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flight sims

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2003 9:30 pm
by Shinja
i know most people probably dont play these, but i used to be an aircraft junkie. if you play any whats your favorite. mine are microsofts combat flight sims.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 8:09 am
by Gypsy
I never really got into them, but my brothers love them. Actually - there was one game that I loved to death. Tachyon: The Fringe! That game was the greatest for the computer! Bruce Campbell did the main char's voice in that game. It played out like a space/flight sim rpg! Anyone ever hear of it before?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 4:23 pm
by madphilb
I've been considering picking up Tachyon for a while... I should see if EB still has the used one on hand. I'll need to get a new game controller for my PC if I do that.

I've not been too much into standard flight sims (or even the combat type ones), mostly because they're too easy to crash.

For Space Combat sims, well.... the Decent: Freespace series is about the best there is (well, I still need to find me a copy of #2).

A good helecopter sim would be good.... most of what I've played that way is REAL old skool (THX and the original Comanche).


PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 4:40 pm
by andyroo
Well I haven't played any of the PC flight sims, but have played one for the Dreamcast. It's called Aerowings. Free flight mode can get kinda boring to me though.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 6:09 pm
by Lightbringer
Flight sims....... well let me sum up my flight sim skill with this colorful sentence.


if you're any good at a flight sim, you win a cookie.

Lightbringer // Aaron

PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 3:53 am
by Straylight
The hardest thing about flight sims is trying to land. Then when you've learned that, try learning to land on an aircraft carrier :/

Taking off is pretty hard too -- I usually end up in the sea :stressed:

PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 8:49 am
by Gypsy
No kidding! Ever played the NES version of Top Gun? Landing was next to impossible!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 8:52 am
by Straylight
The best "flight sims" I ever played were the orgininal Wing Commander games 1 and 2

Awesome story, and really fun missions

PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2003 9:19 pm
by madphilb
Sadly, while I own both, they play way to fast on anything even vaguely recent as far as computer hardware goes. Almost makes me wish for my old 286 /w EGA graphics back so I could play them.

The recommended solution is to use MoSlow (or something like it), but those programs only deal with processor cycles, not video timing (which is where I run into problems)... something about how fast it writes to video memory I think.

I've got a copy of WC3 (I think) here that won't run under Win98, and I've played WC4 (which suffered from some of the worst controller configuration next to any MS produced game).

The great thing about the WC series is that the game changed based on how you did playing it. The first time I played through we went home with our tails between our legs (so to speak) and I never flew anything except the 1st two ships. Imagine my surprise when I played the 2nd time and did much better (and got to see some of the other fighters you could pilot).

It would be nice if they updated the old WC series with current technology (much like Freespace/Starlancer games). *sigh*