings done during class, a zip disk and a claculator, and some mechanicle pencils. i was carrying 2 5/6/.75 aluminm blocks in there for a while but figured i wasnt going to do anything with em so why carry all that extra weight

so there you have it a brief look into the life of the shinja
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Postby Spazzy-chan » Wed Aug 20, 2003 7:27 pm

My babysitting backpack is most fun so lets go through that:
front pocket:
~cup of mardigras coins
~mardigras beads
~house keys with a blue bell(so i won't loose it :sweat: )
Main compartment
~bent fork I got in self-defense class
~mini toothpaste(don't ask me how it got in there)
~magic markers
~colored pencils
~Silly Songs veggie tales cd (the one thing no babysitter could do without :thumb: )
~ big bag o' beads
~Lisa Frank puzzle
~3-d glasses
~washable rubber stamp ink and stamper
~pez despencer(to keep me awake me, suger+ lil' buggers= AHHHH)

ehehe, that's about it
:hug: SPAZZZZY-CHAN :hug:
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Postby majanthehun » Thu Aug 21, 2003 11:40 am

im not going back to school, so i'll list stuff in my car-

passenger floor:

laguna slippers
black/white slippers
adidas for work
about 8 pairs of dirty socks from work
two unused pairs of socks
an apple (Gala... mmmm....)
Breakfast squares from Quaker oatmeal (good work food)
three empty water bottles.
enough big red gum (the only stuff i chew) to last me a lifetime
random scraps of paper

in the center holder:
spare change
my paycheck... i should probably deposit that.
coupla bandanas for my hair
coupla scrunchies for my hair

and depending on where i'm going, the following list is either in my car or on my bedroom floor:
my copy of Pilgrim's Progress
my abriged copy of Pilgirm's Progress
my moderinized copy of Pilgrim's Progress
my script for PP
other written scripts from PP
my PP notes from Turbocat/Gypsy/Ashley
about nine spiral notebooks containing more PP stuff, my own writings, and random inspirations
my sketch book
my writing pencils, my sketching pencils, my inking pens, my writing pens, my erasers, my pencil sharpener, markers, colored pencils, other art supplies.

oh yeah, about twelve things of chapstick scattered throughout my car, pants pockets, and room. (i buy one, stick it in my pocket, think iv'e lost it and buy another)

i think thats it... i'm pretty sure i could live out of my car for a week or so.
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Postby Saint » Thu Aug 21, 2003 1:11 pm

Lots of chapstick. A very wise choice, majan. ;)
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Postby majanthehun » Thu Aug 21, 2003 2:18 pm

its all about the chapstick... :grin:
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Postby blue elf » Thu Aug 21, 2003 2:19 pm

Well, since I'm not in school and haven't started any college yet, I'll just list what's in my pocket book, which happens to be one of those mini back pack things at the moment:
Keys with a bunch of various keychains including one of Vash and Kaiba. lol
A corduroy wallet with a little flower print on it
2 AA batteries
A zip up spongebob planner with my checkbook, addresses and some other similar stuff in it.
2 ink pens
chapstick, well I usually carry that in my pocket, but sometimes it's in my purse. ^^
A renewal for my PSM magazine that I need to mail. lol
A gameboy advance with one of those little worm lights and a Zelda gameboy color game, Golden Sun 2, Megaman & Bass, and Castlevania:Aria of Sorrow and Harmony of Dissonance
And some old receipts and stuff like that
Nokia cell phone
Occasionally I carry a deck of cards too ( I have a Gundam Wing deck that I really like ^^)
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Postby Rashiir » Thu Aug 21, 2003 3:34 pm

Wa-wait. Two Chap-Addicts!?!
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Postby Spencer » Thu Aug 21, 2003 3:55 pm

err, not too much interesting stuff, but for the nosy ones...

- Chaotic unorganized binder that stays closed for a reason
- CD Player
- CD Wallet with RHCP, Relient K, Beach Boys, blink 182, Linkin Park, and Vertical Horizon
- Lotsa pencils with big erasers
- pad of paper
- extra batteries for CD Player
- a random guitar pick
- penguin stuff (lots)
- loose change and maybe a bill
- A book, likely with a bizarre title (past titles include The Pigman and Me, Parrot in the Oven, It's Like This, Cat, The Cat Ate my Gymsuit...The list goes on.)

