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Space Channel 5

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 3:38 pm
by Gypsy
Ok, I know that Aaron and Steve are probably laughing at me already.

After convincing him that I could not survive the wait for Soul Caliber 2, my good friend lent me his Dreamcast. Being the generous soul that he is, he also packed lots of games with it. One of them was Space Channel 5.

At first, I only took time to laugh at the concept of the game, along with the name of the main character. Then I put it in and tried it. Somewhere between laughing at the music and being impressed with the smooth graphics and motion captures ... I found that I had been playing the game for 2 hours. What's more, I liked it quite a lot.

What do you guys think. Is it deceptively addictive, or am I not nuts and it really is a fun game?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 8:48 pm
by shooraijin
You are not nuts. I saw it in the bargain bin for $5 and said even though it looks kooky I can't pass it up, and I ended up blowing an entire afternoon on it. That big pink blob moved too erratically for me, though (just because I dance erratically in real life doesn't mean I can match erratic dance moves ;) ).

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 2:36 pm
by Gypsy
Good! Always nice to know you're not crazy. My brother told me last night that a Japanese Pop singer is suing the makers of the game, because I guess Ulala matches her looks and dance moves. I have no idea where he got his info, but I found that interesting.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:07 pm
by shooraijin
I wouldn't be surprised. It really has a very J-Pop style to it.

One thing the game does very well is blend pre-rendered backgrounds with the characters. It really does do a very good job showing off the DC's capabilities. How far did you get, anyway?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 8:19 pm
by Gypsy
Beginning of the second level ... (I had to re-do the first level so many times because my rating was really low). I was playing fine until I started thinking about what I was doing. Somehow it's easier to play that game with half your brain shut off. All you need is your ears, thumbs, and you eyelids to blink once and a while.

My final attempt to rescue hostages went something like this:

Up down up up ... left left left up down ... ... up up ... right up right down down ... up shoot left shoot shoot ...*Gypsy tips over in a death-like state while still grasping the DC controller*

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2003 12:12 pm
by Stephen think ya know Ami is gonna be a DDR fan...*eye roll*

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2003 2:07 pm
by Lightbringer
I spent a few minutes on that game..... and more watching it cause Sam liked it so much.... erg . the game definatly has a fun factor but man.... i hate the music. And it dosn't help my butten presses are always off EVEN THOUGH THEY LOOK RIGHT TO ME!!!.

Lightbringer // Aaron

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2003 3:14 pm
by shooraijin
That *did* drive me nuts -- you actually have to be a tad bit *ahead* of the beat in order to properly do some sequences, which is somewhat irritating.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2003 10:32 pm
by Gypsy
I'd like to try DDR ...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 8:51 am
by shooraijin
DDR is available for PS2, isn't it? (Haven't checked.)

PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 11:52 pm
by BrianC
I used to have this game, but I tried to buffer the disc and it stopped working. I loved it, though. It was a very fun rythm game. I prefer DDR, though. DDR is on PS2, but I only have the first PSX version. I don't even have PS2 yet.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 8:25 am
by Mithrandir
Shoo showed me this one once. That was enough. :) I guess I just can't deal with these kinds of games because my brain's rythm lobe was cross wired to my william shatner dramatic reading node from watching too much Star Trek.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 9:44 am
by Gypsy
Hate it when that happens.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 7:59 pm
by shooraijin
He does that a lot. It's easier to understand if you know him personally. :grin:

PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 5:42 pm
by Fsiphskilm
"Is that a Robot? I can't tell.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 7:20 pm
by shooraijin
Well, obviously, as you can see from the above, I have SC5 for the DC. Haven't had much time to play *anything* on the DC lately though ... I was intending to sink some serious time in on Grandia 2 but that sort of went by the wayside.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 9:13 pm
by Icarus
I fully intend to get part II for the PS2. Once I have money.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 9:56 pm
by Fsiphskilm
Ahh well I have something to

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 7:50 pm
by Icarus
Volt wrote:Ahh well I have something to tell ya... It's NOT Space Channel 5 Part 2....Oh no. that's a misconception. It's NOT a sequal in any way...

Space Channel 5 Special Edition

At for only $12.35 everywhere else $29.99

They Sold Out :waah!:

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:21 am
by Fsiphskilm
sold out.