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So why is this moving?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:30 pm
by Wolfsong
I'm not sure what thread to put this in, so I hope here's okay.

Spoilers if you haven't played Dissidia FF!

Kefka is one of my all-time favorite villains, particularly of the Final Fantasy series. My older brother especially loves the character. The entire game was totally awesome, and Kefka kept us amused throughout the whole thing.
And now...I get to watch him die. And he's being thoughtful as he does it.
Not sure how to take that XD Just doesn't seem like Kefka...

Re: So why is this moving?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 10:03 pm
by Dante
I think it's a deeper view into Kefka's motives, which seem moving perhaps because Kefka, unlike many other villains, isn't motivated by grand dreams of power, wealth or extravagance. To the contrary, this conversation actually seems to reveal a person motivated by madness itself, which Kefka pursues simply to cope with the pain of being alive. Kefka can't even imagine himself "wanting" anything, he instead feels that the only ultimate fate of everything is destruction, that his life is meaningless and the only purpose he can create for himself worth pursuing is to destroy everything and everyone... That, to Kefka, is the only reason to be alive. Which is a pretty hideous fate, really. Even if he wins, he'll never be happy, he'll just validate his own eternal misery. Kefka is living within the hell inside of his head, whether he wins, or whether he loses.

(As a side note, Kefka's pain and motivations almost remind me a bit of Asura from soul eater, both of whom use madness to cope with the pain of being alive, both are also really great villains because of this.)

Re: So why is this moving?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:02 am
by mechana2015
Moved to video games. Please put threads in proper categories.