Not much, but that's about it.
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Postby Gypsy » Thu Aug 28, 2003 4:03 pm

*Cracks fingers*
Ok, analyzing time! This is what I learned about you guys (don't take this too seriously. Most of it won't make sense.)

Respectively according to posts:

Obviously a traveling musician to the core. You're very thorough and don't like to be unprepared, and that's why you have a binder crammed full of music, extra pencils, tuners, picks and strings. You're also musically adaptive, because all the pencils you have for making notes on the music in case of a sudden change. You're a creative survivalist because you use credit card picks.
Your title "Primed Musician"

DoMiNiQuE I think that's the first time I've ever used sticky caps...
You really do enjoy learning, but you also like to mix it up with a good dose of fun. I have no idea who Tom Felton is, but when I did an image search on him, I deduced that you have very odd taste in guys ... You seem to have a short, yet varied attention span, but there's also a solid layer of responsibility.
Your title "Blithe Student"

By your post I would have to say that you are pretty confident with what you'll need/want for the day, and you can easily kick your feet up when the time is appropriate
Your title Relaxed Minimalist"

Link Antilles
You strike me as someone who doesn't get that big of a kick out of school, unless it's lunchtime. However, you obviously like to use your noggin' because of the strategy games and book. You probably have your think-pattern headed in the creative direction regardless of what you're supposed to be focusing on - a blessing and a curse at the same time.
Your title"Displaced Contemplator"

You seem to have a fascination with writing utensils. I'm going out on a limb here and guessing that they're probably the cool-looking mech. pencils and pens, and as everyone knows, you can never have too many of those. You think ahead, but not too far ahead. You've formed a sort of identity with anime, but not on the unhealthy scale. Another anime fan would recognize you right away because of the keychain, but a non-anime fan really wouldn't think much of it. This also makes you approachable to most people. Also, you can pretty much take care of yourself, but probably don't go around letting others know that you could make them one with the concrete.
Your title "Undeclared Ally"

You are also of the prepared type, whether it be just rain or a complete power outage. Your mind is usually very focused, but you also give it a rest once in a while for some universal fun. You're probably looking out for new interests all the time, and you'll have room to accommodate them. You can see room for improvement all over the place, but you don't stress about it and you give the improvements a helping hand whenever it's convenient for you.
Your title "The Concentrated Intellect"

You're the type that doesn't need many material things. Rather, you're always looking at the world around you from a philosophic view. You look for opportunities to sharpen your mind and your perspective, and then look for ways to apply what you've found. You don't put a great importance on your past, but rather your future.
Your title "Ranger of Insight"

You strike me as a "let the world hit me full in the face - I'm ready" kind of guy. You don't need much, you know it, and you embrace the fact. You realize that you're not the only person on earth and are sensitive to it - making you uncomplicated and straightforward.
Your title "Unfeigned Confidant"

You are constantly seeing room for change and improvement - mostly in yourself. You're probably hardly ever content with how you come across to people, and often wonder if they're really getting the "real you." You're also responsible to a fault, but mostly because people expect you to be. However, this dependableness is something that people love about you.
Your title "Constant Reconditioner"

You're always looking for the practical solution, but often end up finding it the hard way. However, you learn from these occurrences and use them to your advantage. You don't want to miss out on anything in life, but you're also careful to not bog yourself down with activities. Your interests in life are wide and varied, and you can find something you like just about anywhere. This includes personality traits in various people.
Your title "Searching Resolution"

You seem to be all about fun. If it's not fun, why bother with it, right? One of those "why walk when you can run/dance/cartwheel" sort of people. You do have a serious side that is constantly backing the fun, giving you a charming sense of haphazard responsibility.
Your title "Sparkles"

You are very kind to people who mistake you (online) for a guy. ... Still sorry about that. Anyway, you know what you like and why you like it. If other people have a problem with that ... well, it's not your problem, is it? You take great comfort in familiar things, and they even become part of your identity, but you're never afraid to try anything once. Within reason, of course. When put great value in finishing things - and finishing them right. You're mind is usually one step ahead of you, but you always catch up when you need to. You're relaxed and seem to value the simple things in life.
Your title "Unfaltering Virtue"

