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Pokemon Black and White! All new pokemon revealed (spoilers)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:08 pm
by Rocketshipper
Well, here they are, a list of every new pokemon from the new Pokemon BW games.
There are a bunch of them that I think look really cool. I can;t wait to play this game now. I'm already kind of thinking of what team I might want.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:21 pm
by Nate
WOTTER EVOLVES INTO THAT? Crap! Now I look like an idiot for insulting it!
I will however say another Fire/Fighting starter? SERIOUSLY? After the last two generations? Come on Game Freak geez.
And what's up with the stats? Those are the WORST STARTERS EVER. Seriously the Grass final has good speed and has strong defense and weak attack? And the Fire/Water have crap speed and crap defense? WHAT GOOD IS A SLOW DEFENSIVELY WEAK POKEMON GAME FREAK WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?
Sigh. Looks like putting the starters in the box and never touching them after you get GOOD Pokemon is the only way to go this gen.
So aside from the absolutely STUPID starters this generation, there's a lot of other interesting looking stuff, including a Bug legendary for the first time? Pretty neat.
Oh yeah. One other thing. Ononokusu? TOTAL. FRIGGIN'. HAX. A pure dragon type with MOLD BREAKER that has a 147 attack and 97 speed? And people think Garchomp is overpowered!
PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:28 pm
by Peanut
Nate (post: 1425094) wrote:Sigh. Looks like putting the starters in the box and never touching them after you get GOOD Pokemon is the only way to go this gen.
So what you're saying is we've gone back to generation 3...gosh darn it...
PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:29 pm
by CrimsonRyu17
The amount of grass, flying and bug types pleases me greatly.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:50 pm
by Nate
Peanut wrote:So what you're saying is we've gone back to generation 3...gosh darn it...
Yeah it's such a shame after Generation 4's starters. Infernape was AWESOME, Torterra was pretty good despite its huge weaknesses, and Empoleon wasn't bad.
This Gen however we have a crappy plain Grass type that's fast with strong defense and weak attack (yeah THAT'S useful), ANOTHER FREAKING FIRE/FIGHTING that's worse than Infernape and Blaziken in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY, and a water type that's slow with strong attack and weak defense (yeah, THAT'S useful).
Worst. Starters. EVER.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:54 pm
by Rocketshipper
I'm probably going to choose the fire starter, because it looks the coolest.
Some of those pokemon look really weird. Especially that one that has lances for hands, and the ice cream cone pokemon O_O. But some of them look really cool too. I usually end up just choosing a team of pokemon that I think look interesting, without too much concern for type or stats, since I don't play competitively.
I'm a bit dissapointed that we don't seem to have *any* pre-evolutions or new evolutions for old pokemon. Unless they're hiding them. Emonga really should have been a patchirisu evo I think.
I think my favorites of the new pokemon would be the Yooteri line, the Futsude line, Monmon line, Marakachii, Bachuru line, Tesshido line, Furiijio, Baffuron, and Urugamosu
The legends are all kind of "meh" except the bug type one.
Edit: the new female character on the BW anime has a Kibago as her partner. It would be cool if it could fully evolve. Probably not likely...but then again, she is the 8th gym leader ^^.