Blue Elf
You love to be trendy, but you're far from superficial. You delight in small, compact things. You like to be able to have control over most situations, but you don't like the weight of heavy decision making. You like the inner workings of relationships, but sometimes it just gets too serious for you and you want to bust out with some unhindered fun. People probably get the wrong first impression of you, but you amaze them later with the "real you."
Your title "Harbor of Magnetism"

I can easily picture you bummin' on a beach somewhere. You'd probably be barefoot and strumming a weathered looking guitar too. I would assume that your living quarters are rather ... unfastidious, but not without some foreign sense of order. You take life in your own relaxed strides.
Your title "Stranded Surfer"

*Laughs* Although it was a joke ... just how close did I come?
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Postby Shinja » Thu Aug 28, 2003 4:22 pm

thats awsome ill never understand how my backpack explaned that to you, :thumb:
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Postby Michael » Thu Aug 28, 2003 4:29 pm

You don't want to know what's in my backpack.

It's in the corner of my room...lurking

It's always there...waiting.

I expect it to strangle me in my sleep some day.

So I don't sleep.

It's always there...

And I think it stole my Trombone cleaning kit too...
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Postby Bunny » Thu Aug 28, 2003 4:55 pm

Hope it's not too late to throw in what I have. It took me long enough right?
Well, we're not allowed to carry our backpacks from class to class so I'll just describe what I do carry around.

* Black 2 inch Spanish binder, carefully divided and filtered just right with lots of spare paper on the teacher's request. Front cover is decorated with some concept art I did. (Don't ask me to show because, sadly, I have nothing to do so with.)
* White 1 1/2 inch binder for civics decorated with various spur-of-the-moment abstract little drawings. Filled with worksheets, homework, and reviews. Not-so-neat as the last one.
* Red 1 inch binder for physics. Also decorated with some abstract stuff and a strawberry shortcake patch as a momento to my childhood. Just has papers clipped in. Usually not in any particular order but I know where everything is and it's not like my teacher cares. :rolls_eye
* Green geometry notebook with a few sections that really don't matter as I blend everything together anways. There's little doodles along the edges of nearly all the notes. Drawing angles just doesn't satisfy me I suppose.
* And of course various school books that get toted around nearly all day as I can only go to my locker twice during the day.

I also tote around my purse everywhere-
* big pocket- pencil holder thingy filled with all sorts of pencils, pens, white-out, giant eraser push-up things, and different neato little writing utensils (there mainly for my pleasure). Also, lotion, hand sanitizer, (our bathrooms don't always have paper towels) gum, and candy to keep me occupied/awake. Usually there's some trash too. Also, a camera and a clip-on carebear plushie that gets abused often and is thus in my bag and not on it.
* sub-large pocket- sunglasses, wallet, a highlighter, *puts in proper case* flash cards for civics, hair bands, and some bracelets that got annoying earlier in the day and just had to come off.
* front zipper- a pen *also puts in proper case* notes from youth group, my house key, a scripture card from this cute guy in my class, $5, and more trash.
Something also worth noting would be my buttons that are pinned in random places on the front of my purse. Most of which are of bands, or 80's cartoons, or just funny. (Heh, my Gonzo for President button.)

I do have a book bag that contains a couple of journals that I write some thoughts in from time to time in between classes and in homeroom. Other than that it only holds homework on the way home and back. Oh, and various cd's! How did I ever forget that?
"So David said to Michal, "It was before the LORD, who chose me instead of your father and all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the LORD, over Israel. Therefore I will play music before the LORD. And I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight. But as for the maidservants of whom you have spoken, by them I will be held in honor."

2 Samuel 6: 21&22

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Postby andyroo » Thu Aug 28, 2003 5:33 pm

I'm with Shinja. But did you take a personality test before writing all that up?
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Postby shooraijin » Thu Aug 28, 2003 6:25 pm

> to be seen carrying a lowly student's "backpack."

Actually, since I'm on day call tomorrow I'll probably have one for my clothes, with a padlock so I can throw it in the locker area and not have it ripped off ;-) (love county hospitals).
"you're a doctor.... and 27 years.... so...doctor + 27 years = HATORI SOHMA" - RoyalWing, when I was 27
"Al hail the forum editting Shooby! His vibes are law!" - Osaka-chan

I could still be champ, but I'd feel bad taking it away from one of the younger guys. - George Foreman
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